
To break a collar?

Follow Derric as he abruptly goes from a simple farm worker to a newfound toy for a mysterious woman that captures him for her pleasure. This is a lewd centered story that I'm writing as a fun project or so for me to do, it will contain various interests of mine as well as possible requested things if this happens to gain any fraction of traction... heh... anyway I have next to no idea if this is something I'll continue, but given how I'm enjoying writing it I think ill try for at least 20 chapters. Also, any writing tips are appreciated

Confused_Foresight · 奇幻
6 Chs

A Test of Will.

As the emotions became stale and drifted from his mind Derric would rise to his feet, he'd turn to face the door from whence he came. The thick steam obscuring his form as he moved to open the heavy red cedar door, if it wasn't for his current circumstance he'd have found the waters rejuvenating. With a deep breath Derric would swing the door open. Taking steps out to the far colder room would be sobering compared to the residual warmth of the hot spring. Derric would continue forward into the black and white contrasted room. As he spied around he'd notice a peculiar outfit resting upon the bed of Astria, one that looked far too small for the Amazonian Kit she was. Derric would spy a folded piece of parchment next to them, curiosity certainly got the better of him as he picked it up and began to read

"Wait what?!"

Derrics face was one of shock as he poured over the hand writting, he'd speak in protest without thought. A new found sinking sensation would form in his chest as he imagined the words in Astrias voice.

"Hey my sweet baby boy! Momma has a lovely new gift for you. I picked out an absolutely adorable outfit for my cutie! I'm so excited to see you wearing it! Be a good boy for mommy and put it on as soon as you read this. It will even let you exit the room once worn, isn't magic just amazing baby?"

Turning his attention back to the outfit upon display, one that he was supposed to wear. the item that he felt the most apprehension about was a bright red pair of soft lace panties.

"D-do I have to wear these? I... I... I fear what could happen if I don't... but do I really have to swallow my pride and wear this?"

Even saying the words swallow and pride made him think back to the encounter with Astria and her powerful member, the remembered sensation of taste got Derric's mouth watering and his throat feeling needy in a way. Both memories Derric found greatly troubling despite the pleasurable emotions tied to them.

"I'll do what I have to do... to escape"

Derric's shakey conviction was held together by spit and dreams but he'd reach out and grab that pair of bright red panties. Despite being of a very soft, comfortable, and light fabric Derric considered them to be one of the heaviest things he'd ever lifted. Slipping his feet into the holes of the undergarment and pulling them up to around his waist was surprisingly pleasant. The way the fabric touched his skin gently and felt so wonderful upon his balls and cock was relieving in a way. Also a bit relieving as it fit over his mind-boggling large rump. Twisting his body to look back at how it gripped against his ass made it clear the panties were made to show off the posterior Derric had. Now it was the next item, or items... a pair of black stockings, Derric had seen stockings before and found them attractive. So he felt especially awkward putting them on, but Derric followed through, placing his feet into them like socks and pulling them high. The stockings being thighhighs and by some magical means stayed perfectly in place at the midpoint to his thiccc thighs.

"Okay... we are through the first two... we have done it... they are on... now what about the rest"

Looking wearily towards the next item upon this seemingly tailor made humiliation made Derric's despair all the more palpable. A bright red mini skirt, Derric sighed aloud and began. Looking to gain some momentum he'd quickly pull the mini skirt up around his waist and braced for the results. A quick swishing of his hips side to side gave the sensation that he'd almost put nothing on. His now tightly compacted package barely poked out below the fine scarlet mini skirt... his ass however was barely covered at all. The entire bottom half of his inestimable deriere, the lower section of bodacious badonkadonk he boasted whilst covered by adorable red panties was exposed. That existential dread and crippling humiliation that mixed like a cocktail in his stomach put quite the hampering upon whatever determination was left within him. Reaching forward and placing a hand upon the final item to reveal a pink belly shirt, a exceedingly soft satiny type sensation. The skin feel alone would be a reason to wear it, if not for the exposed midriff. Derric would swallow one last attempt at refusing the getup and would slip the belly shirt on, his smooth abbless torso partially exposed.

"Okay... you did it... you're wearing the items... now to see if you really can trust her... okay you got this Derric... you got this"

taking trembling steps toward the hefty metalic door derric would feel like he'd just slapped a sign upon his back that said whore; please ravage me. As he reached out and touched the ferric barrier it would quickly pulse with a gentle blue spark. Moments later the door would carefully drift open revealing the open stone pathway upon the other side, whatever stony illusion having dissipated before hand. Glee would overtake Derric as he'd bound forward and out onto the path, only with a blur of motion a cloaked figure would stand in his way.

"Ahh!!! what... where!?"

Derric would eek out, his surprise causing him to fall flat upon his cushioned tookus as he reactively moved backwards. The cloaked figure was short and sturdy in build, a wide stocky frame that while not specifically built for show muscle the just natural shape meant power. The physical strength the individual likely had quickly quashed the hopes of escape for poor Derric. Just as Derric was to climb to his feet the figure would reach out and offer a beefy bronze scalled hand to aid him.

"Well hello there laddie, didn't mean to scare you there but I was told to address you as soon as you exited and I might have been stuck in my own mind thinking about novel ideas... anyhow let's get you to your feet and off to Astria, she'll be returning within the hour if I kept track of time right! at least I think I did"

Derric was more taken back by how this individuals voice just brought images of Plad clothing into his mind, how it was also almost melodic in nature. Derric's mind got back in line and he'd hesitantly take the bronze scaled hand. With absolute ease Derric would be hefted onto his feet, he didn't even need to use leverage before he was standing upright.

"I... you... uhm... you're Drakeblood?"

Derric would find himself speaking before he even had the thought of asking it. His eyes widening and his hand covering his mouth as he realised what he just said.

"Yup... what's the... what's that look for... does... does my breath stink?"

The figure would raise its other hand to the mouth hidden in the cloak and exhale followed by a raising of the hand tailed by the easily identifiable sound of sniffing. quickly interjecting with his own words Derric would begin to speak

"No thats... its... I just haven't seen a Drakeblood before thought I was being insensitive"

A stiffled chuckle followed by a breakout laughter would resound from the figure a full belly laughter that echoed off the stoney cavern walls and eventually out to the sea

"Oh that's golden... well laddie I don't particularly care about insensitivity... you're aware of this group profession right? We wouldn't be as successful as we are if we were worried about stepping on toes. We'd either all have been hanged long ago or something else... I don't know what else really... but nevermind."

The figure would motion down the pathway ahead of them, almost in a gentle bow of respect as the guided Derric on their way.

"I'm Chekker by the way, well its what I've grown accustomed to be called anyway. I'm your assigned body guard for when Astria isn't around. She wants to have someone there to ensure you aren't taken by a particularly jealous member of the crew. So when she's out and about ill be here to keep watch"

The unlikely duo would make their way towards the main core of the hideout, Derrick having to un-g-string the panties as they walked.