
The Vampire of Kuoh

Cupids_Punisher · 漫画同人
14 Chs

Ally or Foe

With Sona

Dio Brando, what are you and how could we have we not noticed

She flips through his files

*Father; Dario Brando; Mother; Unknown*

Interesting, could his mother play a role in this?

I'll have to keep searching

Just then she gets a knock on the door

"Come in"

The door opens revealing her Queen


"Yes, Tsubaki?"

"He's ready"

"Oh yes, bring him in"

Her queen moves to the side and a brunette boy makes his way into the office

"Aww man listen president I ain't do nothing wrong for me to be her-"

"Silence, let President talk"

The tall queen interrupts the boy

"Saji, take a seat"

Sona tells him

"OK fine"

He moves over to the chair and sits down

"Now Saji I have a question"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Do you believe in the supernatural"

With Issei

"She wants to go on a date Sunday?"

That's in 2 days!

"I-I'm nervous as hell"

Ok calm down Issei you got this, you finally scored a girl and she wants to go on a date in 2 days, you got this

He gives himself a pep talk

"I got this"

He looks back at his phone

Unread Messages

Yuma: How does Sunday sound?

5 minutes ago

"I gotta respond"


Yuma: How does Sunday Sound?

Issei is typing...

Issei: Sunday sounds great!

Yuma is typing...

Yuma: Yay, I'll meet you at the mall

She sent me a heart!

Does that mean she loves me?

Are we gonna get married in the future?

How many kids are we gonna have?

No issei calm down you're moving too fast, reply normally


Yuma: Yay, I'll meet you at the mall

Issei is typing...

Issei: sounds good

Yuma loved your message


We're totally getting married


"Issei can you keep it down, you're mother and I are trying to sleep!"

"Sorry, Dad!"

Who the hell sleeps at 8:30?

With Dio


"What do you mean by "Devil"?"

"What are you talking about? Devils the enemy of both fallen and angels"

The man tells Dio like it's the most obvious thing in the world

Fallen? Angels?

"Your attire is all black, I assume you're a fallen"

Dohnaseek smiles menacingly as wings pop out of his back


They're black and look like angels' wings


Could he be, a fallen angel, so that's what he meant by "fallen"

"Are you a fallen angel?"

"Indeed I am, what are you surprised for, Devil?"

"Heh, I'm no "devil", angel"

"Fallen angel, and if you aren't a devil then what are you? A Youkai?"


"Don't tell me you don't know what a Youkai is"


"So I guess you don't, what the hell are you then"

Can I trust him?


But I can use him.

"Put your spear away and let's talk like men"

"Talk like men huh?"

Dohnaseek smiles but he disperses his spear

"If you try anything, I'll rip your throat out"

Dohnaseek with a straight face tells Dio

"Heh, you can trust me"

"Hm, we'll see"

"Now, Dohnaseek was it?"

"Yeah that's right"

"Good, I'm fairly new to this environment I would love it if you could fill me in about it"

Huh? This guy doesn't know about the supernatural, he's obviously not human maybe he just awakened a sacred gear and is looking for answers, we can use him for our plans, heh heh heh

Dohnaseek with his devious thoughts takes a seat in front of Dio

"Well you better get comfortable, we'll be here for a while"

"I don't have all night, so make it quick"

Tch who does this bastard think he's ordering

"Don't tell me what to do, got it"

"Heh, Noted."

"Now where to begin, let's start with the Great War"

With The girls

"Are you sure we should've left Dohnaseek to guard the church alone?"

"Calm your nerves Mittelt, the devils have not detected us yet therefore they have no reason to investigate the church"

"Kala is right, just relax Mittelt I know I should, I've been texting this brat all day, I could use the relaxation"

"You're right Raynare, I'm just overthinking it sorry"

"Don't apologize, overthinking is good in some cases, it helps you prepare"

"Indeed it does, Raynare finally grew some brains in that empty head of hers"

"What did you say Kala!"

"You heard me"

"I'm gonna beat your as-"

Their squabble is interrupted

"Hello ladies, are you ready for your massages"

"Oh yes please!"

Mittelt excitingly jumps up

"Finally, we've been waiting for 30 minutes"

Raynare grumbles

"We apologize for the wait, follow me to your rooms"

With Rias

"Sorry for the intrusion Rias but I have something for you"

"It's quite alright Sona, and what is it"

She hands Rias a yellow folder

"It's Dio Brandos file, also containing his address"

"Thank you, Sona"

"What are you gonna do?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, are you gonna invite him to your peerage"

"I'm not sure yet Sona"

"Well you should hurry up and think, you know what's coming up and you need to be prepared for it"

"I know Sona but let's not bring it up, I don't wanna think of him right now"

"I apologize Rias, but you still need to be prepared, if you want you can come to my house and use the training room"

"I appreciate the offer, Sona"


"Did you the other one into your peerage"

"Are you referring to Issei?"


"No, I haven't yet"

"I see..."


An awkward silence envelops the room

"Well, I better get going Rias"

"Yeah thanks, Sona"

A magic circle appears under Sona and she disappears in a flash of blue

Back to Dio

"And so the system controls who does and doesn't get a sacred gear and it's a random selection of humans who get one"

Gods, Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels?

Interesting, and there are also animal people, Nekoshou he called them

He remembers the girl from before with cat scent all over her

Could she be a Nekoshou?

"I appreciate your explanation"

"Don't mention it, you seem like a person I can get along with. You got any goals you wanna achieve?"

"Yes, one goal, one that I will achieve no matter what"

"And that is"

"To rule the world"



He's laughing?

Is he mocking me?

Dio clutches his fist in anger

"You laugh in the face of Dio?"

"My-my bad, phew, it's just that your goal is generic as hell, I heard about 1000 people say they're gonna rule the world"

"But you see I am different, those who have tried and failed to achieve said goal were not worthy of ruling the world but I shall prevail as fate wills it"

"Fate huh?"


"It seems my time is wasted here, I'll take my leave now"

He's leaving already? I haven't pried enough information outa him, I gotta make him stay somehow

"W-wait a second you're leaving already? We can have a drink together-"


Dio plunges his index and middle finger into Dohnaseeks forehead

"Oh I'll have a drink alright"


He drains Dohnaseeks completely


He releases a satisfied groan

"That was amazing, better than any human"


Dohnaseeks body collapses to the ground

"Get up."


The collapsed body twitches


Dohnaseeks body rises from the ground with a zombified groan and kneels before Dio

"Master Dio"


"Master Dio, is there a task you require of me"

"There is, I would like for you to stay here and keep tabs on these said devils in Kuoh"

"Yes Master Dio, but what about the other fallen angels?"

"Other Fallen Angels?"

"Yes Master Dio, Raynare, Kalawarner, and Mittelt"

There's more of them?

"And where are they?"

An unknown voice speaks up behind him

"Right behind you"

That's the end of chapter 5 how'd you guys like it

It took me a while to write this chapter so I hope it's to your liking

Again this chapter was released 3 days ago on patreon


Replace the * with an A and the other * with a period.

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Cupids_Punishercreators' thoughts