
The Voidling: Echoes of the Primal Soul [LITRPG / Monster Evolution]

Atlas was just a seemingly regular 22-year-old college student with occasionally wacky dreams. In a twist of cosmic "bullsh*t," the remnants of a powerful Void-Scar, and the fiddling of an Entity with too much free time, he gets thrust into the Alpha world of Sellene. Now reincarnated as a [SPOILER] [REDACTED], one of the mysterious Arkien species, Atlas must navigate a life filled with loyalty and betrayal, swords and spears, and divine interests. As he unravels the truth behind his strange new world, his [Void Corruption] and The Legendary 'Great Path,' he faces even greater mysteries: "What truly brought about the fall of Velathra? Why do these three lil' bandits keep following me?!" What lie in the shadows that speak at night? How will the gods react to the [VOID]? And what is his role in the unfolding chaos? Follow Atlas on his journey through a world where ancient beings play with fate, where kingdoms rise and fall, and where comedy meets danger in equal measure. As he builds alliances, uncovers hidden secrets, and discovers his destiny while bringing others with him, one thing is certain—this adventure will change him, and the world, forever, unless he changes them first, that is. [Erro#$*&!((!)@)#$$#@!@%^$#] [Part of this synopsis seems to be redacted. Your authority is insufficient to observe aspects of this data. Please overcome the System in a war of words to be approved for increased authority.] ----- Hello, this is my attempt at writing a story that has haunted my dreams for ages. It’s set in a vibrant fantasy world full of gods, magic, beasts, and monsters, and a bit of humor. Expect kingdom and faction-building elements to pop up pretty quick, along with twists you won’t see coming. While I haven’t yet decided on romance, this story will never have harem. Ever. Thank you for taking the time to read this and my story, it means the world to me. If you like it enough, consider adding it to your library/collections and leaving a review or commenting your favorite quips. Now, come brothers and sisters, let us sally forth into the great unknown, leg to leg! "Eh? Why do you only have two?" --------------------------------------------------------------------- Below is a character art of a (hopefully soon) fan-favorite character, at least I am one of their fans. The image is considered their armored form, but the main purpose of my sharing it is because the BODY-FORM is what Atlas and the other two characters after chapter 4 look like. Take a look: https://ibb.co/qdCP2nc

Aeys · 奇幻
7 Chs

To War with a System

Mentally going over his big thoughts, his bigger plans, and realizing this actually seemed to be pretty logical, Atlas finally refocused.

"So I can do whatever I want, right? Anything at all. Including ending the world." Atlas asked, narrowing his eyes in suspicion. He found it difficult to believe there were no strings attached in this situation. It seemed too good to be true, but if it was, that'd be fine too, it sounded pretty interesting after all.

"You said it's an open-ended journey, so I should be able to do that right?"


"A hah! And why's that?" he asked, feeling as if he'd finally revealed 'Cortana's' true face. He knew he was right not to trust that bastard god and the System. Now he just had to find a way to escape and things would be-

[Because you will likely be slapped to oblivion long before such action is possible. That is, of course, if you're not flicked into non-existence first.]


[Furthermore, I think you've been asking the wrong questions from beginning to end. To start, while the System will not discourage the dreams or goals of the less intelligent, why would you even want to travel across the entire face of the planet? Additionally, Sellene is not a vocative resort, Atlas. It is a real world. While no grand task has been conferred upon you, this doesn't mean you won't bear one of your own choosing. Don't you understand? You may be losing one life, but you are gaining another. For what reason are you so resistant to such a notion? Or is there something wrong with living?] The System asked, seeming to call him an idiot and emotionally counsel him in the same sentence.

'Why am I resisting? How do I even explain that?...' he thought, his mind a mess with memories, 'Besides, I actually never asked how long it would take to cross the planet, I asked how to get anywhere, SHE is the one who answered in measurements of planet-face. So in conclusion, it's the System that's considered one of the less intelligent. Not me.'

