

Ulariye, dressed in general's garb, walked so fast that she caught the attention of people she passed. As the daughter of one of the most distinguished houses and one of the three Generals of the Straight Way, she was a well-known, respected and fearful figure. Everyone knew that this was a woman for whom the Straight Way was the highest law and her strict morals had to be obeyed without hesitation. So Ulariye was, in the eyes of many, the embodiment of justice and dignity, a woman so refined and proud that anyone would be surprised to see her walking so fast. In some it even aroused anxiety.

But she paid no attention to it. Keeping up appearances was a lie, and lying was against the Straight Way. If circumstances made her legs move faster by themselves, she had to obey the circumstances.

Ignoring the guards trying to stop her, Ulariye pushed the door open and entered the room at the end of the corridor. Only now did she feel shy. She also felt guilty for having so abruptly burst into the private chamber of the man she wanted to see.

She looked around the room. As always, his simple, austere interior squeezed her heart. The wooden bed was covered with a gray, coarse woolen blanket, and on a simple table, instead of a crystal tableware, there was a clay one. The only splendor of this interior was the bookcase, each volume costing more than a hundred slaves.

The man she came to wasn't there, which meant he was on the balcony. Ulariye thoughtfully approached the aisle carved in a meter-thick white sandstone wall, and at once she noticed the silhouette of the man against the blue sky, across which the clouds painted orange and pink by the sun's rays moved.

Against them, the tall, slender figure of a man looked like the most beautiful marble statue. His profile, which blended the gentleness of the sage with the severity of the warrior, was so noble and alluring that it was hard to imagine a more perfect one. A gentle breeze stirred his long hair and flowing robes. He wore no armor, but a simple but elegant outfit that accorded his status. Indeed, His Majesty Hugoarno was not without reason considered the most beautiful man in the world.

"Look," he said, apparently sensing her presence. "This patch of desert has been there for the third day."

Ulariye came without a word and looked at the endless, flowery meadows which, out of nowhere, crossed several hectares of desert. She appeared out of nowhere, just like that, arousing both curiosity and fear. Similar phenomena were happening in her world more and more often, and no one was able to predict the consequences of these changes. Therefore, people became more and more afraid.

"It would be beautiful," continued Prince Hugoarno, "if it were not so frightening." - He smiled. "Right?"

"Your Highness…"

The man raised his hand slightly. It was enough to make her silent and humbly look down.

"The mission failed," he finished for her. He probably didn't want to sound disappointed, but Ulariye had known him all her life, and could read his tone no worse than her own.

"Halfway," she admitted. "Zackocuki confirms that the girl has the ability to see portals and through portals. Unfortunately, she refuses to come to our world."

"I don't need her permission," he said.

Ulariye understood immediately. There was a resolution in her heart that could not be broken. She put her right hand to her heart in a gesture of salute. "

"Does their world ..." Hugoarno suddenly asked, "has such phenomena too?"

Ulariye looked out over the desert. The wide strip of golden sand crossing the green meadows dotted with colorful flowers was indeed beautiful and alluring, but its presence, so inconsistent with the laws of nature, was terrible.

"Not yet," she replied.

"A second moon appears in the sky at night," he announced. - Only for a while, but I saw him in the desert.

Does His Majesty observe this place day and night? He shouldn't be doing this. He shouldn't be so strained ...

As if to confirm her fears, the prince's chest was shaken by a dry cough. It was so sharp and violent that the man had to hold onto the railing. Ulariye saw his face turn red.

"Hugo ..." She took his arm.

He did not shake her hand away and allowed himself to be led towards his Spartan bed. He sat up, still coughing, and she gave him some water.

Neither of them spoke a word. It wasn't the first time his lungs had run out of air, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. His breathing slowly calmed down, and so did her heart, painfully anxious for him. She couldn't bear the thought that this beautiful, wonderful man had to grapple not only with disease but also with injustice.

"Hugo ..." she repeated softly.

Hugoarno did not like pity. He was, after all, a prince. Maybe his situation wasn't the best, but he, unlike Ulairye, had to keep up appearances. But in his case, pride was not an appearance, it was part of his heritage. He wore it in his blood.

"Bring this girl," he ordered, and the beautiful general was ashamed that he had to repeat his order.

"I will," she swore.


Natalia couldn't sleep. Too many things were on her mind. None of these things was pleasant, on the contrary, each one could keep someone from seeing sleep, and she had so many ...

