
The Twin Paths of Fate

A boy who once loved a girl and a girl who would do anything for his love. Now each embark on their on path to become the strongest and ascend. However the farther they go on their path they more ,unknowingly, grow closer to each other. Will they reconcile, or will the boy traumatized from her betrayal reject her once more. Note: When you are reading the prologue please skip the Prologue 2 and start from Prologue 1 for a better experience, thank you. [Hiatus]

unknown_redeye · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Corrupted Unicorn And The Little Unicorn

After exploring the Corrupted Rainforest for some time, Matthew started feeling tired. He had been journeying through the Rainforest for days, surrounded by corrupted plants and trees. Occasionally, he encountered magicial beasts that attempted to kill him. Matthew had already slain about 20 Rank 1 magical beasts, which greatly improved his combat skills. Instead of being a novice who only dodged attacks and shot back, he now knew how to cleverly use his elemental powers. He could blind enemies, move swiftly, and set traps. If Matthew encountered the treeish creature again, he would be able to defeat it quickly by blinding it with earth, dodging using wind, and making it trip and fall with the ground. In summary, Matthew had greatly enhanced his battle prowess.

After venturing through the Rainforest for many hours and finding nothing, Matthew grew tired and thirsty. He decided to search for a small stream or river. Moving from one spot to another, he eventually discovered a clearing that appeared to have a flowing stream. He approached cautiously, scanning the area. As he got closer and had a clear view, he was shocked by what he saw. In the clearing, there was an adult unicorn and a baby unicorn. However, the adult unicorn had dark and grayish colors all over itself instead of the typical white mane and golden horn. Its eyes, usually pure and golden, were malicious and red. On the other hand, the baby unicorn was a perfect image of a golden unicorn, with a glistening white mane, a shining golden horn that even hurt Matthew's eyes, and pure, honest golden eyes. Sadly, the little unicorn was drenched in water and appeared miserable and scared.

The adult corrupted unicorn's eyes were burning with rage and anger. The anger was tangible in the air as its narrowed eyes fixed themselves on the little unicorn, as if the person responsible for killing its parents stood right before it. Enraged, the unicorn let out a furious soundwave, filled with anger and rage. Its eyes then glowed crimson red, and a malevolent aura engulfed its entire body as it charged toward the little unicorn. In an attempt to escape, the little unicorn ran straight toward Matthew. Its pleading, pure golden eyes seemed to beg Matthew for help. He couldn't help but feel pity for the adorable creature. "Alright, little guy, since you're lucky enough to meet me, I'll help buy you some time to escape," sighed Matthew. "I can't resist liking such an adorable little unicorn. Oh well, here goes nothing." Matthew activated his Elemental Absorption and charged up his energy.

Enraged that someone as insignificant as Matthew dared to interfere, the adult unicorn immediately charged at him, using its horn to emit toxins that withered the surroundings and replenished its energy. Thinking quickly, Matthew created a wind shield to block the toxins and gain greater mobility. He swiftly moved to the side and unleashed bursts of concentrated wind and earth toward the unicorn. The unicorn while still being hit seemed unaffected and continued charging. However the enraged unicorn seemed oblivious to the lingering earth and wind particles, which slowly bound themselves to it. Then, the unicorn locked its red eyes onto Matthew and a malicious aura emitted from its eyes, Matthew then suddenly stopped and it appeared as if he had been hypnotized. Seeing this opportunity, the unicorn pounced.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and Matthew vanished! He reappeared behind the unicorn and unleashed a concentrated blast of earth and wind upon it. This time, the unicorn's tough defenses could not withstand Matthew's attack, and it was severely wounded from the back. It turned out that Matthew had not been hypnotized by the unicorn; instead, he was preparing to strike at the moment when the unicorn was off balance. In a fit of rage, the unicorn charged at Matthew again, its dark horn glowing. Dodging once more, Matthew felt a chilling aura enveloping his skin. When he looked back at the unicorn, he realized it had disappeared. Looking around he had realized that darkness had taken over everything! All that remained was the terrifying dark horn emitting a blood-red light, shooting toward Matthew! Momentarily stunned, Matthew barely reacted in time, but he suffered severe injuries. As the darkness subsided, Matthew saw that the unicorn was regenerating its wounds and regaining stamina. Understanding that this was his chance, Matthew swiftly ran away, using his remaining energy to propel himself.

However, the unicorn quickly regained its stamina and pursued Matthew once again. This time, it emanated dark energies from its horn, sending five flying dark blades toward Matthew. He managed to dodge four of them and used his wind barrier to block the attacks. Angered by its failed attempt, the unicorn unleashed more flying attacks. Exhausted, Matthew activated his earth and wind barriers to defend against the onslaught. While the unicorn kept him occupied with its attacks, it suddenly appeared behind Matthew and ran straight towards him , intending to crush him. Realizing the danger, Matthew reacted quickly and propelled himself upward using wind with the little energy he had left. The unicorn had to halt and dodge its own attacks that were flying towards it. Now slowed down by exhaustion, Matthew grasped the dire situation and started running away once again. The enraged unicorn continued its pursuit.

While running, Matthew suddenly felt a burning pain on his right side, realizing that the wound inflicted by the unicorn was worsening. He swiftly consumed a healing mushroom he had found earlier, which stopped the wound from spreading and began slowly healing the wound. However, Matthew abruptly stopped in a clearing and started using his magic for something. The unicorn, seeing that he had halted, caught up and attempted to attack him again with its lethal horn. But, suddenly, the ground beneath the unicorn opened up, causing it to sink. Enraged, the unicorn released a corruption aura to prevent the earth from burying it. Yet, just as it was about to escape, its body froze rigid! The particles left on the unicorn's body were intentionally placed by Matthew, and at the perfect moment, he triggered them to bind the unicorn in place momentarily. With the unicorn immobilized, the ground swiftly buried it. Seeing his plan succeed, Matthew quickly fled, knowing that the unicorn would not be easily defeated and would likely break free after a few minutes. After a few minutes passed, the unicorn burst out, panting from exhaustion. Its red eyes burned with hatred as it gazed in the direction Matthew had gone.

Although angry, the unicorn could not pursue Matthew as it needed time to regain energy and stamina. After running for quite a while, Matthew finally stopped at the entrance of a cave, panting heavily. "Oh my goodness, that was so difficult," Matthew panted in exhaustion. "Well, I hope the little unicorn managed to escape." After saying this, Matthew entered the cave and quickly fell asleep. After what felt like a long time, he finally woke up. He had dreamt of terrible things, such as the unicorn killing him with its horn or the treeish creature crushing him. As Matthew awoke, he suddenly sensed that someone was observing him. He swiftly got up, preparing to defend himself or launch an attack until he realized who was looking at him—it was a small being shining with light, the little unicorn!

Why's the little unicorn back?

unknown_redeyecreators' thoughts