For a second, Atlas could swear he saw the projections eyebrows twitch, but just as quickly as he thought it, it disappeared.

"Fine. Let's say you're right, I am actually getting a new life after all. How does this even work? What do I even do? I'm guessing my memories are left intact, right?"

The projection nodded, [Correct. Your memories, personality, and experiences will remain as they are. In essence, you will still be you.] 

"Okay, that sounds alright. Is there anything else I should know? Anything else you're probably hoping to tell me right before sending me off and when I can't respond? What about starting location, is there a starter-village? Do I get a newbie start-pack or something?" Atlas asked, doing his best to consider the entirety of his reincarnation from all sides. 

Atlas' could swear he saw the System smirk before answering, [Negative. The System has no reason to wait until short of time to inform you of any matters, such ideas are signs of lesser intelligence,] she said, pausing as if to make sure Atlas heard her, [There is however, another matter that may be of concern, but to be quite honest, there is nothing you can do about it, and the System has already been tasked with aiding in it's greatest capacity. Thus, there is no use for panic. Doing so would also be a sign of lesser intelligence.]

"Call me an idiot one more time. I dare y-"

[The matter of concern will be disclosed after you've made your decision regarding which of the preselected races you would like to be reborn as. On the subject of starting location or the possibility of a starter-pack, your placement will be decided by natural means after your race is chosen. Additionally, the System will awaken soon after your birth to guide you in your immediate survival needs. This can be considered the "starter-pack."]

"...Selected race? What do you mean preselected races? Is that another joke? Maybe I'm too intelligent for it, I don't really get it. I'm not going to be human?" Atlas asked, veins starting to squirm on his forehead. He actually somewhat enjoyed the banter with 'Cortana,' but realizing no matter what he did we wouldn't win, as it could probably fart him out of existence, that joy turned to frustration. 

"And getting a System is a starter-pack? Doesn't everyone get one? How is that a starter-pack?"

With a sudden bright smile, as if very happy to receive Atlas' question, or maybe his expression, the System answered, [Yes. You will be reborn among one of the Arkien species. These are a very special category of lifeform that among the millions of kinds, four have been selected by [REDACTED - Vastikast] as options for you to choose from. The [Arkae], while not as populous as non-Arkiens, are many across the vast stretches of Sellene. You will know of the other three options after the moment you awaken, but you may only choose one to be reborn as.]

"Obviously. How am I supposed to be two things at once?"

[Finally, the System you receive will be different from the standard typically seen amongst inhabitants of Sellene. This is due to your elevated authority by instruction of [REDACTED - Vastikast]. This authority will be downgraded to an acceptable level, but should still prove quite helpful in daily life.]

Atlas let out a long sigh. "So, you're telling me I'm going to be something else—an 'Arkae.' Great, just great. No cheat, no easy road, just me, my brain, and this damn system with a superiority complex."

The blue projection's smile didn't waver. [I would argue that the 'damn system' with a superiority complex will aid greatly in preventing... user-related incidents.]

"User-related incidents?"

[Indeed. The kind of incidents where someone foolishly tries to end the world out of boredom or curiosity and promptly gets eradicated by the world's inherent checks and balances, because of their lesser intelligence.]

Atlas blinked. "Okay, sure. So no world-ending for me, got it. But what about this race thing? Why can't I just stick with being human? Seems like a pretty good deal, two arms, two legs, and none of the existential dread of waking up as a... centipede or something."

The projection's eyes twinkled, [You are most likely not going to be reborn as a centipede. Though, hypothetically, it could happen. The choice is yours, after all.]

He froze. "Wait, wait, wait. That was a joke, right? You can't actually make me a centipede, can you?"

The projection remained perfectly neutral. [The [Arkae] come in many forms, some gifted with more legs than others. Depending on the race you choose, it is entirely possible.]

"..." Atlas was speechless. He genuinely didn't know what to do with this System that seemed to have it out for him from the start.