The hate towards her did not lighten. She found out about it when she returned to the room, resigned. Iza still believed that they did well by ignoring the problem and showing that Natalia was indifferent to the malicious comments, but when Natalia took the phone with trembling hands and began reading today's comments, she had the impression that she was surrounded by heavy, high walls that are closer than they were. yesterday. She found herself in a stone cage with no windows or doors. Instead of showing people that she felt innocent, she appeared to them as thoroughly arrogant. Natalia wondered if there were any words in this situation that would ease the wave of hate? Maybe it didn't matter what she said or did, because absolutely everything would be twisted and turned against her?

Someone has clearly been targeting her. Otherwise, the whole situation could not escalate. And yet, instead of extinguishing naturally, the hate grew. It's as if people in some sick online game are earning points for another malicious comment. And still no one spoke in her defense. Maybe it's because she herself is silent?

Natalia decided to write everyone to fuck off her, but after a few words her hand froze. She deleted the text thoughtlessly. She tried to write the same thing in other words, but failed again. It got so that her head became completely empty and Natalia became completely helpless. And she had never been like that.

Suddenly she felt like she wanted to cry again. It was just like she wasn't. She gathered all her energy, all her strength, and suppressed a sob rising in her heart. However, unable to suppress tears, she lay down facing the wall, pretending that she had gone to bed earlier. There was no reason to alarm Iza.

Natalia Smuga had no idea that so many people could hate her. She wanted to get out of this world, out of the sight of all those who despised her so much. She wanted to collapse underground or move to another world.

Another world! What an idea!

It would be good if alien worlds existed. Worlds where she can start all over again. Worlds like the one in Zack's projection. These boys at the film school were good. They not only had imaginations, but also skills and resources. She wondered what they used? Projector?

For some reason, Zack was determined to make her believe him. He acted as if his life depended on it. Probably he made a bet with his friends that he would convince some idiot. Money could be at stake or plain beer. The boys really have nothing to do with their free time right now. She really wished Zack weren't such an idiot. He was quite handsome and had a nice voice, although he was not as strikingly beautiful as his friend.

At the mention of the Archer's face and cold eyes, Natalia smiled involuntarily. Maybe this young man scared her then, but if they were making a movie, she invited herself to their set. Anyway, the arrow was just a special effect, so the Archer knew he wouldn't hurt her.

It's not like Natalia fell in love with him at first sight. It's not like she fell in love with him at all. There was just something very attractive about his face. It was hard to tell what, because she had only seen him once, but the memory of that face felt her heart felt a previously unknown deep pleasure and a strange warmth. It was as if this face was a gentle yet powerful sedative to her stressed heart. When Archer makes his debut on the big screen, he will win millions of female fans.

At the mention of the Archer's face and cold eyes, Natalia smiled involuntarily. Maybe this young man scared her then, but if they were making a movie, she invited herself to their set. Anyway, the arrow was just a special effect, so the Archer knew he wouldn't hurt her.

It's not like Natalia fell in love with him at first sight. It's not like she fell in love with him at all. There was just something very attractive about his face. It was hard to tell what, because she had only seen him once, but the memory of that face felt her heart felt a previously unknown deep pleasure and a strange warmth. It was as if this face was a gentle yet powerful sedative to her stressed heart. When Archer makes his debut on the big screen, he will win millions of female fans.

The memory of the beautiful man reassured her enough that she began to fall asleep. She felt consciousness slowly leaving her, replacing the emerging dreams. She heard Zack's nervous whisper first, then some young woman. She didn't listen to their words. She was on the verge of waking and dreaming. It was a very pleasant moment, as heavy awareness and all related problems were draining from her, and fantasies appeared. Fantasy has already begun to dominate, as Natalia began to recognize the words.

"I still don't like it," Zack said.

"Shut up now," the woman said silently. "You don't decide."

"But I'm sure I could convince her! What we are doing is immoral. "

"You had your chance. We don't have time anymore!"

"How is so? Is he ...?"

"Yes, he's getting weaker."

There was a heavy silence, after which Natalia felt hands on her shoulders and calves.

"Then we have no choice," agreed Zack.

Natalia felt a hug on her limbs and suddenly began to realize that this was not a dream after all. What's going on? "Has Zack burst into her room with some woman? What are they going to do with her? Why are they touching her?

"What are you doing…?" She jumped up, kicking, and hit Zack right in the nose. She noticed that he was wearing his weird, eastern outfit and had a black wig on his head.

It was the last thing she noticed, because suddenly total darkness fell before her eyes.