
the walking dead with infinite dimension treasure box system in

ALEX WILD SUDDENLY FOUND HIMSELF IN THE WALKING DEAD UNIVERSE WITH AN INFINITE DIMENSIONAL TREASURE BOX SYSTEM. WILL HE TAKE OVER IT AND STAY HERE, OR WILL HE BE A TRAVELER OR A CONQUEROR ALONG THE OMNIVERSE? English is not my native language, I translate it with artificial intelligence, this is my first time writing, I need every comment. Disclaimer Everything except my OC belongs to their respective owners. From Marvel to Disney, TWD to AMC, etc. belongs to. Nothing belongs to me. This is just a fanfiction. patreon.com/FanficMerchant

DaoistpLxjFW · 电影同人
6 Chs


A small town was filled with trucks. Materials were constantly being transported. Alex was moving the items from the boxes to an empty area, while the others were loading them onto the trucks. Yesterday, he had opened all the boxes in the director's office.

The following came out of the ordinary boxes:

·         Power generators

·         Solar panels

·         M249 machine guns

·         Military vehicles

·         Construction equipment

·         Construction foremen

·         Doctors

·         Farmers

·         Polygraph machines

·         Communication devices with a range of 50,000 km

·         Radios, antennas

·         Night vision binoculars

·         Hundreds of armors from different universes

·         Over 1000 weapons of all kinds

·         2 Templates

From the Iron Boxes:

·         20 Vipers

·         7 Crysis nano suits

·         40 Ghosts (COD)

·         Dr. Alfred Lanning's memories

·         100 USS (Umbrella Security Service)

From the Bronze Boxes:

·         John Wick and Storm Shadow

The templates were:

[Leonard Hofstadter

·         One of the smartest people in the Big Bang Theory universe.

·         He is an experimental physicist.

·         He has an IQ of 174.]

[Ip Man

·         He is an expert in Wing Chun martial arts.]

Alex went out under the pretext of gathering resources from nearby towns before he could complete his plans for the prison. He was thinking of creating a new plan to prevent anyone from questioning the people he had just acquired.

Alex, "Why am I creating a new plan? I can introduce them as members of Ghost. Ghost is something I made up. It could have ten members or thousands."

Alex watched hundreds of people working. Storm Shadow approached him and said, "Captain, we found 31 survivors. We gathered them in the building across the street."

Alex said, "Let's go see them."

When he entered the building, the survivors looked at Alex with anxiety. They couldn't understand why they were brought here.

Alex said, "I'm the captain of a team called Ghost. The reason we gathered you here is to offer you the chance to join us. Don't worry about it. We have a base. We have a team of elite soldiers protecting it, as you can see. Of course, there are conditions for joining us. If you join us, you will become one of us. You will have to obey our every order."

Some of the survivors were happy, while others were quite uncomfortable. They didn't want anyone to give them orders, like Jane and the others. They were people who wanted to take advantage of everything without contributing anything. In short, they were leeches.

John raised his hand and spoke, "How do we know you won't see us as cannon fodder if we join you?"

Yes, the person who asked was John Wick. Since John was an assassin, he was going to join him among the survivors with some Ghost soldiers. They would be his eyes and knives. They would find anyone who was happy or complaining about him and execute them on his orders.

He was aware that people had their own free will. Everyone wanted to lead rather than be led by others. He was one of those people. He understood them, but he wouldn't give them a chance because of their different positions. He would kill those who caused problems before any problems arose.

Alex said, "You need to have some qualities even to be cannon fodder. Anyone outside can kill 15 of you with their bare hands."

One of the survivors said, "If you don't need us, then why are you offering us the option to join you and sharing your resources with us?"

Alex remembered the person who asked the question. He was smart. He was worth training. "Because of my population problem... Yes, you heard right, because of my population problem, I can take over Atlanta or another city, but I can't manage the city's vast resources and create a self-sustaining system."

The survivors were surprised by these words. While they were struggling to survive, he was already thinking about taking over a city and building a system.

Alex said, "We'll be here for another 1-2 hours. Then we'll leave. Those who want to join us should take their places next to the trucks by then."

Alex was walking through the streets of the town, thinking about whether to use it as a forward outpost later. It was a 90-minute drive from the prison by car. If they could find 20-25 people in each of the towns around the prison, the prison would fill up very quickly.

The problem wasn't the population that the prison could hold. It was the people they took. Even though John and the others would be there to prevent it, the sudden disappearance of people would create a concern among the people.

He kicked the approaching walker 3 meters away with a single blow. He could achieve this power thanks to the templates. The templates could be stacked to give a person 10 times the strength of a normal person. He needed to use the templates that would come out of silver or gold to be stronger. Thanks to John, Leonard, and Ip Man, he was currently 4.5 times stronger than a normal person.

This was not just in terms of strength, it was a comprehensive improvement. His dexterity, intelligence, reflexes, distance vision, endurance etc. were all better than a normal person's. Only the intelligence attribute could not be stacked. He had the intelligence of the person with the highest IQ among the templates. This meant 174 IQ thanks to Leonard.

He knew from his previous life that there was a gap between geniuses and normal people. He didn't know the gap was that big. He could now remember many things that he had difficulty remembering before. He didn't need to think deeply when making plans. He now understood better why the NZT-48 pill would come out of an epic box.

As the trucks entered the prison gates, both the new survivors in the prison and in the vehicles were surprised. When they left the prison, only 2 trucks with 5 people left. On their return, dozens of trucks returned with hundreds of people. The problem wasn't the number of people. It was that they all looked like elite soldiers in armor and weapons.

Alex gathered all the survivors in the prison yard.

Alex said, "This is our base, our home. We'll be leaving soon. I don't think anyone here wants their home to be easily destroyed. All survivors will contribute to this by reshaping this place. Any useful advice will be returned to you in the form of benefits later."

After taking the director's office as his own, Alex began to think about ranking people based on their contributions. But he didn't know where to start. Despite having an IQ of 174, he was surprised that he had never done something like this before.

He told Jack, who was standing at the door, to call Shadow Storm. Alex asked how the ranking system worked when he was in Cobra. Shadow Storm explained that such a system was not needed in a society controlled by nanites. Alex had guessed that Shadow wouldn't know much about it, given his assassin past.

Alex knew he had to put more effort into finding one of the boxes. He ordered Jack to call the architects and construction workers. He wanted to turn the prison into a fortress. A new fence, concrete walls, and surveillance towers would be built outside the prison. Inside, there would be separate sections for Ghost members and survivors.

Alex ordered the Ghost and USS teams to search the area around the prison and mark any warehouses that were not visible on the map. The walker herds would also be reported to the Viper team for cleanup. Alex, in the meantime, planned to acquire the memories of Dr. Alfred Lanning.

[Dr. Alfred Lanning:

Dr. Alfred Lanning was the inventor of modern robots from the I, Robot universe.]

Alex was going to acquire all of Lanning's memories.

Alex took out the Crysis nano suits from the box area and gave one to Shadow and the other to those tasked with protecting him. He gave Shadow the task of dealing with any problems that might arise while he was sleeping. He lay down on the couch, closed his eyes, and gave the system the information he wanted to acquire. Then he fell into a deep sleep.

Jack and the others surrounded Alex in the middle. Shadow had placed over 30 soldiers in the corridors leading to the director's office. No one was allowed to enter without Alex's orders.

As Alex slept, hours turned into days, days into weeks. He had been asleep for exactly 1.5 months.