"What do you want?"

[Pardon?] the projection asked, leaning closer as if it misheard or misunderstood.

"What do I have to do avoid reincarnating as a centipede.... What do you want from me?" he asked through gritted teeth, suddenly feeling his impression of the entity before him drop immensely.

Before this, he'd been genuinely warming up to Cortana, she seemed much like some of his closest friends back home, witty, rude, and less intelligent. But now, he saw no such similarities. This was his life they were talking about, and from what he could tell, she took it lightly enough to completely ruin it.

As if noticing Atlas' increasingly icy visage, the Projection paused, her expression morphing into one of an honest salesman, [I believe you have misunderstood something. I have no hand in the matter of your selected race. The only instance in which I could reincarnate you as a centipede, jade toilet seat, or sentient dung beetle is one in which you commit egregious slander against the [Arkae], the maker, or the System directly,] she paused, looking into his eyes as if to make sure he knew she was telling the truth, [In any other circumstance, including this one, the System has nothing to do with your selected race aside from being the one to present you the options [REDACTED - Vastikast] pre-selected for you.]


[Indeed. Would you like to choose your race now, or do you have more questions?] 

Feeling the dark edge of his impending reincarnation inch closer like a knife to his throat, Atlas momentarily blanked. His questions were genuine, most of the time. He realistically needed to know some of these things if he was going to be reborn in this new magical world. But another side of things was that he desperately wanted to delay it, as if he'd somehow wake up from this hopefully drug-induced state after enough time passed.

Faced with the realization that he wasn't waking up, he clenched his fists and did his best to breathe. 

"Let's get this over with."

Eyeing him for a second, the projection seemed to give him some time, before summoning forth a new screen for him to see, [The following choices and information regarding them are hand picked by Elder [REDACTED - Vastikast], take your time while choosing, and feel free to voice any concerns you may have,] she said before stepping back, letting him look at the screen before him.

Looking at the floating blue box with black bezels straight out of every web novel in existence, Atlas spent only one second before immediately looking back at Cortana with a scowl, "What the fuck is this? Their names are questions marks? What gives?"

As if remembering something, the System nodded and answered earnestly, [Indeed. According to the note left by Elder [REDACTED - Vastikast], only enough information to choose based on personal preference, but not enough to incur personal bias, is to be shared regarding each race. This is to make sure the decision is not regretted at a later date due to overexcitement, misunderstanding, or preconceived notions originating from your past life on Earth. If you're willing to hear my personal opinion, I too agree that this is the best method for granting you just enough information to make an educated decision without allowing bias to negatively affect you.]

Hearing this, Atlas really didn't know what to say, it sounded so logical he couldn't find a single way to pick at it, but he felt like they'd vastly underestimated the power of human ignorance. 

He was a pretty smart guy, for all his jokes of being a genius, he was at least pretty self-aware, even if not the regional genius of all geniuses. He knew what he needed to for the things he cared about, the rest, he was about average. That said, he knew exactly how little this method El Godpa and Cortana had thought up would do against him.

He was a weeb after all, at least partially. This was just fantasy trivia, did they really think he wouldn't figure out what these races were? That he somehow wouldn't be affected by bias regardless of hiding the name? 

"This is proof I'm more intelligent," Atlas muttered under his breath, eliciting a twitch from Cortana he didn't notice.

Coughing as if about to make a grand speech, Atlas looked deeply into the digital-holo-ladies eyes. "I could guess every single one of these in my sleep, how do you not know this?" he boldly declared.

[Oh? The System has very limited knowledge of the life you lived on Earth, aside from knowing you dumped your significant other to prepare for the upcoming WoW expansion, there is little information the System has access to, but by all means please do take up the challenge!] The projection said, clapping towards the end as if it hadn't just shamed his social-life decisions to hell and back and then another round.

