
The Wyldhardt Saga

Join a lost soul devoid of memories on his journey through reincarnation. He will learn to love and fight for family while forging relationships that last for lifetimes. His name is Kayde Wyldhardt, the firstborn son and Crown Prince to the Adeloria Kingdom. He will learn of his powers, his unique bloodline, and will struggle to gain the strength he needs to protect those he loves while under threat of evil. As his journey begins we will learn of a looming threat from behind the scenes, there lies a force hell bent on reviving a Dark God. As he fights to stop this threat he learns that all is not what it seems.

Cade_Hill · 奇幻
19 Chs

Exploring the Academy

After that event I started to look through the notifications from the system.

{Bloodline Unlocked}

{2 Skills Gained}

{1 Skill Changed}

{Class Changed}

{Quest Issued}

'A Quest? I didn't see a tab for quests.'

{Quest Tab Unlocked}

{Inventory Unlocked}

{See status for details}

As I open my status I feel my heart pounding harder than before while my veins feel like they are on fire. Oddly enough it doesn't even hurt.


Name: Kayde Wyldhardt

Gender: Male

Class: Divine Draken Knight (UPDATED!)

Elements: Light, Holy, Life, and Nature


Health 580/580

Mana 620/620

-Strength 34

-Endurance 35

-Dexterity 34

-Intelligence 36

-Luck 31

Status Points: 0

*Quest tab* Unlocked!


Elemental Imbument(4), Smite(5), Barrier(5), Bash(3), Taunt(1), Roar(1), Inventory (Max), Dragon Form(1) NEW!


Light(4), Mana Bolt(4), Heal(3), Natures Call(2), Belladonna(2), Holy arrow(2), Resuscitate(1)

Passive Skills:

Draconic Body of Perfection(1) UPDATED!, Weapons Mastery(4), Enhanced Growth(1), Mana Regen(6), Mana Control(5), Elemental Mastery(2), Dragons Heart (MAX) NEW!

Bloodline: Angelic Dragon (NEW!)

Blessings: Goddess Hestias Blessing

Dragon Form: this skill allows one to change into a dragon, but due to the users current state of evolution only a partial transformation will occur. Dragon scales will appear on users body and add a layer of protection. This skill doesn't require Mana yet as the user hasn't unlocked it's full potential.

Dragons Heart: This skill grants an increased lifespan, an instinctual connection to Mana, and grants a higher Regeneration. Due to the users unique constitution the blood will change from crimson to Gold befitting of his heavenly nature. Due to this the users blood will contain unique healing and purifying properties that will get more potent as user gets stronger.

'So that's what I felt running through my body, my blood was changing. I better be careful or people will hunt me down for my blood alone.'

After my thoughts finish I open the quest tab.


-First Dungeon

Complete your first dungeon run 0/1

Kill at least 50 enemies 0/50

Defeat Boss Solo 0/1

Time: No Limit

Rewards: Flight (Skill)

Failure: Lose 5 in all stats


Find a remnant of the Fallen Goddess Tiamat


Time: 2 weeks

Rewards: Blessing Of Tiamat (Light)

Failure: Curse Of Tiamat (Dark)

'What is with the Blessing and Curse? I have to look into this soon.'

Once I was finished looking around my system I walked towards my family and we made our way to tour the Academy. As we are walking I and Liliana talk about our lodgings as we are curious to see where we will be staying. Once we begin to explore I realize that the academy itself is just the entrance, once you pass through the auditorium and exit you will be brought into a pocket dimension where the academy is like a small city. I can see buildings of all sizes and shapes either on the ground or floating in the sky.

"These buildings you see are either for Research groups, or towers where mages with respective elements study together. There is also a trade hub of shops and stalls. Off into the distance away from the hustle and bustle is the Residential District. Now it is mostly apartment complexes, but those of high standing like let's say a Duke or Prince get their own mansion with a large courtyard that includes a garden, a training area, and a pool with an outdoor kitchen for relaxation. Only those below Duke rank and commoners share the apartments."

I nod my head to the amenities we receive while also thinking that it seems a bit hyppocritical compared to what he said before. He doesn't show us the city directly but tells us to explore since classes start in 3 days. Then as we make our way to the residential district my Father speaks up.

"Your mother and I both lived there as we attended the academy. That's how we got closer."

Liliana and I both exchanged glances as we realized that this means cohabitation. Living together is not a problem, but we aren't sure if we can keep our relationship pure till marriage.

