
The Type-Moon Irregularity

An avid fan of the Type-Moon franchise is reincarnated into the World of The Irregular of Magic High School. When he realizes that he does not have the ability to manipulate psions like normal Magicians he quickly finds out that he possesses a Type-Moon System his fate begins to change. BS Magician? Your Element and Origin align, your an incarnate! Elemental Sight? That's Structural Grasp, the most basic of magecraft don't you know this? CAD's? See how they compete with my Mystic Codes!

MrMoist · 其他
45 Chs

Chapter 32 Another one....

Takemi turned his head and frowned. He definitely didn't think that his voice was loud enough to be heard from the main hall but he couldn't be too careful.

"You talk too much".

He pointed his CAD at the young man who spoke up and pulled the trigger again.

[Double Press].

A Magic Sequence appeared above the man and a giant pressure caused him to fall to the ground under the effect of the increased gravity.

"Y-you bastard! I'll get-".

Takemi used [Reduced Earth] to get behind the one that started talking and gave a mighty kick to the side of his stomach. The force of the blow sent the young man flying into the direction of another one before crashing into the Mansion wall with a sickening crack.

He raised an eyebrow but ignored it and activated his Zone Interference.

"This could've gone a lot easier if you just walked away? So why don't-".

"Shut up! You are nothing!".

The Sixth High Student raised his CAD and pulled the trigger. He grinned maliciously but waited a few seconds before shouting,

"What?! Why isn't it- It's was you! You did something to my CAD didn't you!".

Takemi rolled his eyes and heard some footsteps coming closer. He mentally smirked and said, "So why did you want to beat me up again? Sorry I don't normally interact with dumb asses.... What was your name again?".

If this didn't piss of the student, Takemi didn't know what would. Luckily for him however,

"Shut up! You garbage! How dare you oppose me! Your nothing in my eyes!".

"But this nothing has gotten further than you when regarding-".

The young man interrupted, a clear sense of hatred and envy in his voice, "She's just a stupid woman! A slut who'll open her legs to anyone! I'll make Mayumi mine and then take her right in front of you!".

Takemi raised and eyebrow and pointed off to the side.

"Do you want to do it now?"

She Student frowned and turned to where Takemi was pointing and his entire body stiffened. Standing there, was several members of the party with crossed arms and CADs in hand. All with raised eyebrows with a single red-eyed woman standing at the front he body shaking slightly.

"Mayumi! It's not what you think! I was just-".

"Just what, Tooyama. Just admitting that you want to take me in front of everyone?".

He voice was as cold as ice itself. It sent everyone, except for Takemi, shivers up there spine. The young man Tooyama took a few steps back in fright and then looked around before pointing at Takemi.

"I was just defending you from that scoundrel! He's a nobody and he doesn't deserve-".

"Shut up".

The temperature dropped even further and the walls and ground where covered in a thin layer of ice and everybody's breath exuded and white fog when they exhaled.

"He's tricked you Mayumi! Can't you all see that! He's got you all-".

"Tooyama. I suggest you leave before Saegusa can't contain herself anymore. And I wouldn't think about coming back. Ever".

Juumonji stepped forward and eyed the young man and every other one that had surrounded Takemi. From their perspective, it looked as though they had ambushed Takemi and tried to strong arm him into making Takemi leave the party.

There was three unconscious young men in the courtyard but they ignored it and focused on the ones that weren't injured.

"Juumonji! You too!".

Tooyama clenched his fist before giving Takemi one last glare and whispering, "This isn't over yet!".

The five of them, took the injured three out of the Saegusa Mansion all with resigned looks on their faces. Each and every one of them gave Takemi a hateful glare before leaving through the main gate.

Everyone agreed that the party should stop here for the night and bid farewells. The only people still here was Mayumi, Mari, Katsuto, Masaki and Takemi. The first four sitting down while Takemi leaned on a table.

"You baited them, didn't you Takemi?". Asked Juumonji.

Takemi nodded, "I noticed your footsteps. And I didn't want to kill any of them. It would look bad on me".

The Crimson Prince didn't flinch but asked, "Those two in the wall had several broken bones. Was that Magic?".

"No, it wasn't". Replied Takemi.

Mayumi lifted her head and narrowed her eyes at Takemi.

"Did you do this on purpose? In order to spite me for bringing you here?".

"Of course I didn't", Takemi stood up and narrowed his eyes back, "I'm not that shallow so that I'd stab someone in the back for inviting me to a party. Maybe you should be more careful of the company you keep Saegusa. I didn't start the fight".

"But you finished it", she retorted.

"And let myself be beaten up by a bunch of randoms with no talent? I think not".

Mayumi and Takemi locked glares before Juumonji interrupted, "If you two stop acting like children I think we should get to the issue at hand. The fact of the matter is, is that you Mikazuchi, have injured members and insulted members of several Clans. What are you going to do about this?".

Takemi picked up another glass and took a sip, "Nothing".

"They will come for you Takemi. Every Clan, House and Family has a reputation to uphold. And while this may sound degrading, you have no power backing you". Said Mari. She was patting Mayumi on the back who still had her fist clenched with a hand on her CAD.

"That's where your wrong Mari-senpai. I don't believe that they will be willing to upset both the Kudou Clan and the USNA government. But that's just my opinion".

Takemi sat down in an empty chair backwards, leaning his chest on the backrest and faced the group.

"This isn't completely public knowledge but Mayumi knows and she'll tell you for me".