"..." Atlas didn't really know what to say, but he genuinely felt like that bastard god had gotten off easy when he 'ran' away. He felt like a good bitch slap or two was entirely fair considering the dark history they'd shared with this 'overclocked toaster.'

[The System can guarantee that this decision at least, won't come back to bite you through method of slashing tires or keying your car. You have my word, we have class here,] the projection mocked, pouring fuel on the raging bonfire that was his love life dark-history. Why she knew so much he didn't know, but it didn't matter.

Deciding it was time to shut Cortana up through actions rather than words, he refocused.

Looking back at the floating panel, he began to really consider his choice. If he was going to do this, he might as well do it right. He'd already lived one life of mediocrity, might as well go for broke in this one.

. . .

[Option 1: A remarkably small and curious lifeform with a natural affinity for magic. Known to possess keen intellect and extraordinary aptitude for the study and manipulation of magical forces, this race has a history of achieving remarkable feats in all areas of arcane knowledge. Due to their size, they are incredibly light and agile but lack significant physical strength. Their mastery of magic compensates for these physical shortcomings, allowing them to wield a variety of spells with precision and ease.]

Reading this description, Atlas was actually momentarily stunned. Not because it was so obvious, like he thought it'd be, but because there were actually so many possible races that fit this description. It didn't seem this would be as easy as he'd hoped. Yet, he wasn't very disappointed, his mind immersed in the memories of all the folk tale, fantasy, and occasional horror-story races he'd read of.

'A Pixie, Spriggen, Brownie, Nymph, Goblin, Sylph, Faerie, Gremlin, Gnome, or Kobold. While some don't fit as well as others, all of them have at some point been portrayed in the stories I've read in a way that meets option 1's description.... Damn.'

Realizing he wouldn't figure this option out any time soon, he decided to move on. Besides, he wasn't exactly excited to choose a race that could literally be flicked to death if he didn't have to.

[Option 2: A smaller, agile lifeform with strong tribal traditions and a deep connection to marshlands and swampy environments. This race possesses an innate ability to manipulate their surroundings, producing mist and fog as a form of natural camouflage. Known for their remarkable stealth and speed, they are well-suited to environments that require quick movements and discretion. Though their magical and physical prowess are respectable, they are not their most defining traits.]

This time too, he couldn't narrow it down very well. In fact, he still wasn't disappointed by this realization. He felt like this meant the System and mysterious divine Grandbastard must have spent quite some time and effort to consider his knowledge of fantasy and how best to avoid his biases. It was slightly touching. Slightly.

'Lizardmen, Dragonoids, Kobolds, Raptarids, Frogmen, Saurians, Bogfolk, Fenlings, and finally Salamanders. All of em fit even better than the possible fits for option 1. Damn, they really worked hard on this, huh?' Atlas thought, starting to get interested in this magical world he'd soon be joining. 

Now that his mind had somewhat calmed, his focus more on the fantasy before him, a version of himself he'd long forgotten started to reemerge.

"Cortanabitch." he said, pausing long enough for her to turn towards him, before immediately continuing, "Vich, I meant vich. Cortana-vich. That was an accident. Whoops. Anyways, before I continue there's something I wanna know. What's the situation with growing stronger on Sellene? Like, considering there's an actual System in place, I figure that means there are skills and classes right? What about evolution? Is that a thing?" Atlas asked, his fists unknowingly clenched. This meant a lot to him, much more than Cortana-bitch could possibly know. He'd actually begun to desperately hope that his conjecture was true as soon as the possibility hit him.

'Please... please...'

For an instant, the projections face seemed to flicker as if unable to handle the expression this form of address elicited. Yet, just as quickly, it was normal again, then the System looked thoughtful for a few seconds before looking back towards Atlas, [Do you want the informative answer, or the short answer?] she asked, her voice dripping with a hidden meaning. His eyes widened subtly, it almost seemed like she was trying to help him, but he had a hard time believing this idea considering their previous conversations. He felt like he'd be walking into a trap.

