
Time the pirate and the elf

When I first saw him he was fire, when I cared for him he was cold, but when he rose from the ashes he became my sun. Your fate was settled the moment you had that dream, when raven hair and a freackled face stole your sleep. Little did you know it wasn't all he would take. But can someone be saved who has run out of time? And if it's possible, are you willing to pay the price? This AcexReader fanfiction is set in the world of One Piece most characters belong to Oda not me!

Mysode · 奇幻言情
20 Chs

Chapter 11 / revelation


"Y/N! Wake up! You shouldn't be sleeping in on a beautiful day like this!"

"Yeah yeah, I'm up."

Yawning I got out of bed and basically sleep walked into my bathroom. My rhythm of sleep was still screwed up from staying up to ungodly hours treating Ace and thus getting out of bed in the morning was still pretty hard.

I turned on the faucet and splashed the cold water into my face.

Ah, now it's a good morning. Time to start the day. I'll better be productive. Lou will kick my ass if I spend another lazy day this week.

I grinned to myself while changing into some workout clothes and stepping out onto my balcony.

The cool soothing wind caressed my skin providing the last refreshment my body needed to wake up fully. I let my eyes glide over my beloved island as a warm feeling of tranquility spread in my heart.

Ukuthula island was a sky island that I had been calling my home for the past 257 years.

It was my homebase, my safe space and a place where Lou and I could freely live, learn and research without fearing to be hunted down.

What made this island perfect for us two was that it wasn't connected to other sky islands and therefore constantly changed its location with the wind. In addition to that you needed some sort of air transportation to reach the island.

However what truly made me fall in love with this place was it's beauty. Ukuthula island was a volcano island. A mountain overgrown with a luscious tropical forests, hot springs and beaches connecting shores full of sky corals with the jungle on land.

I had build my house on the higher end of the eastern mountain slope, a (f/s) mansion filled with souvenirs of all of my travels and adventures.

My room was located on the seaside of the second floor and had a personal balcony attached to it from where I could overlook the entire island aswell as the beautiful white ocean.

It was fascinating to watch the white sea's patterns change.

At times huge holes formed through which I could look down onto the blue sea. I loved those moments.

Seeing the blue sea shine through the white one was thrilling and always got me into a motivated and adventurous mood.

This morning was one of these times and I could feel how the sparkling blue feel spread new anticipation for what the day would hold.

I breathed in deeply, letting the fresh morning air fill my lungs and the fragrance of the sea heighten my spirits.

Looking at the sunrise I smiled.

Lou is a lucky girl. If this sunrise wasn't so beautiful I would probably be on my way to kill her for waking me up this early.

With a swift movement I tied my hair up into a ponytail (skip that if your hair is too short) and began my extensive workout routine.


Ace's POV

No more.

How long have I been walking these burned paths? Months? Years?

I will go crazy if I stay here any longer.

Even Impel Down was better than this.

I was bored, angry and absolutely helpless. I had been stuck in this maze for forever, not being able to do anything but walk, think and talk to myself.

I couldn't even use my devil fruit powers.

Did I die?

Is this hell?

No way hell should be a hot place where people are burned for their sins.

This place is cold. And lonely.

Surely I'm not the only one who ever went to hell.

Then again this has become my personal hell. Maybe every bad person is tortured in a nightmare space tailored to them.


I wonder if that Lady is going to come again soon?

Whenever I thought I was about to go crazy a female voice began to talk to me. It was weird I could hear her and feel that she was somewhere close by but I couldn't see her. She on the other hand didn't seem to be able to hear me, as she never responded to me, but she still seemed to deliberately come to talk to me regularly.

I had lost all sense of time, so I had no idea how much time passed between her 'visits'. However they had become something I looked forward to as they were the only thing bringing some variety to my grey surroundings.

In fact if it weren't for her visits I would have long given up.

She kept telling me not to give up, to continue fighting, to get better, to try to live. I couldnt help but wonder why a stranger would care so much about what happened to me.

I wonder who that woman is.



"20 minutes I'm getting better."

I had just finished my morning run with a new high score.

"Nothing in this world can destroy my mood today!"

I hadn't been in such a good mood in a very long time and the day just kept getting better and better.

Humming I made my way to the kitchen from where a delicious sent was wafting through the air.

"Morning Lou, what's for breakfast?"

"(F/M), your favourite"

"Oh yes, today rocks!"

"You sure are in a good mood."

"It's a beautiful day."

"Hahahaha, if you say so."

I smiled sitting down at the dining table when I noticed a newspaper lying on it.

"It's quite early for news isn't it?"

"Oh yeah, a seagull dropped by this newspaper a few minutes ago. It apparently contains breaking news. That's why it didn't come to it's regular time."

"Oh, breaking news, huh?"

I eyed the paper with interest when I noticed what exactly was plastered on the front page.

'Become the next fire fist. Win the devil fruit of the legendary Fire fist Ace the late second commander of the Whitebeard pirates.'

"The Mera Mera no Mi! Of course! How could I be so stupid?"