

Last night Shia and Maya performed rituals and came back to Maya's room where both discussed about festival. Shia was asleep when a tiny sand eddy entered in her room .

Shia heard the voice and woke up. She saw sand message and touched that Ria's voice came Shia when you were going to dwarves kingdom I forgot to tell you about something. Shia asked what did she forgot to tell her. Ria said headlady told her that three type of elements power is needed earth, fire and water to open the book. Shia asked where would I get that. Ria had no answer because she did not asked Village head about that . She said that she will ask headlady about it. Ria asked if Shia reached there safely? Shia told her about today . After answering she send her message to Ria and fell asleep.

Next morning Ria received her reply and felt relieved.

Shia was sleeping when big bell ranged. She woke up with that noise and held her head. She stood up and got ready for the festival. She wore yellow dress with white pearls jewelry. Maya came near Shia's room and knocked on the door, Shia opened the door. Maya asked Shia to come with her as the festival was starting soon .

Maya looked at Shia and complimented on her and for her dress . Shia smiled and she also complimented Maya and her dress. Maya was wearing a long maroon dress and emerald jewelry. both left for the festival. As they entered into the pavilion ground Rain called Maya and Shia to stand with her.

All dwarves and representative, were looking at Shia and Maya. As Shia moved towards the holy spirit fire she felt uneasy. She sat down there and could not move. Many dwarves and representative were standing there but one of them was gazing at Shia.

Shia sensed him but was not able to read his mind. Shia pretended as if she did not notice him. Maya asked Shia why she sat down. Shia made excuse of ankle twist. Maya tried healing magic on Shia and Shia pretended as if her ankle got healed. Maya sensed something weird and looked around and saw someone gazing at them. Rain asked both of them to help her and they started chanting and offering to goddess Theiya. Shia was feeling her powers overpowering her but she tried to control them and continued.

Maya was not going to sit silently as she sensed something weird but Rain stopped her and she told that during this festival no one will use their magic as this holy spirit fire could take lives if something goes wrong. Shia was sitting silently and praying to goddess to help her. To control her powers she bowed down and remembered her mother in her heart. Rain performed the festival rituals and wished for the people of dwarfs kingdom.

After that other dwarves wished and started their festival. Today Rain took leave from her duties and wanted celebrate with her sister Maya.

Maya and Rain were roming around and watching stuffs to buy. when an arrow almost injured Maya's back . When Maya turned back the arrow was in Shia's hands and her hands were hurt but no blood was dropping. Maya touched Shia's hands and looked at her then closed her eyes and casted reverse spell . The arrow turned back and hit person who tried to kill Maya. Maya became furious after many years and why not ? someone tried to kill her and her friend got injured in attempt to save her lifRain applied some ointment on Shia's wound and she took her to her room. Shia's hand got severe cut and got darkened from poison.

Maya was master of spells and could kill people within seconds. She did not used her magic but was furious .Due to Maya's anger the place caught fire and people started running. they knew Maya's powers could cause another accident. Rain came back and extinguished fire with the help of dwarfs.

Ria who was talking to villagers about recent border activities suddenly felt sad and tears started flowing from her eyes , she could not understand why but knew something was not okay. She asked headlady" would Shia be fine" ?. Headlady also sensed something wrong as Shia was wearing her power crystal.

In middle of all those ruckus a man entered into Shia's room. Holded her hands and spell something and her hands started healing.

he left his ring in Shia's hand and leaved .

Shia was not sleeping but she had closed her eyes due to pain .

Shia opened her eyes and saw that ring in her fingers. Shia was confused why a man put ring in her hand. She was confused and mistakenly touched her arm . She saw her arm there was no cuts anymore and not even a single scarce was left . Shia felt thankful for that person and grabbed that ring in her hands .

Maya's anger was outrageous and she was trembling out of it. As Shia remembered about incident she ran towards Maya's room because she knew Maya's powers are not fully in her control.

Rain was elder than Maya and way far more powerful than her. But sometimes she could not control her sister. She was worried about her sister as she knew after getting furious she would feel down and less energetic.

Maya was in her room sitting silently and meditating to regain her strength. She was not weak but was running out of energy. Shia entered into room and saw her meditating. she was concerned for her but did not disturbed her . She sat in front of her and waited for her to open her eyes. After few hours Maya opened her eyes and saw Shia she sitting silently in front of her.

She checked Shia's wound but there was not even a single scarce left , she was completely healed.

Shia asked "are you okay? I was worried! ". Maya said yes and she asked" how your wounds got healed there is not even a scarce left". Shia said even shedo not know how?when she regained her consciousness her wounds were already healed. Maya thought maybe her sister healed Shia.