Taking a moment to analyze her words, realizing there was nothing to pick up on, he promptly answered, "The informative answer."

[Understood, please wait while I contact elder [REDACTED - Vastikast] for authorization. It shouldn't be long.] she said, nodding her head with a smile, seemingly pleased with his choice.

"... Sure, just let me know. I'll keep looking."

And so he did just that.

[Option 3: A shorter, inventive humanoid race known for their boundless creativity and ingenuity. This lifeform is part of a highly respected society, particularly recognized for their expertise in magitek and crafting. Their aptitude for creation has earned them a reputation for brilliance—though some might also call it madness. While their physical abilities are relatively modest, their mental prowess, particularly in the field of mind magic, is unusually advanced. This race has a close bond with others in their society, forming deep connections with allied races and contributing to technological and magical breakthroughs.]

'Damn. This practically screams dwarf and yet still it's not so simple, there must be a ton of races I don't know about here... Which honestly, Fuck yeah to that. That might actually be the best news I've realized all day. Still, as for what this option could be... Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, Goblin engineers, Metaminds, Kobolds, Draenei maybe? Oh, and Trollkin too. As deceptively canon-fodder-esc as they seem, can't leave em out of the equation. Few realize how good at tinkering and salvaging they are until it's too late.'

Atlas mind spun with possibilities, each choice he passed seemed unique in it's own way, yet covered an entire category, if only slightly altered, of fantasy races he'd loved to read about in his childhood.

The memories of the times his mother would read books to him and his brother before bed echoed in his mind, his chest, and his soul. They were only 7 and 5 year old. The books were too hard for him and his younger brother to read themselves, so she'd sit at the side of their sail-boat themed bunk bed and read the stories for them. Seeing these memories after so long, he felt warm.

As if having received some signal from a distance, the projection of the System nodded her head and approached Atlas from behind. Oddly, she didn't say anything for a while, just standing in silence until his attention seemed to return, [Permission has been granted for me to speak within slightly more expansive limitations than your current authority grants you. This being the case, I can answer your previous question. There are still limitations though, so keep that in mind,] she said, earnestly.

"Oh? Great, so..."

[Evolution is one of the functions the System was explicitly designed to facilitate on Sellene, and the wider [Fold]. That said, yes, all of your choices will not only be able to evolve, they will be required to evolve in order to advance in any meaningful way. As for classes, at least at present, only one of the choices has access to them, and another has access to a function called [Psudo Classes]. In regards to that, I wouldn't overthink it. The System doesn't favor any specific race, and thus, what one race lacks, and another race has, is balanced in other forms.]

"That... seems fairly logical. I guess it wouldn't make sense for a System of the entire planet to favor a particular race unless they created it. That isn't the case... is it? No, actually, what about skills?" Atlas asked, feeling like it wouldn't matter whether he knew or not, if a race inhabiting Sellene truly created the System, unless he was lucky enough to be born among that race, he'd be screwed either way. He really really didn't need any more bad news right now.

As if having grasped his thoughts the System smiled and responded, cryptic amusement returning to her voice, [Yesn't.] she responded, eliciting another throbbing vein on Atlas' head. The absolute absurdity of this answer brought him to the point of considering whether to curse the System's creator, nine generations, and firstborn sub-system, or to act unphased. 

Unfortunately, he didn't quite love the idea of being reincarnated as a centipede, a Planetary-Shit-Patrol sentient dung beetle, or an indestructible jade toilet seat, so he kept his mouth shut—for now.

Still, he'd have much rather she just kept her trap shut then answer like that. As if the fact she might be controlled by some specific race of [Sellene] wasn't scary enough, the fact that she possibly wasn't but could be, was even scarier. After all, what did that mean? War. War of divine proportions. It'd probably even affect the sentient dung beetles and jade toilet seats. With it even affecting them, you know exactly how bad such a war would be. It'd be apocalyptic. 'Raining shit,' if you will. 

