
The Vampire of Kuoh

Cupids_Punisher · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

The fallen

After covering up all the windows his house is shrouded in darkness

"That should do it, how should I go about school?"

He turns around towards the clutch and sits down to think about his options

With Rias and Co

"Why have you called us here Buchou?"

A blonde-haired boy asked his master

"I have the same question as well Rias"

A raven-haired beauty asked her best friend/master

"Before we begin we have to wait for Sona to arrive"

Their master replies to their questions

Just then a blue emblem appears on the floor and outsteps a bespectacled bob-cut beauty and behind her a taller bespectacled beauty

Along with the rest of her peerage

"What's the problem Rias"

She speaks up

"Someone has invaded our territory"

The aura of the room shifts to a more serious tone

"Did you find out who it was Rias"

The bespectacled girl asks in a serious tone

"I did and I don't think you're gonna like it"

"Who is it Buchou?"

The blonde-haired boy asks his president

"Dio Brando"

The room goes quiet

Sona chooses to speak up

"Dio Brand? Are you sure it's him"

The redhead replies

"It's what Koneko told me, she also mentioned he teleported without using a magic circle"

The voluptuous raven-haired queen then speaks up

"How is that even possible, are you sure that's what you saw Koneko"

"Yea, he turned into smoke and disappeared completely, I couldn't sense him on my radar"

Sona then speaks again

"If Koneko couldn't sense him then that must mean-"

She's cut off by her red-haired best friend

"That's not all Sona, he also called Koneko a "Feline Woman""

The whole room is taken aback by her statement

Akeno speaks up

"H-how could he possibly know about that?"

"Koneko said he told her he could smell it all over her"

Sona enters the conversation

"Is he a Youkai?"

"That's what I thought too but Koneko told me she couldn't sense any Senjutsu coming from him"

"Then what could he be Buchou?"

The blonde-haired boy speaks up

"I don't know Kiba, but that's what we're gonna find out"

Sona adds her two cents

"He was also absent from school today which is unusual regarding his record, he's had perfect attendance up until now"

"Then something must have changed"

Kiba replies

"Do you think he awakened a sacred gear?"

Akeno asks her King

"I couldn't sense one in him when I walked past him in the hallway during class change"

"Then what could he be"

Sona puts her hand on her chin in a thinking pose

"I don't know Sona"

"Well is he a threat Buchou?"

Her knight speaks up

"I'm not sure yet Kiba, he didn't attack Koneko when he encountered her"

"So he's a free agent, not belonging to any faction"

Sona says

"I suppose he is"

Rias replies

"Are you thinking of adding him to our peerage Rias?"

Her trusty queen asks her

"If I can arrange for us to have a conversation then yeah"

"Do you think he'll listen"

Her knight asks in a suspicious tone

"I don't know yet Kiba"

"I can pull up his record and find his address"

Sona tells Rias

"That'd be perfect Sona, we'll pay him a home visit"

"What if retaliates"

Her knight asks on guard once more

"Then we'll just have to deal with him~"

Akeno says while smiling in a sadistic way

Back to Dio

"Ughhh, this hunger"

Dio is sitting on his couch holding his head in pain

"I need blood, what time of day is it"

He looks around until he finds a clock


"'It will be nighttime in 3 more hours, I'll hunt for my next meal then"

Dio gets up from the couch and walks up the stairs to his bedroom


His servant came running up the stairs and bowed his head in front of Dio

"What is it you require Lord Dio?"

"When the clock strikes 8 o'clock wake me"

"Of course lord Dio I'll wake you on the spot"

"Good, now run along out of my sight"

"Yes Lord Dio"

He scampers off to the dark Downstairs

"They can walk and live their life carefree during the day, but at night I become top of the food chain"

He turns to the side and lies down on his right side facing the wall, and eventually falls asleep

Kuoh Bridge

"Man when am I ever gonna get a girlfriend, I need a chick with big boobs and a fat as-"

His thoughts are interrupted by a high-pitched voice

"E-excuse me?"


He turns around to face the girl and is dumbfounded when he looks at her appearance, Long dark hair, beautiful eyes, small body, and magnificent plump boobs

"A-are you Issei Hyodou?"

She asks innocently

"Uh yeah why?"

He's confused, why would a cute girl like this talk to me? He asks himself

"I-I have seen you walk by here a couple of times, and I wanted to ask, w-will you go o-out with me"

Huuuuh, she wants to go out with me, of all people, ME?!

"Uh, are you sure you got the right guy?"

"O-of course I'm sure silly"

She hesitantly hands him a piece of paper

"C-can I h-have your n-number?"

She's serious, if this is a prank set up by the other girls, I'll kill myself and blame it on them in my suicide note

"Uh yeah you can have my number"

He takes the paper and writes down his number and his email address before handing it back to her

"T-thank you some much"

She shyly bows her head before turning away and running

"What just happened? Did I just get a girlfriend? I did, I JUST GOT A GIRLFRIEND!"

He shouts as he pumps his fist in the air

I can't wait to tell the guys they're not gonna believe this

He runs home and dashes up the stairs not even greeting his parents, and then he takes out his phone

Perverted trio Group Chat


BustyScouter is typing...

BustyScouter: What is it??

BaldGroper is typing...

BaldGroper: What's up?

HaremKingxxx Is typing...

HaremKingxxx: I just got a girlfriend😋

BaldGroper is typing...

BustyScouter is typing...

BaldGroper: BULLSHIT

BustyScouter: LIES

HaremKingxxx is typing...

