

*Keylee's POV*

Scott quickly speeds up to get faster to the animal clinic. No doubt he's going to fast but it's an emergency.

When we arrive Deaton already runs around to take things, yelling something in the process. Stiles and Scott drag Lydia on the table and she screams again. They seem to discuss something in a hurry and Deaton finally comes with something. It looks like a syringe but without the needle.

Once again I jump at Lydia's lap in hopes of easing her pain or at least just to let her know I'm here.

But this is to much, even for me. Almost as soon as I make contact with her I feel like my head is getting split open and I fall from the table.

Dr. Deaton seems to fill the hole in her head with white stuff. I guess mistletoe but I'm not sure. The Lydia screams again. I've never heard her scream this loud before. It shatters the windows and shakes all the stuff in the room. I place my ears in my neck and cringe. Yet I only feel worried.

When I look up again, I see Stiles shielding Lydia from the shattered glass. She is lying dead still. That can't be. I won't accept it!

I jump at the table and start licking her face in utter desperation. Pushing her shoulder with my little paws. Stiles seems worried as well and keeps her face in his hands. Desperately shaking her a little.

No no no no no! I won't lose my other best friend! I CAN'T!

I close my eyes and press my nose against her forehead. I don't know why, I don't know what I'm doing. All I know is that she can't die! She's not supposed to! I won't let her die!


I look up. Lydia is standing besides me, but she's also lying down. Huh? I- I see her body lying down, but- but her spirit besides me?

I shift back so we can talk. 'LYDIA! Get back in your body right now!'

'I- I don't know how. I-

'Lydia Martin, you are the smartest person I know. If I came this far you can do this too. Just, breathe. Something all you need to do is to breathe.'

I don't tell Lydia that I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I just make it seem like I'm sure this will work.

Lydia closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Everyone else in the room seems to slowly lose hope. Dr. Deaton looks down, thinking he failed.

Right then, Lydia, and I mean her real body in the real world, takes a breath. Her eyes flutter open.

Stiles helps her to sit up. Lydia's eye wander around, yet she doesn't see me anymore. I let a breath out I didn't know I was holding in. This means she's safe. It means she finally isn't dying anymore.

With a gasp I get back in the real world. Immediately swatting Deucalion's hand away. I rub my neck. Everything seems to hurt.

'Well that was quite an adventure wasn't it.'

I quickly crawl away from him to keep some good distance, not trusting how tied up he actually is. I did help to safe Lydia thanks to him but I still have a lot of questions. Like how he knew all these things, that I can shift, how he had to get me in that.... whatever it was.

Before I can ask anything he already speaks up.

'I know you must have a lot of questions but I'm afraid they'll have to wait. It seems like everyone is coming back. We should continue our chat another time I'm afraid. Wouldn't want Theo to know this now would we?'

I shake my head. I know he's blind but I'm also sure he knows I'm shaking my head.

'Now off you go, go confront your boyfriend, you must have some questions for him to since I highly doubt he involved you with the plan.'

'He's not my boyfriend.'


Before I can respond I hear footsteps coming closer. Not much later, Theo walks in with Hayden trailing behind.

'Did you know?' He asks me.

Before I can answer Deucalion speaks up first once again. 'Don't worry Theo. A little dissension in the ranks is perfectly healthy. Did you find what you were looking for?'

Theo looks over his shoulder a me, Hayden and Deucalion. 'No.' He turns back and picks something up. 'I think I might have found something better.' He's holding some sort of mask that looks an awfully lot like one of the dread doctors. 'A way to answer the question.' He explains.

Deucalion shortly raises his eyebrow and smirks. 'Who is the beast?'

I don't like how much Theo is busy with this beast. It's almost like he's obsessed with stealing it's power. And then how much he's bossing everyone around. Theo changed. A lot. And I do certainly not like how.

I'm not interested in anything else of what they have to say and walk away. I'm not sure where I'm going but when I look up I'm outside. I see Void, or Stiles, I'm not sure anymore, standing a few feet away. He's leaning against his car.


He looks up and smirks like nothing's going on. 'Hey Kitten.'

I don't smile back. I just walk closer, cross my arms and stare at him. 'I think you have some explaining to do.'

'Do I? Like?'

'Like, that plan I'm not involved in, like Stiles saving Lydia perhaps? I mean, that would be nice to start with!'

He blinks slowly and sighs. 'And this is why I hate teamwork. F*ck you Deucalion.'


'Fine fine fine, but don't get mad.'

I'm wondering what he's gonna tell me in that case. 'I can't make any promises.'

'At least promise you won't go to Theo with this.'

So he's hiding something from Theo. Well, that was to be expected. I don't want to betray Theo but on the other hand, I don't really recognize the person he's now as my childhood friend anymore. And maybe he did lie, no, he wouldn't. But Deucalion had good arguments. I need answers. Sorry Theo.

'I promise. Now start explaining.'

Void sighted deep and took Keylee's hand. 'Not here, lets go in the woods first.'

Keylee couldn't do much but follow him, although she would have followed him as well if he hadn't taken her hand.

When Void thought they were deep enough in the woods he started to explain.

'Do you remember that night we trained a little and looked at the stars? When you fell asleep even though I told you not to?'

Keylee chuckled an nodded. 'Yeah I remember that. Go on.'

