
The world Weakest Prince,Is Actually the strongest

Ushino Mizaki is a Son of Prime Minister of Japan,One day When he's on the way home he encounter a strange light,when he opens his eyes he's in a body of A Prince in another world as Abel Von Eclipse,will Mizaki be able to return home?.

16 Chs


I move at the Robot and attack it while Holding Krul in my arms

the Robot Try to Counter but my speed is much faster than The Robot can move after i slash it I then use Blazing Sun Lord To generate Inferno

"Take this Blazing Sun Lord Inferno"

a Huge Pillar of Fire engulf the Robot burning it till it's body melt And turns to liquid

The Blazing Sun Lord Amaterasu Can generate Flame Related skill That can reach A Temperature equal to the Surface of the sun No Metal or Golem can Survive a direct hit from it after the fire Vanished No remain of the Robot Are left

(Hmm this Golem dint Even drop anything is it different the Other Golem?)

[Answer:The Mechanical Golem that master defeated is A Man Maid And dint spawn naturally]

(ehh so the one that I fought before spawn naturally?is that what you are saying Grate Sage?)


After the battle Me and Krul rest while while I'm Eating Krul just keeps staring at me like she wants to do something to me

"A-ano Krul San why are you keep Looking at me like that?"


As I ask her a question she dint respond (maybe she is hungry)

"Do you want to eat to Krul?"

"then do mind if I do"

she slowly walks towards me then she Hug me tight and Bit me in the neck



I can feel that She is sucking my Blood but I don't feel weak or anything (is this because I'm also a Half Vampire now? but I can't feel And discomfort do )

after for a while she let go of me and We continue or way Down to this place

3rd POV:

in A Dark Room two individuals can bee seen moving The two are not like any normal being the hold a power that can Offset the balance of power in the world They keep moving Towards what many known as The Shadow Labyrinth and after the enter a Room they saw Monster.


"Ren should fight!"

Krul said as they try to run away from 200 incoming monsters. Currently, they were traversing through savage grass with Krul on his shoulder. The grass are accually taller than Krul meaning if Ren place Krul down you wouldn't be able to see her

Krul would use her magic to attack any incoming enemy while Ren would support Krul by using his own skills

Her barrier and recovery magic was not that great. Since she had "Auto Regen", she may have thought it was unnecessary. There was no problem because Krul had his potion

What had happend was after Ren finished resupplying they managed to advanced 10 more levels. Of course Krul's magic played a massive role in their progression

While searching for a way out of the level a sudden shake coming from the ground could be felt. When Krul looked over at the source, there he saw a giant Bird that looked similar to a Griffen but this one had a flower on its head

The Griffen gave out a roar and rushed at them. To this Ren reacted by calmly taking out donner. But before he could do anything Krul raised her hand and mutter

"Blood Contact: Scarlet Spear"

Currently the floor they're in had the appearance of a forest, an extensive forest. Lush and dense trees over 10 m tall lined the forest, and the atmosphere was damp

Good thing it wasn't hot like the tropical forest level he encountered

A rumble sounded as the Griffen fell sideways onto the ground, and the flower on its head plopped onto the ground


Ren stayed silent for a bit. These days Krul seem to be intense. In the beginning, she would devote herself to covering Ren. But now any monster that would appear, Krul would kill in an instant

He started to feel depressed at being useless. Is it because he dragged his feet and it was over before he could do anything? His mind was seized with anxiety

"K-Krul aren't you too enthusiastic about this?" Ren said with a forced smile

"B-But i want Ren to see how usefull i am...."

Yue doesn't seem to be happy with just covering Ren. Krul wanted to keep showing off to Ren

Suddently a flame appeared and took the form of a spear. The spear shot through the Griffen's mouth and penetrated out the back

"Hahaha, don't worry i know your magic is very powerfull. But please take the rear, close combat isn't your strong suit. The frontlines is for me"

"O-Ok i understand....." Krul said as she looks at the ground

He smiled at Kru, who was trying too much to be helpful to Ren. To show he didn't dislike her, he stroke her soft hair. Krul's expression returned to her usual mood. Ren couldn't say anything

After a while Ren's perception detected something. Approximately 10 of them were coming towards them. From the movements of the leader, it seemed to be a two-tailed wolf?

