
The Wyldhardt Saga

Join a lost soul devoid of memories on his journey through reincarnation. He will learn to love and fight for family while forging relationships that last for lifetimes. His name is Kayde Wyldhardt, the firstborn son and Crown Prince to the Adeloria Kingdom. He will learn of his powers, his unique bloodline, and will struggle to gain the strength he needs to protect those he loves while under threat of evil. As his journey begins we will learn of a looming threat from behind the scenes, there lies a force hell bent on reviving a Dark God. As he fights to stop this threat he learns that all is not what it seems.

Cade_Hill · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Vision and First Day of School

I open my eyes as I hear and feel countless explosions going off around me. I stand up in a rush and start dodging projectiles that are fired in my general area. As I make my way through the battlefield I see countless bodies mangled beyond recognition. Blood is flowing like a river and above is a constant rain of arrows and spells. As I get a clearer view I see dragons fighting a Human army.

The human army is wearing black armor, so dark you can't even see light coming off of it. Also if you look closely you can see some sort of evil energy coming off the armor like a mist that's evaporating. They are also brandishing all kinds of weapons.

On the other side of the battlefield you see dragons of various elements all defending what seems to be the most beautiful woman. She has a tail, horns and wings that shimmer in different colors. If you look closely though, you will see her horns, tail, and wings slowly turning black. Her skin becoming ash grey and her hair turning silver. As her transformation is slowly happening you can see her growling in pain as if her existence is changing completely, becoming corrupted.

On the human side you see a Mage with an evil smile laughing as if he accomplished what he intended. Then out of nowhere the scene changes.

Now I'm in a desolate castle and throughout the hallway I see bodies of humans wearing the church of light armor and dragons decorating the walls and ceiling with their blood coloring the floor in a wine red. As I kept walking I feel my heart beating furiously and my blood burning with intensity. I then arrived at a large door at the end of the hall.

I open it and see one man wearing white-gold armor and a crown stepping above the same woman from before but with her transformation completed. As I stare at her I see numerous wounds that would've killed a normal person by now spilling gold blood with a black hue.

'She is a Goddess, but which one?'

Then I remember the claw that went inside of me and my quest about a Goddess.

'This cant-'

"Goddess Tiamat, due to your corruption the world has been thrown into an era of chaos. Every animal, humanoid, plant, and land you come across are either destroyed or Mutated into abominations. I will end this now!"

I see the Goddess smirking and looks in my direction. For a second I see surprise all over her face and then her head is sent flying. After I see this scene it switches to what seems to be a church burning.

I hear maniacal laughter and then a man speaks.

"We need to find her body! Without it we can't resurrect her!"

Then out of nowhere the whole scene pauses. Then I see a woman all to familiar.


She smiles and walks up to me.

"You have to wake up, when you do I can't have you remembering what happened or at least not yet. You will have to find a way out of here, this is inside your mind after all."

She then taps my head and disappeared.


(Liliana POV)

Kayde just collapsed again! We managed to get him to his room and not too long after it happened.

As he lays in his bed I see dark tendrils wrap itself around his body ever so slowly. During the process he is grunting in pain and thrashes about as if he's in a nightmare. Elda and I are looking through her library to see if there is anything that can help. Then out of knowhere I hear him scream.

As we run back to him we notice that his room is becoming darker, as if it's being manipulated by someone. As he's groaning and in pain I hear him mutter Tiamat.

'She's a fallen Goddess so why is he mentioning her? Is she some how related to this?'

I let Elda know what happened and then for the next couple of days we constantly take care of him.


(Kayde's POV)

I wake up and as I do all my joints start aching and popping as I move. When I try to get up I feel something laying on my side. I look to my left and see Liliana holding onto my side as if she was about to lose me.

'Who am I kidding, I could've died. I just know I'm going to get one hell of a lecture.'

Then I hear a familiar ding.

{Quest Inheritance Complete}

{Rewards are being distributed}

I open my status just to see what's up.