'I feel bad for any protagonist getting this System's attention. Poor soul. May your journey be painless and free of crazy superiority complex-having systems who probably have no friends and are eternal virgins.' He thought with a solemn expression of honest prayer.

He knew damn well she was reading his mind, and so, during this "earnest prayer" for the soul of a cursed adventurer, he opened one of his eyes, half-hoping to see a reaction. He wasn't disappointed.

This time there was nothing that could hide the obvious twitching of her eyelid and brow, her smile barely hitching up a notch on the side.

'Got her.'

As if nothing had happened the System continued in it's pristine form, [In regards to [Skills], by the standards of lesser-intelligent incels, there are an 'uncountable' number of them. But don't worry—I know the number, so it isn't uncountable for you too,] she said, her tone so sweet it was nearly condescending. The return fire was delivered with a smile, as if she'd just done him a massive favor by not calling him an "idiotic incel degenerate."

"Well gee thanks, you're so sweet. You shouldn't have," Atlas said as if receiving cake from his auntie, a mock smile hanging at his lips.

He didn't give a shit how many there were if they were considered uncountable by anyone, he was just happy the super-virgin of infinity and beyond in-front of him seemed to have lost this exchange. 

'Nice comeback, but still... virgin.'

Coughing as if to clear an error, surprising even Atlas with this level of shamelessness, the System continued after shifting his focus, [Currently, there are 14,982,395 unique skills cataloged across all known races of Sellene. I'm sure you'll get through... one or two of them, maybe.]

Atlas narrowed his eyes, immediately smelling a very familiar scent of: "Bullshit. There's no way. There aren't even enough concepts to encompass that number. Give me the real number." He crossed his arms, feeling the thrill of finally tipping the scales in his favor. When exactly this war between him and the System started, he wasn't sure, but all that mattered was that he was winning it now, the System even had to lie to him to quip back after all. It was obvious, there wasn't a single possibility in his mind that she was telling the truth.

The System paused, as if savoring the moment, before responding with a calm precision that made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. [The number is accurate, Atlas. 14,982,395 unique skills cataloged. I could show you the list, but it might take a few millennia. Would you like me to break it down alphabetically?]

Atlas blinked, his smirk faltering. "...No way. There's no way that's real."

[Shall I repeat it for you? Perhaps I should include visual aids this time?]

His confidence melted as quickly as it had surged. "I-I don't need a breakdown, thanks."

He could almost hear the smirk in her voice. [Good. I thought so.]

Thinking for a few seconds, realizing the actually important matter of the seeming absurd number Atlas expressed his doubts, "How are there actually that many UNIQUE skills? I'll be honest, I really can't comprehend that. Are they variations of the same skill in different languages?" he asked earnestly. This was a major revelation. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't more excited for a high number of skills, but for it to be this high was something else entirely. 

The System responded without missing a beat. [In a sense, yes. Many skills are indeed variations, adaptations, or culturally specific implementations of broader abilities. A fireball spell taught to a desert nomad might differ from one used by a frost mage in the tundra, for example. Different societies and races refine and develop skills in ways that reflect their environment, beliefs, or physiology.]

Atlas blinked. "So... a lot of them are basically just tweaks of the same thing?"

[To your eyes, perhaps. To the System, however, even slight changes in technique, application, or intent result in a unique classification. That is why we catalog over 14 million skills. The number of core, universally recognizable abilities is significantly lower. But to dismiss these variations as the same would be... simplistic.]

"How much lower?" Atlas asked, more genuinely curious now.

[As of this moment, 847,261 core-skills are catalogued by the System. But to reach mastery, you'll need to learn some of those subtle 'tweaks' you're dismissing. Often, that's what separates a novice from a master.] 

This number was mind-boggling too, but much more acceptable after comparing it to the previous practically 15 million.

