
The Twin Paths of Fate

A boy who once loved a girl and a girl who would do anything for his love. Now each embark on their on path to become the strongest and ascend. However the farther they go on their path they more ,unknowingly, grow closer to each other. Will they reconcile, or will the boy traumatized from her betrayal reject her once more. Note: When you are reading the prologue please skip the Prologue 2 and start from Prologue 1 for a better experience, thank you. [Hiatus]

unknown_redeye · 奇幻
15 Chs

The Little Unicorn's Token of Gratitude

"Hmm," said Matthew, feeling confused, as he looked at the small unicorn that appeared at the cave's entrance. "How did you get here?" he asked curiosly.

The little unicorn then using hand gestures, or should I say hoove gestures (A/N: Aren't my puns clever?), explained that it had secretly watched the fight between Matthew and the adult unicorn. It had also seen how Matthew had escaped after trapping the adult unicorn. The little unicorn decided to follow Matthew and eventually found the cave where he was resting.

"Well, since you're here, I have some questions for you," said Matthew. Now that he was safe, he wanted to clear some doubts in his mind. Firstly, he noticed that the little unicorn was not corrupted like all the other magical beasts in the Corrupted Rainforest. It looked pure and holy, which seemed impossible. Secondly, if the adult unicorn was so angry at the little unicorn, why didn't it kill the little unicorn when it was just a baby? Lastly, Matthew wanted to know where both unicorns came from and who the adult unicorn was. He asked the little unicorn these questions, and after thinking for a while, it began to answer.

Firstly, the little unicorn was actually a mutation from the Corrupted Unicorns. The egg it hatched from had somehow absorbed the power of the Sun, purifying its body from the corruption and greatly enhancing its bloodline. This was a very rare occurrence, happening only through a series of coincidences.

Secondly, the little unicorn's bloodline was not revealed at first because all baby unicorns looked the same. They were gray when born and would only awaken their bloodline after bathing in the Enchanted River, which would awaken their bloodline. That's when the little unicorn's true unicorn bloodline was discovered. Which is also why the adult unicorn was furious and wanted to kill it.

Lastly, both the little unicorn and the adult unicorn came from a secret cavern hundreds of miles away that was the home to a tribe of Corrupted Unicorns. The adult unicorn was responsible for guiding the young unicorns to the Enchanted River to awaken their bloodline. Usually, these unicorns were very powerful, but due to some disturbances in a nearby area, a weaker unicorn had been sent. That's why Matthew had managed to survive the encounter.

Realizing what a close call he had, Matthew sighed with relief before asking, "Well, I certainly dodged a bullet there. But why are you here, little unicorn?" The little unicorn explained that it wanted to help Matthew become stronger as a way of showing gratitude for saving it from the adult unicorn. "Alright, but how?" asked Matthew.

The little unicorn closed its eyes and its horn started glowing brightly. The light filled the entire cave, and when the little unicorn opened its eyes, they were also shining with golden light. A golden mist appeared in the air, absorbing the light from the unicorn's horn before entering Matthew. As the golden mist entered his body, Matthew felt a soothing sensation all over, and he glowed with light, giving him a holy appearance. After some time, the soothing feeling and light faded, but Matthew felt something had changed. Looking at his mana gem, he noticed it had grown to 1.5 times its original size and appeared clearer and purified. There was a golden mist surrounding it, but it was quickly absorbed by the gray mana in the gem. The benefits didn't stop there; Matthew also realized that his mana gem's ability to gather mana had increased several times. He felt that with a few more days of meditation, he would be able to advance to the second tier of the Official Mage.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Matthew thanked the little unicorn. The little unicorn then bid farewell and left.

Excited by the newfound enhancements to his mana gem and increased mana-gathering speed, Matthew was determined to quickly reach the next tier of the Official Mage. He found a comfortable spot and began meditating. As he meditated, the mana around his mana gem started gathering at an incredibly fast pace towards him.

Hmmm, did you know that you could actually vote for yourself? Interesting I didn't know.

unknown_redeyecreators' thoughts