
[Intermission] (Part I)

Time: During Operation Dust Angel

Location: Unknown

POV: Unknown

I walk up to the Council room, 'God I am nervous, this meeting will decide everything!' I exclaimed to myself. The Doors Open in it were 7 seats, one was empty which was mine while the others were all filled In the middle sat the Most prestigious member, the one and only Liberator! The man who shall Help us see the light!, ''Excuse my tardiness.'' I said to them and quickly sat down. Silence drifted in the air, sweat started to drip from the foreheads of the 3 men seated left of the Liberator, including mine.

The Liberator stood up and started to talk,

''Comrades, Unionists, Men and Women. All of us have come together today to make the final decision on how to deal with the Confederation's Wanderer. His roots are only growing, we have been thrown out of the Balkans, Poland and are being thrown out of Germany. This is serious, if we continue to let his influence grow, in other words, let the Council of Nations grow it will only be a matter of time before we will lose ground everywhere. Now. The latest Intel does tell us about a 3rd party which has hampered our operations in the USA and the League of Nations, even though we think we have a tight grip on our League of nations it seems it was an illusion, a major mistake on my part Comrades.

We found out that the Wanderer and the 3rd party are very much at odds with each other, I suggest teaming up with them to get rid of the Wanderer once and for all!'' The Liberator said proudly, 'That would indeed increase our chances if we get the league of nations and the USA on our side, but if we team up what are we going to do?' I started to think, ''Gentleman, we have to reconsider our 2 Options here, our main Option was to continue the massive intelligence war, but reports lately show that the Wanderer is a lot more successful in both equipment, skill and training his spies. So hence because of it, I have created the Second option, which will be an all-out war against the Organisation and indirectly the Council of Nations.

I feel we have a good chance since we have almost every nation outside of eastern Europe is under our control and then also the USA backing us. But this decision needs a uniform agreement between the council members. I request people to put up their left hand for plan 1 to continue the war on intelligence, or their right hand to start preparing for war.'' The Liberator said in ever increasing voice. Without question, the 3 men opposite of us put up their right hand showing their support for the war as they were with the liberator from the very beginning, while we three are indecisive, as this decision will impact our families, our countries and our own mindset. The person on the furthest left of me put up his right hand, making the decision to brave the war. The person directly left of me also puts up his right hand. 'What do I do?!? I do not want war, but the costs of the war of intelligence will be astronomical!

Fine. It is not me who made this decision, the Wanderer forced me too! If he just didn't show up all would be fine, no casualties, no war, no death, no misery. Wanderer, be prepared to pay for this crime!' I shout in my head. With a resolute face, I lift up my right hand. The Liberator nodded with satisfaction, ''Okay gentlemen, We shall make the Wanderer's Council of Nations start the war, Contact Himmler and make an 'accident happen' at the French-German border.'' the Liberator ordered. ''Comrade, I suggest holding off until 1940, as we then have finished our re-militarisation plan, also our new Matilda II tanks will be ready for mass production.'' The man left of me said with sweat dripping down his forehead, ''That is fine, we shall finish our preparations, it is not that far away anyways.'' The Liberator said before sitting down. He continued: ''Now to continue our meeting...


Time: During Phase Two

Location: Motherbase Agricultural Centre

POV: Mackensen's

''Okay men keep it coming!'' A man shouted at the crane operator moving a massive container full of wheat seeds. ''General, food output of our Agricultural centre will be sufficient for the development of 1/3 of the underground city project. While the other Agricultural cities are to be connected to this City instead of directly to the HQ for logistics purposes.'' An Adviser reported to Mackensen, ''Good, This city must provide a constant food supply for our citizens located in the Underground city and our soldiers.

I want it completed as quickly as possible!'' Mackensen said while walking around the city checking out the underground city which was a network of tunnels. 'This is will be not only a testament to not only the strength of the Organisation but to the Council of Nations!' I exclaimed seeing the massive underground structure.

It made me even a bit proud, 'I have been constantly checking the progress on the city construction, but the massive amounts of machinery for mining and creating these tunnels is about half of the Investment we put in, all large tunnelling projects are done with tunnel boring machines we purchased almost all available in Europe!' I thought about all the numbers Sector head Hoffman kept throwing at me. 'Sir! We have confirmed that unknown planes have entered Swiss airspace!'' A Messenger came running towards me, ''Understood I'll head back to the CC immediately.'' I said while putting the touring on hold. 'Who dares enter the airspace!' I thought angrily.

Hope you enjoy this intermission :)

Chaos_Overseercreators' thoughts