As if she can hear what I'm thinking my mother whispers into my ear.

"Just don't give us grandchildren to early ok?"

She walks off and begins to converse with Liliana as I begin to blush. My father thanks the headmaster as he walks off and we head inside the mansion that we will be using.

"What's wrong son?"

I shake my head to let him know it's nothing but I can't help but wonder how Liliana feels about this.

As we begin to explore the place my dad takes me to the room he used while Mom does the same for Liliana. I see that the room is smaller than the one back home. It's better this way, easier to clean for the personnel here. Then I look at the bathroom attached to my room. As I look inside I see a Toilet and a walk-in shower with a glass enclosure. At the end of the bathroom is a door that leads to a large bath that I can use to soak.

"Isn't this a bit much for what's essentially a school dorm Father?"

He laughs and tells me how the school likes to overcompensate to cater for royalty. Then we go explore the rest of the home till we decide to meet up with Liliana and mother at the entrance. After the tour my mother and Father say their goodbyes leaving me and Liliana to our own devices.

"Do you want to go explore the City Liliana?"

She nods yes to me and as we explore she drops a figurative bomb.

"Why did your mother tell me not to give her grandkids too early?"

'Is she that innocent?'

As I try to figure out what to say she laughs at my flustered face.

"I know what she meant, I just wanted to see your reaction!"

"Does that mean?"

"I don't know, what does it mean?

She runs off laughing and I follow behind with a smile. As we make our way through we notice all kinds of shops and stalls. There are shops that sell magic ingredients, spells, clothes, weapons, and even contracts to summon a spirit. As we continue through we find a familiar shop, Elda's Curios.

I look at Liliana and smile.

"Shall we?"

I extended my arm to her and she hooked hers around mine. As we enter I see the similarities between the other shop and yet this one seems to be a lot newer. As we begin to scour the shelves for potential spells or artifacts I hear a familiar voice.

"Well if it isn't my student, come to bother me did you?"

I turn around with Liliana and smile.

"I didn't expect to see your store here at the academy. What about your other store in the capital?"

She waved her hand at me and laughed.

"I guess she hasn't really told you much about me huh? Well I am what many consider a master alchemist. I've managed to make a Homunculus and she is currently running my other store right now."

"You've actually made a Homunculus?!"

"Yes that's right, bask in the greatness of your teacher."

As I've noticed her getting carried away I back up.

"How did you do it?

"Well it took more than you know and could afford, trust me."

I nodded my head obediently and she tells us we can choose one item of our choosing.

"Around my shop should be an item or spell calling out to your bloodline or class. Whatever item you grab no matter the price you can have for free as a present for you guys getting into the academy."

I thank Elda for her gift and then Liliana splits from me as I go looking around slowly. After I begin moving I feel a slight tug. As I move around it gets stronger and stronger till I feel like my souls is being drawn to what's calling.

As I walked towards what I felt drawn to I noticed that it was a claw. It was pitch black and I felt it whispering to me with dark temptations as I got closer.

As I get closer I notice Elda running to me as I touch the claw. As I do an enormous amount of dark energy is swirling around me like a tornado. I can feel it try to corrupt me and as I flinch from the assault my finger grazes the claw. Once I feel the cut I look and see a drop of crimson blood with a gold hue fall onto the claw. Then as if by magic the chaos around me stops with the energy dissipating.

Then out of nowhere a blinding light appears. Once it vanishes I see that the once pure black claw is now of a blue surrounded by what I can describe as a divine aura, but as I take a closer look I see the claw is shifting between many colors. Before I can touch it again Elda grabs my arm.


Surprised at her outburt I also noticed Liliana crying as if she almost lost me.

"I'm sorry, but I felt an instinctual draw. I felt it literally calling for me and as you can see it seems like my blood cleansed it."

Then Liliana came up to me and smacked me. Bewildered from her action I stand there in shock.

"Don't you dare act all nonchalant about this! I saw that dark energy try to corrupt you! If it had I would've lost you!"

After her lecture I could see her crying while trembling and i pulled her in for a hug.

"I'm sorry Liliana, I will try my best so that this won't happen again."

After I spoke I can feel her slowly calm down while Elda comes closer.

"Well since the claw is safe now you can have it. Just be more careful next time."

I nodded my head and as I grab the claw I see it fly straight into my forehead. Then I pass out and fall into Liliana's arms. Before I'm out cold I see Liliana crying harder and Elda trying to figure out what happened.