

編輯: Vermillion

Lucien kept playing. He could only press the keys one by one since the skills required in this symphony were far beyond his beginner level. Lott, Felicia and Herodotus felt there was a heavy hammer knocking on their heads. Their anxiety and anger were accumulating.

“Enough!” Herodotus and Lott cried out at the same time.

“What?” Lucien turned his head and looked at them innocently, “Mr. Victor asked us to practice. And I am practicing. Then what are you two doing here?”

“Lucien!” Gripping his fists, Herodotus’s face flushed with anger. However, he was too short and thin for a fight. Lucien had been practicing fighting for a while and was half a head taller than him. A few seconds later, Herodotus shook his fist in the air, “I don’t want to be punished by Mr. Victor for beating you up.” Then he turned around and burst out of the practice room.