HaremKingxxx: HA, you're all jealous💀

Bustyscouter is typing...

BaldGroper is typing...

BustyScouter: Do you have any proof🤔

BaldGroper: Yeah, can you prove it 🤨

HaremKingxxx is typing...

HaremKingxxx: Not yet I just gave her my phone number

BustyScouter is typing...

BustyScouter: It better not be a prank by the girls

BaldGroper is typing...

BaldGroper: Yeah man that would suck ass😮‍💨

HaremKingxxx is typing...

HaremKingxxx: I hope it isn't

End of conversation


"Did you initiate contact"

"I did, the boy couldn't wait to say yes when I ask him on a date"

"Remember Raynare this is a mission by Kokabiel himself, no toting around and losing focus"

"Are you implying I'll fall for that filthy human Dohnaseek?"

"I'm implying that you'll toy around and lose focus of the goal, just isolate him and end his worthless life"

"Guys guys, can't we all just get along"

"I agree with Mittelt you guys should calm down, we don't wanna scare the nun when she gets here"

"You're right Kalawarner I should calm down"

"If Raynare's calm then I'm calm"

"Good Dohnaseek"

"Hold on Mittelt, did you see a tray of cookies lying right here"

Raynare points to an empty space on the table


She turns her head to avoid eye contact

"Yes you did, you ate them didn't you, YOU LITTLE SHIT!"


The girls began to argue while the oldest of the fallen Dohnaseek walked away

"I can't deal with this, just another headache"

"Indeed it is"

The second oldest Kalawarner replies

"It's almost nightfall Kala, be ready"

"Of course, but what are we gonna do about them"

She points to the arguing girls

"Leave em, they'll settle down eventually"

He walks off into the dark room

"I'm getting some shuteye"

"Alright, I guess I have to babysit"

Kalawarner says as she sits down on a stool watching the girls argue

"They act so childishly for their age"

With Rias

"So the fallen has made contact?"

"Yes, Buchou"

"And they chose Issei? You think they sensed the draconic aura he gives off?"


"Thanks for letting me know Koneko"

"What are you gonna do about it Buchou?"

"Nothing. Let them do what they have to"

"Why Buchou, why not save him"

"I will, just as he's about to die I'll come in and reincarnate him"


"That's cruel Buchou"

"I know it is, but I need all the power and help I can get right now"


"Also, Sona picked Saji to reincarnate"

"I see"

"You may go now Koneko"

"Thank you Buchou"

She gets up and leaves out the door

"Fallen angels in my territory, along with Dio Brandon, I can feel the headache come"

She moves from the window seal and walks towards a door while simultaneously undressing herself

First, she removes her vest, then she unbuttons her shirt revealing a silk white bra that can barely hold her giant breasts she then unzips her skirt and removes her leggings also revealing silk white panties that accommodate her bra

She walks to the door and opens it revealing a bathroom she steps inside and turns on the shower to its hottest temperature

While unhooking her bra freeing her two giant melons, they bounce as they are freed from her bra

And then she pulls down her panties flashing her smooth milky butt and on the front side a rose pink slit

She steps inside the shower and closes the curtains

With Dio

"Lord Dio!, Lord Di-"

His jaw is knocked off

"I heard you the first time Scum"

Scum's jaw quickly regenerates

"My apologies Lord Dio"

"I presume it is 8 o'clock then"

"Indeed it is, my lord"

"And has the sun gone down?"

"Yes, my lord"

"Perfect, I shall go out and find my next meal"

He gets up and walks down the stairs

"Lord Dio, do you have any requests for me?"


With that being said Dio opens his door and looks up at the fresh night sky



This power, the night sky once again grants me even more strength

He looks around before ultimately dashing off


My next meal, where are you?

He sniffs the air as he's running, searching for his next meal, like an apex predator in the wild

What's this?

He stops running

*sniff* *sniff*

I've never smelled anything like this

He winds up again and runs in the direction the smell is coming from

It's this way!

He's running even faster now

It's close! I can smell it!

He abruptly stops

*sniff* *sniff*

It's in there

He stands in front of an abandoned church

Whatever that smell is it's in there

"I can't wait to get a taste of it"

He grins maniacally before walking up to the church door and opening it

These doors are lighter than a feather off a dying pigeon

He fully walks inside the building analyzing the surroundings

It's rather empty...

Walking around he surveys the area


*sniff* *sniff*

"I can smell you"

He looks up in a dark corner of the ceiling

"Are you planning on staying up there-"

As he's speaking a beam of light comes flying toward him out of the shadow

What the?

He jumps out of the way just in the nick of time before the spear explodes

"That was a nice dodge"

A voice from the shadow speaks

"Heh, it's going to take more than that to bring down Dio"

"I see"

The voice from the shadow leaps down revealing himself

"My name is Dohnaseek, and this is the last face you'll ever see"

"Ha, you think you can take down Dio?"

"Speaking in third person, I hate arrogant bastards like you"

"Then what are you gonna do about it"

Dohnaseek creates a light spear, which now looking at it up close he gets a little uneasy

Light? In the form of a spear. I can't let that get anyway near me.

"What's wrong scared of a little light, it's the weakness of all you devils"


End of chapter 4 pretty decent chapter in my opinion

Dio has finally met the fallen angels how will they react to his abnormal abilities

And as always this chapter was release 3 days ago on my patreon


Replace the * with an A and the second * with an period.

See you in chapter 5

Cupids_Punishercreators' thoughts