
The Witcher:Raging Fire

I decided to rewrite this. The rewrite will be split into 3 books to tell the story in a more understandable way. Name of the First Book is The Witcher:Flaming Rose It will cover the childhood of the MC, as a rewrite I mean a rework of the plot and events that the MC experiences. —————————————————————— The boy that lost all of his memories finds himself in an unknown place. With only a few minutes lived, he faces his first trials. With nobody to support him, he tries to figure out where should he go. But destiny already had a path set for him. Strange force showed him a way that he is going to take. From the place known as Kaer Morhen his journey starts. August will have a lot of great and sad moments, but in the end, he will come out victorious. How? This is what this book will tell you.

TacetIrae · 作品衍生
90 Chs

Chapter 45:Why so gloomy? (2/4)

August wondered around the city that is built inside of the mountain. It is truly remarkable for a race that comprises gnomes and dwarfs to build an entire city that is located inside of the mountain. Every single bit of the houses and roads were cut out from the stone like a sculpture.

All of this took dwarfs and gnomes a lot of time to build. Hundred of years were spent building this kind of city and it is always in the process of expanding and growing, nurturing into a more breathtaking and more remarkable city with every single year, with every new generation.

August made his way through small paths that lead to different parts of the city to see what he could find out in this area. The sound of speaking gnomes and dwarfs were resonating through long tunnels, creating an atmosphere of never-ending conversation.

Making his way through a lot of paths, August walked into one area of the city. This area was the one to hold a lot of buildings such as living houses, workshops and shops that sold their ware.

Here you can find almost any kind of masterpiece made out of metal, but other kinds of wares were almost non-existing in this city. It was an isolated city. Where the only way to bring food and other things like cloth should come through various traders that are willing to trade with them. And humans never tend to make it easy for small people. There is always discrimination going around, that only hinders how everyone sees them. Making prices go up and the quantity of the products reduced. And that we're only a few results of the human kingdom policy.

August walked around for a while before spotting a tavern that, unlike the one that was stationed at the entrance, was much more modest. The reason is plain, most of the residents of the Carbon rarely leave their homes to venture into the outside world, even if they want to do so, they would be probably stopped by the rules that are set in their city. Therefore, fancy things were only in those places where a lot of outsiders come in.

The tavern from the outside had no colourful signboard, no other elements that could tell that this place was actually a tavern. But one particular thing gave it away, a very sharp smell that came from the building almost instantly made August recognize the purpose of this place.

August walked inside, catching a distinct environment compared to the one he visited the first time. Here there was an absence of loud cheers and a shortage of smiles on the faces of the people that are consuming alcohol.

Some small talks happening here and there, but everything looked quite depressed compared to the spirit in the other tavern that is stationed at the entrance. The faces of the dwarfs were not happy at all. Most of them were in a bleak kind of mood.

August approached the bar counter, dropping a few coins on the stone surface, making them slightly bounce.

"Give me a beer," said August calmly.

One to serve had a perplexed expression on his face seeing August here. This place was usually one for the locals that lived neighbouring and only a few outsiders knew about this place. So seeing someone other than those that live nearby resulted in quite a bit of concern from people in the bar.

"Right away, sir," said Barman, handling August a cup of beer.

August down all the beer in one go and asked for one more, which he downed in one go as well. Looking at the dwarf that served in the tavern, August inquired,

"Why the atmosphere here is so gloomy compared to the drunken goblin?" August pierced a small man with his eyes, waiting for an answer, but also making the man quite anxious.

"This place is not as popular and the prices here are less than there. We can't afford to make it as popular," explained the barman with a slight frustration present on his face.

"Why?" inquired August

"Please enjoy your stay in the 'The Three Cups', " said the barmen, leaving August's question ignored.

August thought 'There is unquestionably something going on, but all of them look like they are not ready to share anything of value with the foreigner. Maybe I just need to play the performance for a minute?'

August ordered another beer and, with a cup in his hand, approached one table where several dwarfs were sipping on their alcohol while silently discussing their daily life. The Dwarfs looked quite young, their beards were quite short compared to those that August had luck talking to and the beard for dwarfs was like an age for a dwarf.

Having quite a long lifespan, they mature quite late compared to humans. Their beard usually shows their maturity. Once the beard of the dwarf reaches their waist, they can be counted as matured. Usually, this happens at the age of 55 and that age is marked as the age when a dwarf can be regarded as an adult.

Slamming his wooden cup right on the table with a powerful sound, August took a seat, asking for no approval from those that occupied the rest of the table.

Giving them no time to speak, August told the story.

"*Sigh* She was such a beauty, but I had to behead her, for the sake of the security of others."

August looked at the young dwarfs that were sitting next to him and asked, "Can you understand it?"

Without giving them time to respond, August continued, "She was such a beauty!"

August described the woman with his eyes closed and making a face as horny as possible. "Her deep green eyes, with those black flawless hair that flows down to her waist. Perfect skin. With just a single touch, you could feel how pleasant and delicate it is. Her beautiful face, with a small nose and ears. With perfect and tempting lips, I was ready to kiss repeatedly. And her chest! Oh, her chest had such splendid tits that I never saw even in the most extravagant brothels. Such a shame that below her waist there were no legs, just a huge fishtail."

August sipped some beer, showing a sorrowful face, almost sobbing. Looking right towards the eyes of the young dwarf, August said,

"Anyway, how are you guys? My latest job was dreadful."

One of the dwarfs, being quite overwhelmed by the sudden approach of August, had a puzzled face.

"Who the hell are you?" said Dwarf with a dissatisfied look

August pointed towards his eyes, replying, "Can't you tell? I'm the one called monster slayer, the Witcher"

"What do you need from us?" said another Dwarf with a snort

"Relax guys, I came to enjoy some of my free time. I heard dwarfs are good drinkers and quite fun to be around compared to humans," revealed August, seeing dull expressions on the faces of the dwarfs around.

"What is that with you all? Why are you all gloomy?" inquired August, trying to pull some information out of them.

"Why do you care?" replied a dwarf with a bitter voice.

"Relax! I came in peace. Tell me your struggles and I might just help you with a bit of my wisdom," replied August with some pride to it.

Dwarfs snorted, inquiring "You don't look too old for someone to be wise!"

With a snort, August said, "I'm a Witcher. We live for centuries. Of course, I will look young no matter how old I am"

One dwarf spoke. "Huh? What can you understand? You never faced something like we did! We are living like birds that seek freedom, but we're obliged to live in the enclosure."

"Huh, what do you mean by that?" inquired August

Drop some power stone boys and ladies!

TacetIraecreators' thoughts