The other three turned to face her and she just sighed before saying, "You already know that Takemi is the fiancée to Angelina Kudou Shields correct?".

Juumonji and Watanabe nodded but Ichijou was a little taken back. The name "Kudou" in Magic Society was unmistakable around the world, let alone Japan.

"But she's from the United States right? Why would the Kudou Family help-".

"It's because the Patriarch has decided her to be the next Head of the Kudou Family. Ahead of his own son and descendants".

All three of them dropped their glasses causing them to shatter and looked at Takemi with wide eyes.

"I'm not worried in the slightest about a bunch of mobs that I've never heard of before. Even without the Kudou, if they try to go after me or my Aunt... they'll be going home in body bags".

Takemi took a massive gulp of his drink and placed the glass down on the table.

"Now if you excuse me I have to be going now. I'll be seeing you in two days Saegusa-san. Watanabe-senpai. Juumonji-senpai. And I hope to see you soon as well Ichijou-san as well. Good-".

"Takemi wait!".

Just as he was about to walk away Mayumi ran up and gripped him by the wrist and help him back. Takemi paused for a moment and asked, "Do you want them to attack me again?".

Mayumi didn't falter and just said, "My Father wants to see you. Please follow me".

The other three raised an eyebrow, all with different expressions. Watanabe's jaw dropped at her friends forwardness while Juumonji just gave a slight nod.

Masaki gave Takemi another knowing wink before standing up and walking away.

"Thank you Saegusa once again. I'll be leaving now...".

The Crimson Prince, quickly followed by the Juumonji Assistant Head left the Mansion. Mari was staying the night and met up with Izumi and Kasumi and was telling them about the party.

Mayumi on the other hand, was leading Takemi through the massive estate, her hand entwined with his. Takemi asked, "Not that I mind the closeness Mayumi, but what's the occasion?".

"Just shut up and follow me". She said. Her cheeks were a light pink but faded faster than Takemi would've liked. Before he knew it he was brought before a massive wooden door, on which Mayumi knocked exactly nine times.

"Come in". A voice rang out.

She opened the door and entered the darkened room. There was a single man sitting down directly parallel to the door on the other side of the room. He had his hands together and looked directly at Takemi without sending Mayumi a single glance.

"Mikazuchi-kun. It has been too long. I believe that it has been over three years since we last met?".

Takemi gave a small bow before saying, "I believe it has Saegusa-san. Now I'm not normally one to skip the pleasantries but I'd like to know why you requested for me to be here".

Kouichi smiled, "That's fine, it's too late for that kind of stuff anyway. I'll be frank with you Mikazuchi- no Takemi. Would you be willing to take Mayumi as a wife?".

The girl flinched a little, something which didn't evade Takemi's notice.

"I'm sorry Saegusa-san, but I already have a-".

"Oh, I'm fully aware of your current arrangement with the Kudou and your engagement to young Shield. My proposal nevertheless still stands".

Takemi looked at Mayumi and said, "What about Mayumi's feelings in the matter? You don't strike me as the type of man that would force his children to do something they don't want".

Mayumi went a little red and Kouichi responded, "I know that I wouldn't force any of my children into doing this and if Mayumi doesn't want to marry you I wouldn't let you onto the grounds let alone into my study.

I just want you to be aware of a few facts. One, you are Japanese Mikazuchi-kun and Angelina Kudou Shield while of Japanese descent is not Japanese. You will not be able to make her return back with you to Japan as her family has extensive connections in the USNA. Once you arrive there you will no longer be able to leave".

"I know, and I'll go anyway. I don't care about what country I live in, so long as I can do, whatever I want to do and if that takes me oversees, even for an extended period of time, I'll do it".

Kouichi frowned before continuing, "So you would believe that Mayumi has no feelings for you? Would you disregard her like that?".

Takemi had to hold himself back from rolling his eyes, "I don't believe that you daughter has any affection for me Saegusa-san. Mayumi is a beautiful woman, but if there is one thing that I am completely sure about it is that she does not like me in a romantic fashion".

He knew this because he hadn't yet received a Mission from the [System] regarding Mayumi's Route. The [System] told him that it will only set a Mission when the other party likes him in something more than a friendship. It worked on both genders so he had to be careful of what sort of signals he sent.

"How can you be so sure of that Mikazuchi-kun? Are you psychic or something?", Kouichi suspected Takemi of being a Superpower User but the latter smiled and said,

"If she liked me, Saegusa-san, you yourself wouldn't have to ask in her stead. Mayumi is a beautiful young woman whose confidence, elegance and kindness outclasses many of the other girls at First High. She's one of the smartest people I know and if she wanted someone, I don't believe she would need to rely on you to get them for her".

Mayumi blushed and took several steps back avoiding both her Father's and Takemi's gaze. Kouichi on the other hand nodded and said, "Very well Mikazuchi- Takemi-kun. I apologize for trying to strong arm you. And don't worry about the events of tonight ruining your reputation, I will see to it myself".

Takemi gave another bow and left the room and shortly after the Saegusa Family grounds. He didn't see Kasumi or Izumi and Mari had probably went to Mayumi's room to wait for her.

He looked up at the stars and wondered if Angelina would kill him if he accepted. Takemi had a smile on his face and was whistling a tune before a sound nearly caused him to trip and started shaking.

"Ding! [System] has set a Mission! Say Mission to open the Mission tab of the [Type-Moon System]".