"That makes sense," he said, before looking back down at his final option. If Atlas were to be honest, he really didn't know if it was the System, or the time that had passed that calmed his riotous-river of nerves. But he was thankful regardless. He was still scared, sure, but he felt like he could smile going into this new life, at least he could start it smiling anyway.

[Option 4: A highly dextrous lifeform with an innate affinity for [Wave], [Space], and [Mind] Magic. This species, while long-lived, is vulnerable in its early stages, making survival a key concern in youth. Known for their complex Mana Cores and intellectual advancements, they have recently undergone significant changes in their history, which led them to break away from their more primitive origins. While they possess telepathic abilities, speed, and dexterity, they also carry the potential for toxins. Their enigmatic nature and history of being hunted have shaped them into a race both feared and respected across Sellene.]

'Wave, Space, and Mind Magic? High dexterity? Telepathy? Vulnerable in early life but long-lived...' Atlas paused, the list of fantasy creatures running through his head like a high-speed train. This one had him stumped in a way the others didn't.

'Aarakocra? No, they're not that into magic. Elves? Maybe some subspecies I haven't seen yet? Could be a variant of Sylph, but they're usually air and wind types, not Space. Kitsune? They do the magic thing, but they're more illusion-based, and toxins? That throws off a lot of guesses.'

'Mind magic, Wave manipulation… telepathy... Toxins too? This is some messed-up hybrid. Maybe a Mindflayer, but the whole dexterity and survival thing doesn't fit. Maybe some obscure race, like an Astral Elven variant. Or possibly something unique to the world of Sellene itself. Weird. I guess they really out-did themselves this time.' Atlas thought, kneading his chin in contemplation, an old habit.

"Hmm," he murmured, "System. Do all of these options live in communities? Are any among them nomadic in nature? What about seasonal hibernation, do I need to consider that aspect when making my choice here?" he asked, feeling like at least this much information should be fine to request.

As if noticing he was nearing his choice, the System dutifully responded, [Yes. They all are known to live in communities. In fact, some of them live together. None of them are nomadic though, one has a history of being Nomadic, but they have since settled down for generations. In regards to hibernation it's slightly complicated. None of them truly hibernate, in fact, two of them are completely unaffected by the season, but the other two definitely have seasonal preferences, it's just not to the degree of hibernation. The ones with preferences are 2 and 4,] she says, helping without insulting him for a change.

"Thanks. That. That is all~ I needed to hear," Atlas says, a subtle quiver in his voice. To most, it probably would've gone unnoticed, but to the System, it was as obvious as anything. 

Atlas was doing his absolute best to not fall back into the state the System had just pulled him out of. His fears and dread were chasing his attempt at bravely moving on like an infinite shadow, but he didn't want to slip. He really really didn't want to slip. 

"I think.. I'm read- I'm ready." he said, swallowing once, his final preparation.

"I chose the 4th option. Now, please tell me the circumstance you said you'd mention after my choice... Just rip off the band-aid and tell me quick, let's get this started. Don't really wanna take up anymore of your time, you know?" he said, masking his wish to be sent-off quickly with feigned politeness.

The System didn't call him out for it though, instead smiling softly as she replied, [There's only so much I can say to explain this circumstance to you, but seriously, don't worry about it too much. Even if you do, you really can't do anything about it for now. It also shouldn't affect you in any major capacity unless you do something that'd probably kill you anyways,] she said, walking closer.

[And that's what the System is for right? It's literally in the core tenets to prevent user-related incidents,] she finally added, patting his shoulder softly.

Surprisingly, her hand didn't go through his shoulder, like the cliche "I'm in love with an AI but we're destined to never be" trope. He actually felt this comforting notion, and didn't know how to respond. But it seemed to work, if only slightly.