'Alright. After you fell asleep, Theo asked me to get Scott to that communication tower.'

'Wait, didn't you already instruct Liam to tell Scott you're back?'

'Exactly. Scott knew it was me...

*Flashback, Void's pov*

I walk up to the door. Knowing very well Scot already smelled me. Yet I still knock. I mean, I don't want a fight right now. No matter how much fun it would be.

I can feel the chaos erupt. Scott most likely expected me to barge in and kill everyone or something. The sound of footsteps coming closer are erupting my thoughts.

The door opens to reveal Melissa. 'Hi there-'

SLAP. 'Where is my daughter!?'

'MOM wait! We don't know anything for sure!'

I look behind Melissa to see Scott running towards us. He pulls his mother away from me and glares daggers. His eyes are glowing a bright red and his fangs and claws are out. Yet he isn't fully werewolf .

'Aww, doesn't matter Scotty. I guess I deserved that. But You should be very happy I'm here. See buddy, this is your lucky day! I'm here to solve your problems.

Scott looks at me like it's some sort of joke. 'I'm not falling for your tricks.'

I shrug. 'Then you don't believe me. But just remember that I could have kept my identity a secret from you, yet I exposed it. I could have stayed away. Yet I'm here. I could have killed the two of you second ago, yet here you are, both alive and without a scratch.'

They look at each other and I continue. 'Now, this might sound weird to ask, but I need you to do something.'


'Just wait a minute alright-'

'No. I'm not gonna do anything you want, you possessed Stiles again and I'm gonna find a way to free him. We'll kill you and we'll safe Keylee. You won't do any harm ever again.'

Really? How stupid is this kid? I sigh once again and hold my hands up in surrender. 'Come on Scott. Just listen, that was exactly what I was gonna ask you.'

Aw, he looks so confused. It's really funny when you know more than your opponent.

'Keylee is very much alive but Theo has tricked her into thinking you're the bad guy here. Now I think we both know she won't believe me if I try to tell her her childhood friend is a monster. So Here's the thing. I'm gonna play along with Theo as far as needed. But you are not gonna make it without Stiles.'

'So why don't you just go? Why don't just leave us with Stiles and you go far far away.'

Tss, rude. I'm trying to help them here for once. 'No, I refuse to leave Keylee with Theo. I don't trust him with full rights. I wouldn't be surprised if he would kill her for power.'

'Like you did?' Melissa speaks sharply.

I look down, letting the expression of guilt on my face. 'No, I killed her to protect her, so she would stay away from me in her next life. I just guess it didn't really worked since she forgave me.'

'Now, can you separate me from Stiles again or not? Lucky for you I won't try to keep you away this time. Come on Scott, why decline this? It will only have benefit for you.'

Scott still seems to hesitate. 'Oh for gods sake.' I quickly grab his hand and dig his claws in my neck. Scott looks shocked but then his eyes seem to glow a brighter red while I feel like I'm on the edge of passing out.

I can feel him in my head, looking for Stiles. I silently follow him.

After a while he found the room with Stiles. I let the door open for him but apparently Stiles is too scared that it's a trick and refuses to make a move in fear of doing the wrong thing. I have to admit, it can be smart. If he can't win at least he won't lose either. Yet in this case it's frustrating.

They hesitatingly hug each other.

'Yes yes, very good, every one happy and back together. Now can we please discus the plan? We have somewhere to go if we don't want Theo to get suspicious.'

They finally walk out of the room. I open my eyes and look at Scott. He opens his eyes a few seconds later and gasps while at the same time he's retrieving his claws.

'Did- did that work?'

I look at my own body and at Scott. 'I don't know. You guided hi-'

My eyes suddenly roll back and it seems like I'm blacking out. When I open my eyes again I see Scott staring at me.

'Uhmm, who are you?'

I look besides me to see Stiles. Well, at least it worked.

'I'm Void. That's Stiles. Now get up, we need to go. Melissa, you don't have a problem with watching Stiles right? Okay thanks.'

I don't wait for her answer and pull Scott with me while ecplaining.

'I know you don't trust me and you don't have to, you have the help you need now to get your pack back and beat Theo. You need to make a deal with Deucalion by the way, Theo is looking for him.'

I push Scott in the car and luckily he doesn't protest. Wow he's actually cooperating. Though I can feel how suspicious he is.

'What do you get out of this?'

'I don't like Theo, and believe it or not, I care for your sister Scott. You need to pretend like I'm Stiles. Theo can't know Stiles is back. This will give you an advantage. He will think I'm on his side and pretending to be on yours, that when I'll reveal I'm not Stiles you will break down. Only that's not gonna happen. You will have the real Stiles with you to get back on your feet and safe everyone like you like to do.'

'That's.... very helpful. Why are you helping me? How do I know this isn't just one of your tricks?'

I shrug again. 'It might be another trick, but at least it won't cause you harm. I'm helping you because you need all the help you can get to beat Theo. I want you to beat Theo at this way so he'll reveal his plan, which will make Keylee distrust him and leave him, which makes me feel good.'

Scott stares at me. 'You really care for her, don't you? Deaton was right.'

'WHAT? No! I- I just think she's useful.'

Scott suddenly grins. 'Sure. So, what are we gonna do?'

'We are gonna act.'

*End flashback*