
The Witcher:Raging Fire

I decided to rewrite this. The rewrite will be split into 3 books to tell the story in a more understandable way. Name of the First Book is The Witcher:Flaming Rose It will cover the childhood of the MC, as a rewrite I mean a rework of the plot and events that the MC experiences. —————————————————————— The boy that lost all of his memories finds himself in an unknown place. With only a few minutes lived, he faces his first trials. With nobody to support him, he tries to figure out where should he go. But destiny already had a path set for him. Strange force showed him a way that he is going to take. From the place known as Kaer Morhen his journey starts. August will have a lot of great and sad moments, but in the end, he will come out victorious. How? This is what this book will tell you.

TacetIrae · 作品衍生
90 Chs

Chapter 46:Old doesn't mean better (3/4)

"Huh, what do you mean by that?" inquired August

The dwarf suddenly downed one cup of beer without taking a breath.

Smashing it against the table creating a loud sound


"DAMN IT" shouted a Dwarf, attracting the attention of everyone around.

With a frustrated face, he shouted, "I want to see the world. I want to see the wonders of the things that are outside of this damn mountain! Yet I have to work digging and digging day after day for the sake of the rules that were set up by the old bag of bones."

He looked around with his eyes full of conviction for the goal that he set upon himself, the goal that he desperately tries to achieve, the goal that comes to him in his dreams.

Rising his empty cup, he said in a powerful voice, "Brothers! We have to fight for the future we deserve. We have to stand up against those old stupid people that forced us to stay here and listen to others telling us about how they travelled the world. How they saw unique sights filled with fields of flowers, deep and dark, ghastly forests that would scare even the brave one. A forest that is full of wonderful, glorious things and shuddery creatures.

Rivers that infinitely flow, bringing fresh wind that blows you in the face and leads your mind to peace. Sea, where endless water is all around, with different kinds of fish flowing below the surface. All kinds of food we could try in this big world. I want to see all of this with my own eyes. I want to walk in those scary forests and see those beautiful women that this Witcher just told us about. I want to fight and earn a name for myself. I want it all! But yet the only weapon I could wield was a pickaxe and the only sight I see day after day is fucking long and endless tunnels where there are nothing but freaking rocks! Brothers, I felt that all of you understood me! I know we all want this, but yet why do we ignore our true nature? Tell me, brothers, I want to know; I don't want to suffer being a bird in a cage anymore."

He dropped back to the bench with a heavy face, with his hands losing the strength to hold his cup.

Another dwarf stood up, clenching his fists, gritting his teeth and almost shaking from the emotions that were bottled up in him for decades of time. With a voice full of inspiration and fire raging in his eyes, like it never did.

"Those elders understand nothing! They always cared only for traditions, but not their people! They only care that these damn rules are being followed! Brothers, we need to speak out about this. I have to obtain what I deserve. I wish for your support. Brothers, without you, I won't achieve anything. We are not slaves of the system that is set upon us. We are free dwarfs, strong and we want to have the future that suits us! Why do all of you stay silent? We need to keep our heads high in the air. Our voices should flood and ring through the walls of this city without an end. We need to raise and oppose the tyranny that we got ourselves into!"

One the dwarf had a gloomy expression on his face and he shouted at others, "So what now? Do you want to fight against our kin? Do you want to go against the rule of the Brouver? Do you want to make us weak by making our race split into 2 different parties? Have you seen elves? They hide in the forests, having no food to feed on. Having no roof above their heads. Do you want this to happen?"

Another one supported him.

"He will never let us go without a full-fledged war. At least he also suffers as we do. I heard his wife being in a coma for the last decades with no signs of recovery. He imprisoned us and end up imprisoning himself as well. He earned his punishment to be a bird in a cage for his own beliefs and rules!"

August didn't need to hear anything else. He saw it all and heard it all. The dwarfs were not happy with the rules that bind them. They were young and hot-blooded. They strived for adventures, but they could not have them because of the policy.

August silently left the tavern, attracting no attention while the dwarf was having a furious argument and slowly getting hints of a riot. August had to get to the head of the city quickly. He felt that he just gave a spark to those dwarfs and if he would be late to do anything, this city will be enveloped in the fire of rebellion.

August quickly sneaked inside Brouver's house, asking no kind of permission. He made his way to the enormous hall where he met him for the first time.

August silently made his way to the room and saw Brouver sitting behind the table, doing some paperwork. Saying nothing, August just took a seat and looked at the old dwarf.

August already assumed what the reason was for the Brouver's wife being in a coma, but he didn't want to help the man with a force. He will just give him a suggestion and if he would follow it. There will be a needed result. But if the man cannot recognize his own mistakes, he will forever stay unhappy like he is now or even worse.

Getting tired of the staring game old dwarf inquired, "You figured something out?"

August just gave a nod in response.

Brouver released a gleeful chuckle with his hands on his belly with a joyful expression, asking, "So what it is? Tell me and I will immediately reward you!"

"One must understand and feel the same to sympathise with others. The curse shall go if you will understand that old is not wise and better than young. Failing to do so, you will drown in the sorrow and blood of your kin"

One thing nobody knew, is that August also was a cause of the spark. He was the one to force at least one to speak up in front of others to make them unite and make them move. It could not be discovered, since all that August did, is just slightly pushed one of them with magic to speak up for his own belief and his own thoughts.

Drop some power stone to support the story it is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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