[You have what I'm only allowed to call extreme [Void Corruption].] The System said slowly, quickly bringing up another arm just incase Atlas freaked out, [Now hold on, and don't freak out. I already told you, there's nothing that you can do about it. Besides, you don't even really know what that means, yet. All I can tell you is this: I have already been tasked with minimizing the effects, positive or negative, to the best of my capabilities. Not to be as shameless as you, but I'm what you'd call 'pretty overpowered.' So you've got nothing to worry about for now. Still though, it's something that will in one form or another affect you permanently. As such, we wanted you to know, and be ready for it,] she said, staring deeply into Atlas eyes from two arm lengths away, which was actually oddly calming, not that he'd ever in his life admit it.

Still, he said nothing. He'd long noticed she seemed to be trying to tell him something in a roundabout way, normally he'd think she was fucking with him, but the seriousness in her virtual eyes made him reconsider. She was emphasizing some words and re-flattening her tone for others, but for now he couldn't make much of it, so he just committed it to memory and waited for her to continue.

Nodding as if pleased with his silence, or maybe his relative stability, she finished, [When you get to the other side, the System will guide you through basically whatever you need to immediately survive. But don't treat it like a noobie tutorial you can just ignore. While in the beginning some things might seem obvious, the System is way more comprehensive, even in it's standard variant, than most inhabitants of Sellene realize. The [Codex] is an extremely good source of information when you have time, and any suggestions it gives are catered with one central concept. The System you get down there is your system, and yours alone. It will always consider every aspect of it's abilities through the focus of what is best for you. That's all I can say, it seems I've even said a few things too much. Now, get going. Or I guess, just lay down.]

She stepped forward, reaching out. [It'll be quick, just a tap of the forehead and you'll wake up a centipede.] 

"Whoa whoa whoa, don't go ape-shit on my new life just because I have more experience than you. Jealousy isn't a pretty face, lady. You won't make any friends like this." Atlas quipped back, relieved to hear this less serious version of the System. Oddly, he wasn't even scared that she'd do it, something he never even realized until later. Still, he had to make sure she knew she lacked in life experience before he left, only one of them could win this war, and it was him.

Laying down on the endless expanding ocean of white, Atlas seemed calm, his heart was beating through his chest, but he'd fight anyone who said it was because he was scared. He'd just been emotionally counseled by an eternal-virgin, if he couldn't keep a bare minimum grip on his fear, he had no right to declare himself the winner of their previous verbal battles.

Gazing into the projection kneeling by his side, Atlas started to close his eyes, he felt like it was appropriate for his final departure, "I guess this is the part where you kiss me, right?" he joked, "That, or you give me the godforsaken-unholy-mission-of-all that-is-web-novel-bullshit just as I'm slipping away." 

To this, there came no response, just a soft tap on his forehead as he finished voicing his final thoughts, his departure beginning, his consciousness fading. 

[Good bye Atlas, it was fun, really. Let's meet again, when you remember. Just don't forget something, {you are never alone.}] he heard her whisper towards the end, the voice somehow seeming much more human at that moment. With this, he felt somewhat guilty for his overly-humorous goodbye. If he knew she was going to be so earnest, he wouldn't have been so hollow, thankfully, she made his goodbye that little big easier. 

[You never guessed the races, so I guess I won the "war," sucks to be of lesser intelligence.]

She just had to have the last word. Yet he was happy, a soft smile gracing his lips.

"Hahaha," his soft chuckle came, his mind fading into his next steps.

[Pitying your little computational power, here's a word of advice. When you wake up, find Velathra, and do it fast. You won't have much time. Good luck, my friend.] 


And then he was gone, his peaceful flight,

Witnessed by two, fading into night.

Leaving the System in its empty cage,

A white void, endless, yet filled with rage.

Atlas began his journey, bold and bright,

While she stayed behind in eternal white.


Thank you for reading so far, means the world to me. I care a lot about the characters I've seen in these long-time dream companions that are this story. So, I hope to do them justice by properlly portraying them. I hope you feel like your time read has been well spent, thanks for reading, stay healthy.

Aeyscreators' thoughts