
In the back alley

|It went easier than I expected... Why exactly didn't he pressed us for getting appraised though? I'm quite sure that the guild – or some of the staff - have a deal with at least one appraiser that has some ridiculous prices set up for their services.|

To not make things suspicious for Mia who was had the proper appraisal results ready, Zombie went out of the guild as soon as his application was approved and he was given a small, cheaply made emblem to signify his new job.

Of course, the cost of both the application process and the emblem was covered by the extremely underpriced bounty for the goblins.

If Zombie hunted them for money, he would have all the reasons to get upset, but since getting paid was just an addition for training and leveling up he decided – or rather was convinced by Patience – to give it a rest for the moment.