As Ren started to rush one of the wolfs, a 2 m reptile dropped from the overgrowth in the trees. The reptile's appearance was similar to a raptor. There was a tulip blooming on its head


"Is it fashion?....."

Krul muttered to herself. Ren turned his eyes towards the demon and took a guess at what the flower accually is


Looking at Ren who was  with its flower, the Wolf pounched at him. Ren jumped up, and using his sword he cut the tulip on its head

All parts of the flower scattered with the sound of gunfire. The wolf seemed to twitch for a moment, it rolled as it failed its landing

"Did it die?" Asked Krul

"No it's alive"

Just as Ren said the Wolf soon got up and when it saw the fallen tulip on the ground it started to stomped it. Not giving a care to its enemies

"Eh? Why is it reacting like that?"

"Maybe it was pranked?" Krul added

"No this is not like some school child and a paper on the back saying kick me"

After the Wolf stomped on the flower for a while, the raptor turned and noticed Ren startling it

"Did you see that? This probably means he was under some kind of controll"

"So it's bullying afterall" Krul added

The raptor stared at Ren and Krul before turning its head and just running away

Not 5 minutes later Ren started sensing a vast amount of demons. They were gathering from all directions. His "perception" range was at a 30 m radius, and all the demons he sensed was coming straight for them

"Keul im picking up 50, no 70 momsters heading our way. Someone seems to be ordering them to surround us in all directions"

"Do we run?" She asked

"No it's better to exterminate them now. Let's get up to the tallest tree and beat them from there"

Moving at high speed, they quickly went to find the highest tree in the area. They destroyed the branches that could help the demons climbed upwards

After patiently waiting for a while, the monsters finnaly appeared. The first batch of monsters to arrive was not juat Griffen but T-rexes aswell

The T-rexes were ramming the tree, while the Grifen were using their talons to climb the tree

Ren started shooting magic at the climbing Griffen and after he threw an lightning magic towards all the monsters

Soon, an additional 30 Griffen and 4 T-rexes have gathered under their eyes. They were attempting to smash the tree Ren was on, or climb up to attack him


"Not yet, just a little more"

Ren answered Krul, while he was shooting down at the Griffen with his Magic. She continued to concentrate on her magic barrage, as she believed in him


"Hai "Blood Contract:Freezing Hell!"

The second Krul casted her magic all the area below them like the spell had said froze everything. The monsters were covered in ice like they were in a coffin

"Haaaah, good job vampire princess"


Ren said praising Krul while she just laughed embarresed. After using that magic Krul had ran out of magic and fell to her knees

He sat down beside her and placed a hand on her hips to support her, and presented his nape to allow her to recover by drinking his blood

Suddently Ren's expression dropped to being grim as he sensed even more monsters coming at them

"Krul this is bad, there are about 200 more coming at us"


"We just eliminated this many and yet there's still 200 of them attacking us?!"

"Yeah it must be a parasite, maybe by that flower" Ren said and Krul just nodded in agreement

"There should be a main body but. Seems, that as long as those flowers are on them, they are puppets. We are up against all the monsters on this floor"

Before Ren and Krul could be crushed by the sheer numbers of the monsters they decided to move but Krul wouldn't be able to suck blood while they move

Suddently Krul stretched both her hands out towards the confused Ren and says


"How old are you? Are you trying to suck my blood while we move?!"

