

Keylee turned around so she didn't have to face Deucalion and started to draw. The hypnotizing trance like state becoming dominant again. She didn't know what she was doing. Or how she was doing it. But when she looked at the paper, she saw Lydia. Lying down at a bed, restrained to it. The side of her head was bloody and she stared at something like only she could see it.


'I bit you with a reason Keylee. I saw the potential in you, I saw who you could be. Don't become like Theo, stay who you are. Help people. One of the most special thing about you was how you saw light in everyone, even in me. You forgave Scott after he ignored you for two years. Dying changes you, but keep that the same please.'

'I- I don't know what to do.' Keylee admitted. 'It feels like something is wrong, like something is not in the right place... Like there's something pulling at me. What is this?'

'It's something in the supernatural world that is not supposed to be. Something that is about to come, but not meant to happen. I think you know it better than anyone.'

'Lydia. Lydia is dying, and- and she isn't supposed to die, is she?'

Keylee still stared at the drawing. How did she know these things without really knowing them? Why drawing it? When was the drawing predictive and when was it just an ordinary drawing?

'No, but even if I would have told you she was, wouldn't you still safe her? Use your power Keylee. Start looking for her, her unique powers will give her the ability to hear you like she hears the other voices on the bridge of death. But you have to be there, and not here.'

Deucalion was right. She would never let Lydia die, no matter how hurt she was or how much she was in a fight wit the pack.

Keylee stared back at Deucalion in confusion. 'I don't understand, I don't go anywhere, I just see another world.'

'Then I believe it's time to develop your powers a bit more, don't you think? Let me help you Keylee, let me guide you to that world.'

'What!? No way!'

'Be reasonable Keylee, even if you don't like me, you'll have to bear with me. I can help you safe Lydia, do you wanna let her die?'

Keylee let out a defeated sight. 'No.' She walked closer to Deucalion and knelt down to eye level. 'What do you want me do do, and I'm not gonna unshackle you!'

'You don't need to. I'm perfectly capable of moving already.'

Before Keylee could progress what he just said, Deucalion had already dug his nails in the back of her neck. She gasped and in a reflex she tried to pry his hand of but it was useless. He was far stronger than her.

'Don't fight it Keylee, use your power. Let it come.'

Her grip slowly weakened and her fingers slid away from his hand, no longer trying to get him away.

Keylee closed her eyes. 'Take a deep breath Keylee, this is gonna feel very strange. Just let the darkness consume you.'

*Keylee's pov*

'Keylee... can you hear me? You need to open your eyes. Open your eyes Keylee. If you wanna safe Lydia you have to get up.'

I quickly sit up. Gasping, welcoming the air back in my lungs. What happened? Where am I?

I slowly look around to observe my surroundings. My vision is once again green. I'm somewhere... I don't recognize it, it reminds me of some sort of laboratory.

In the middle of the room lies Lydia. Stripped to a chair. It's almost like my drawing with the only difference that this is a chair and in my drawing was a bed and this time she has something on the sides of her head. It's like the device a doctor uses to listen to your heart beat only now it's on both sides of her head. It's really weird.


Lydia slowly turns her head to me. 'K-Keylee?'

Oh my god, she can hear me?

'Keylee, I assume you see Lydia, as far as I know, the screams in her head are too loud. If she screams, a lot of bad things could happen. Try to comfort her.' Deucalion's voice echoes through my head. Oh yeah, he just dug his claws in me.

Still, he doesn't have to say that a second time. I quickly rush to Lydia and untie her. 'Lydia, are you alright?' Stupid question. She has a hole in her head on the bridge of death. Of course she isn't all right!

'The voices... They are too loud. I can't do it.'

It's like I hear another muffled voice. I can't make out what he's saying but Lydia doesn't seem calmer by it.

'Hey, hey Lydia. Lydia look at me.' She slightly turns her head. It seems like she's in a lot of pain.

'Lydia, it's gonna be alright.' I place my hand on hers. Trying to take her pain away. It feels like my head is gonna split. Like I spend too much time in the cafeteria on school and now my ears are overwhelmed.

Is this what Lydia feels every time or just now?

Anyway, she seems to calm down a little. 'The beast.'

