
Chapter 45. Where Paths Are Laid

"I...must have been more exhausted than I thought..."

Zein blinked at his dorm room's ceiling, before staring at the clock that indicated breakfast had passed without his participation. Thanks to that, even though his stomach grumbled, his body felt refreshed.

He had worried that he wouldn't be able to sleep soundly in the Unit's regular, hard mattress after spending two weeks laying in Mortix's bed, but turned out, once he laid his head on the pillow, he went straight to deep sleep, even though he usually slept the latest and woke the earliest.

"No one woke me?" he grumbled, and got up with a yawn. Staring at the SavAsh jacket draped over the bedside cabinet, Zein rummaged through the inner pocket to fish out an energy bar—what was left of the sustenance Bassena left him that night.

Haa...even though he woke up feeling refreshed, his mind still felt like a swirling mess.