Ren was right. Krul nodded her head to answer him. Magical power recovery was slow for Krul with the sacred water

He consented to carrying her…Because it would get in the way. He gave her a piggyback ride, as he started his search for the main body

And this is how we end up with the current situation

They were being chased by close to 200 demons. The thicket was troublesome. Krul had already finished her meal but she didn't get off his back

Monsters started getting closer to them. The raptors travels side by side while hiding in the tall grass, and pouncing from all directions. Ren avoided what looked suspicious and kept running

While Krul used her magic notallowing them to be overwelmed by the sheer numbers of the incoming momsters

Kapu, Chu [sounds of Krul Sucking blood]

Ren had noticed a patter to the monsters movements. Their movements would become violent when they attempted to escape in a certain direction. As if, they were trying to lead them away from there

They decided to rush in that direction because the demons were increasing in number and they couldn't stay in this situation

Kapu, Chu

"Yue can you stop sucking my blood every 5 seconds?!"

"Can't do, im tired"

"Lies! You aren't exhausted anymore"

Inspite of the situation, Krul was obsessed with Krul's blood. It was not odd that a former royalty couldn't controll themself

Infront of them they saw a cave with a little crack big enough for them to fit inside. The T-rex of course couldn't fit inside while the raptors could only enter one by one

Ren quickly used his Magic to shut the entrance of the cave not letting the raptors enter suddently

From all direction, an innumerable amount of green ping pong balls flew in. Krul and Ren was instantly back to back, and intercepting the flying balls

Ren decided to create a stone wall because of the number that exceeded 100. The wall was strong enough to prevent the balls from piercing it. Seems like the balls didn't have that much power

"Krul im pretty sure it's an attack coming from the main body. Do you know where it is?"



Ren was asking Krul because she had a better perception skill than him meaning her senses are sharper. But Krul not answering conserned Ren


Krul shouted, when Ren turned to Krul he saw her holding her hands towards him and suddenly all his instinct were telling him to dodge. This caused Ren to violently jumped to the left. A blade of strong wind passes the place where Ren used to be destroying the place where Ren was

Ren wanted to raise his voice at the surprise attack, but he understood when he saw what was on her head. There was a blooming flower on Krul's head

"Damn it, i let my guard down!"

Krul surely was almost immortal. However, he couldn't deny that she might have a spell that could disintegrate her and prevent her regen. Krul would be able to fire it at an instant too. He wanted to avoid the gamble of a suicide attack like what the monsters were doing earlier

Out of no where a monster appeared behind Krul. It looked like a mix of a woman and a plant came out. It was similar to a dryad

There is a legend that dryads brings good luck, if not hostile, and they were beautiful woman

But the one in front of him did not give that impression. Indeed, it looked like a human woman, but it had an ugly face like its inner ugliness was overflowing. It also had countless vines waving around, and it felt creepy

"You've got some nerves, to expose yourself im gonna kill you!" Ren said

Re was about to shoot the monster with his magic when he saw Krul moving infront to block his attack

"Just shoot me Ren!"

Krul had prepared herself for this. If she couldn't control herself then she would rather have Ren shoot her. She put that kind of will into her eyes that watched Ren

"Eh? Really? Well that makes it easier"


The sound of A sword being trow could be heard as Ren Trow it at Krul the second he heard her say that

Krul was blinking her eyes with surprise. The dryad like monster was linking its eyes with surprise

To confirm it was gone, Krul placed both her hands on her head. There was Silver hair that had frizzled or were torn off


Another sound could be heard as he shot the dryad monster in the head blowing its head off

"So, Krul, are you fine? No discomfort?"

Ren confirms Ren's safety with a laid-back feeling. However, Krul is glaring at Ren while stroking her head

"You shot...."

"Huh? Well you did tell me to shoot"

"You didn't even hesitate....."

"Well i was confident with my aim so i thought it would be ok"

"My scalp was shaved off a little"

"Well that shouldn't be a problem since it'll probably regen"


Krul started to hit Ren's stomach repeatedly with a face that said "You didn't even hesitate for a second!" Indeed, she told him to shoot, and she had prepared herself.

But Krul is a woman. She had seen some dreams. He should have at least hesitated a little. At such a light response, she wanted to complain

Ren sighed inwardly, how was he going to fix the mood. This would be harder than beating that monster.