
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · 奇幻
98 Chs

Casual Conversation

In a Jungle a small group of 5 trekked through the dense underbrush. Sounds of animals rustling out of their way and birds flying away from them rang out throughout the entire trip.

If one looked closer they could be seen to be having a conversation. In front leading the way was a wavy haired giant. His eyes radiating an aura of precision and focus. He looked as if he could see smaller details that others were unable to view at a passing glance.

Behind him were two young women with plum and pitch black hair. They were arguing about something. It couldn't be really understood as the actual topic of the argument was lost long ago.

Behind them having a casual conversation was a above average height man. His brown hair flowed nicely into a mohawk and his green eyes radiated an intangible aura. Any creatures near them steered clear of his path.

The one who he was speaking to was a young boy with golden hair and eyes. The young boy held a stick slightly longer than himself and after talking for a while the boy had turned his attention to the girl in-front of him.

" Hey Apathy , Your still a Dreamer right? " Apathy looked back at the young boy and looked at the man beside him with a questioning gaze. She however still answered and said yes. The young boy continued his questioning.

" You know what domains are then?" Apathy looked back again and shook her head. Before she could ask a deep masculine voice rang out.

" Hmm I believe you do. Will has told me how you put a whole shop of people to sleep. And even when you used your abilities to put two other witches into their own dreamland. "

Apathy slowed down and began to converse with him.

" Rafael. I dont know what a domain is. In my shop I just used my abilities to make an illusion of them being in a field of flowers and in the bar I just used a sleep charm along with my abilities which enhanced the effects of the spell. In reality I can only make 2-3 people sleep for any significant amount of time. And even then once im more than 10 m away the effects start to dwindle" Rafael nodded and then massaged his forehead.

" Ok. Yes I'm well aware of that. You have just been using specific parts of your domains abilities. Not your actual domain". He paused and looked towards the rest of the group and raised his voice so that even Davie Could hear.

" When reach realm 8 you will start to develop one. A domain is the manifestation of one's willpower/aura that you wish impose on another creature mixed in with witchcraft. As all of you advance you'll start to see it form. And as you get stronger it will start to both affect the reality around you and become more tangible."

Belle who was listening in on the conversation thought back to when she was in the dream world with the boy. It was almost instantaneous and she couldn't even fight it. She remembered it was like having your own freedom taken away and then being corrupted by your own mind.

Even the trio thought back to the docks. When the Bishop created that moonlight and how it started to corrupt them. Then when it was replaced with that even more dangerous green-eyed man's forest of flesh. They couldn't even move when in his presence as it was against his will.

Silence was heard in the group. As they all paused and thought about their own experiences with domains. Rafael stood calmly waiting for them to come to terms with whatever they were thinking about. He then spoke.

" Anyway the one one who really has to worry about domains right now is Apathy as she has begun her journey in creating one. Just remember your domain cannot be flexible. It must be a representation of the will you wish to impose on others and be related in some way to your realm of witchcraft. The stronger the will and the stronger the connection the more powerful domain. Even if you are at a lower realm it's good to start now. As your domain will be a major anchor for stopping corruption and more things in the future"

They all listened carefully as they continued to walk. The underbrush was getting sparser and the ground was now littered with little patches of sand. He continued to lecture the group on Domains

" Don't use those abilities without thought as well. You might just end up creating a terrible domain that will ultimately lead you to become corrupted because you don't have a strong anchor. Corruption may not be a problem for you now but this time frame you all are in is where 90% of new witches die or don't grow past. As you delve deeper and deeper the corruption actually becomes stronger more noticeable and even harder to resist. You don't walk a righteous path. You walk the path of the damned "

He left them with those words as the canopy finally opened up into a beautiful white sand beach.

The beach wrapped around itself forming a little C like shape. There were even little stacks littered around the entrance to the cove.

Davie pointed to the opposite side of the beach they were on. The tide had significantly risen since the last time he came. The ship was already a third of the way to being underwater. Davie almost screamed internally. He was already thinking very nihilistic thoughts but this only helped to prove them to him.

Rafael seeing Davies face smiled and pushed past him. His bare feet squeezed against the sand making bit footprints as he walked. A few minutes later he arrived at the ship. He walked around the ship curiously.

" Wow this is amazing. Such colors and structure it looks really well crafted. Nothing like any vessel I've ever seen. "

Davie felt happy with the compliments about his ship but that didn't change the fact that it was sinking under the waves and didn't have anything he could do about it. He got impatient after a while. He could see the water splashing up to the insides of the ship and if that happened he knew that all his stuff might be done for.

" Mr Rafael can you do something or not?" Rafael stopped wading in the water and came out onto the sand. His wet jungle leaf loins accentuated a hidden figure that was already noticeable. His body glistened and he shook the water out of his wet brown hair and laughed at Davie.

" Yes i can. " he turned to the part of the ship that was stuck in the sand. And slammed his two palms against it as if he was clapping. The veins on his body bulged and he began to twisted his body.

The four of them watched in awe. The ship began to groan and creak. The sounds of sand and water draining off the deck was like a miracle to Davie. Both Belle and Apathy watched amazed Rafael became even more strong and masculine in their eyes. Will looked at the ship and wondered just how much it weighed.

After a few longs seconds the ship was now bobbing up and down in the water. Davie immediately hopped on board and grabbed tied a few ropes and tied them to the cleats. He then ran to the strongest trees he could see and tied the other end.He sighed in relief at least the ship wouldn't drift away.

He then proceeded to religiously scrub and swab the decks and check the overall condition of the ship. Nothing much was wrong with it. Other than the missing anchor and a few pieces of broken equipment they were all set.

This took over 2 hours for him to do by himself. He lay slumped on the deck and looked over at the evening sun setting.

He wondered why he got no help. But then he heard joyous splashes. Rafael was catching fish with Will and Belle and apathy were playing in the water. Davie thought about it and instead of getting angry he just laid there peacefully and shut his eyes.