The beast, the beast Theo is looking for? Once again I hear the muffled voice. Lydia seems to hear it better and I assume the source of the voice is with her.

'Demnatio memoriae.'

The muffled voice is saying things again until the lights in the room start to flicker and the pain in my head becomes to much to handle. I let go of Lydia and stumble back. Lydia is gritting her teeth. Then she flies up and screams.

I quickly cover my ears and close my eyes in a reflex. When everything calms down a bit Lydia seems focused on something else.

'You came back.'

I don't see anyone, again, but I hear the muffled voice of... Stiles? That can't be right? It's really Stiles' nervous voice and not Void's. Maybe he's acting. I'll ask him later, right now, Lydia is my priority.

'You can't. It's too dangerous.'

Suddenly the world starts to spin and then I'm in some sort of tunnel. I hear Lydia asking for a plan. Then I see her. She falls down to her knees with her hands over her ears.

'I can't hold it. Stiles, run!'

She screams again, only know it's muffled by fire. It's like something is literally burning through my vision. Like I was staring at a picture and now it's getting burned.

If I focus better, I see Parrish hugging Lydia in the flames. He's a hellhound. I don't know how to feel about that. At one side I feel fear, on the other side anger. Yet I don't know why I feel this.

The hellhound turns around with Lydia in his arms and looks at me with blazing eyes. We both don't say a word and just keep looking at each other. Then I return my gaze to Lydia, it's clear he cares for her.

'Safe her.'

I look back at him. He nods and his eyes slowly seem to stop glowing. He's back to being Parrish. And I can see better. That's good, I think. I can now see everything, including Scott, Stiles and Liam. Apparently they don't see me which I'm grateful for.

I really need to ask Void for an explanation when he comes back.

For now I just follow everyone. They are walking to an exit. I rush forward. There's a gate. Maybe I can open it. I try to take the gate but go right through it. Of course, that's my luck. I can watch but can't help.

I don't see Theo anywhere nor anyone from his pack. Are they still after Lydia? Cause if so, I need to warn them. Lydia needs to see Deaton.

I run straight through the gate, which causes a weird feeling in my stomach, and look around. I find Tracy against a wall. She'll be ready to take Lydia and will come out of nowhere to attack...

I need to find someone who can actually stop her since I can't. I don't think anyone except for Lydia can see me since no one else is dying and Lydia isn't capable of warning the others.

'HEY. Deucalion? I uhmm, I need to warn someone, just, how do I do that? How can I get someone to help? Tracy will attack them from behind and take Lydia if I don't do something.'

I don't know if I'm just yelling into nothing or if this actually works but I gotta try something right?

'Alright, listen very carefully Keylee because you will only be able to do this nine times. You need to shift to a cat and find someone to draw attention. They will feel you, remember, feel, not see.'

Great. Just, great. Why can't this be easy? I don't have all the time of the world. Luckily I know how to shift. Guess there is one good point of getting kidnapped after all.

I shift and start running around until I notice Mrs. Martin. She is holding a stick with electricity, which is a great weapon for this situation. Okay, time to play for ghost.

I jump at the stick and take it between my teeth. Mrs Martin seems shocked. I run with the stick to the direction of Lydia and check if Mrs. Martin is following me. She is.

When we arrive it's already to late. Tracy attacks Parrish and now she's holding Lydia. I drop the stick, hoping that Mrs. Martin will for once make a good decision and safe her daughter.

Luckily, she does. She takes the stick and electrocutes Tracy from behind. I feel a small pang of guilt but remember how hurt Lydia is and she really needs Deaton.

I wonder how Mrs. Martin felt when she saw a floating stick. I don't wanna leave Lydia and jump in Stiles' jeep as well. Sitting on her lap. As soon as my paws make contact with her skin my head starts to hurt. I know I'm taking her pain.

Lydia gives a short scream. Cracks form in the glass and Stiles' ear starts to bleed. He tries to comfort her. I see his mouth moving, yet I don't hear him. I still try to take as much pain as possible from Lydia so she finally clams down.

'But you're not.' She whispers to Stiles, seeing the blood in his ear now too. I wish I could do more. I feel so powerless now.