Name: Kayde Wyldhardt

Gender: Male

Class: Divine Draken Knight

Elements: Light, Holy, Life, and Nature


Health 580/580

Mana 620/620

-Strength 34

-Endurance 35

-Dexterity 34

-Intelligence 36

-Luck 31

Status Points: 0


Elemental Imbument(4), Smite(5), Barrier(5), Bash(3), Taunt(1), Roar(1), Inventory (Max), Dragon Form(1)


Light(4), Mana Bolt(4), Heal(3), Natures Call(2), Belladonna(2), Holy arrow(2), Resuscitate(1)

Passive Skills:

Draconic Body of Perfection(1), Weapons Mastery(4), Enhanced Growth(1), Mana Regen(6), Mana Control(5), Elemental Mastery(2), Dragons Heart (MAX)

Bloodline: Angelic Dragon

Blessings: Goddess Hestias Blessing, Blessing of the Goddess Tiamat

I then read the description of both since it's been long overdue for the Goddess Hestia.

Blessing Of Goddess Hestia: This blessing allows one to have unparalleled looks. The secondary function due to how Hestia cares for the user is that if you party up with anyone at all then you increase their growth rate as well. As a bonus if anyone in your party levels up they will also get an additional 5 status Points if they are designated as permanent members. (Their growth is not as much as yours though~)

Blessing Of Goddess Tiamat: This blessing from Tiamat purifies your bloodline even further, enhancing what you have to higher levels than thought possible. This enables you to get an additional +1 to all stats every time you level up.

'Both blessings are huge boons not to mention now if I party up with people they can level up easier too. I have a few in mind.'

After I'm done with my thoughts I feel Liliana moving.

"Morning sleeping beauty, how was it?"

She looks at me stupified and then gets angry. She starts to slam her fists onto my chest.

"You did it again! Do you have any idea how worried Elda and I were!? What if something happens and there isn't anyone to care for you next time!?"

After that she starts sobbing uncontrollably into my arms. As I start to stroke her head I can feel her twitch and then relax. I just keep doing it and let her stay this way until she was better.

"I am sorry for worrying you again. What can I do to make it up to you?"

She cleans up a bit and looks right at me.

"I just want you to promise that next time, you will be a lot more careful and I want to sleep with you tonight."

I laugh at how simple she is as we get up so I can get dressed. As I get dressed into casual clothes Liliana stops me.

"You've been out for 3 days. It's the first day of school so dress up."

She throws my uniform to me and I get properly dressed. The academy uses the colors of the royal family. So it doesn't feel like a uniform. After I finished we leave my room and I see Elda walking down the hall towards us. As she see's me I noticed a smile appear and then she's completely angry with me.

As she tops in front of us she slaps my face and gives me a hug.

"Don't you do that again, I can't have my first ever student die on me now."

I apologize and then as Liliana and I leave Elda teleports to her shop. As we walk we see a teleporter online in the city centre. There is a sign next to it saying it'll take us to the Academy. I smile and drag her with me and jump on.

We then appear on the school grounds and I laugh as she starts to punch me again. Then I take her and and we make our way to the front desk for our itinerary for the semester. For me and Liliana all we have on it is Combat class and Dungeon Training for 3 hours each.

"I guess we don't need the other classes due to our schooling at home huh?"

We make our way to the combat class and as we arrive I see that it takes place in a field. Off by the gear I see Gerard, Hillary, and Tyria all talking.

"Hey you three, how's it going?"

Liliana greets them and as we five start conversing with one another I noticed Tryia is a bit timid. Then after 10 minutes the instructor comes onto the field. He has go and change into combat uniforms. When we finish we make our way back to the field.

"Alright when I call your name I want you all to go grab appropriate gear after I announce what your class is."

"Tyria Highborn - Shadow Hunter"

"Gerard Thorne - Fire Monk"

"Hillary Duncan - Ice Magus"


"Liliana Thorne - Naturia Priest"

"Kayde Wyldhardt - Angelic Draken Knight"

I raise my hand till he points at me.

"How did you know of my updated class?"

"Your status plate updated the moment you awakened your bloodline."

After nodding my head I grabbed a wooden longsword and a wooden buckler. I saw Liliana with a Mages staff, Gerard with leather gauntlets, Hillary with a Wooden wand, and Tyria with a bow and arrows. After we all grabbed gear the teacher starts drilling us on proper forms with our weapons.

'This is going to be worse than Atkinson...'