
The Superhero And His Assistant

Jin-hoon is a descendants of superheroes and as such his dream is too become a hero figure like his parents, also known as the Pillars. And finally he comes of age to get his powers. Danger came and he was assigned as his first job. And during that mission he sees a familiar face. And surprising is that, she's the one who proposed to him. And as fate wished she saw his secret and true identity. And as she promised to keep his identity hidden she gave him conditions. And one of them is— 1. Be her boyfriend! This is the story of a young boy climbing up in the hero ranks and his acting girlfriend, keeping their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend. ------------------- First novel. Still a newbie so there might be some mistakes. Also don't really know how to describe. Still trying to learn by writing. Hope readers highlight my problems. -------------------- Cover created by Canva. Not mine

BFG · 奇幻
15 Chs

Chapter 10

The situation at school was different for me at that time.

Everyone were staring at me. Boys with a surprised face and girls with their eyes glittering and their cheeks red.

I then recalled what Jag-eun told me.

"Really. This sudden change also changed how people look at me now." I thought.

I opened the door to my classroom and as expected everyone's eyes focusing on me. This was really expected. The gloomy student who didn't care about that much for fashion is now coming like this. Of course everyone will be at shock.

From what I heard from Dad, he and Mom would sometimes be models for weekly and monthly magazines. People loved both of them because of their style and such. But now they called quit for that.

"And now here I am with their genes." I gave a big sigh. "I hope that people don't come running at me to scout for magazines. I would hate all of that attention."

Jag-eun comes in.

"Yo, Jin-hoon. Loving the new look you have now?"


"Oh. Why's that?"

"Well I really like the hairstyle and such. But this is creating too much of an attention towards me. I will now be a magnet for people to talk too. I can't take that much of a pressure."

"Look who talks. The one who always trashtalks online."

"Ke." Caught.

"That's that. This is this. Don't compare my behaviour with my online profile. And didn't I tell you? I am trying to not trashtalk like that."

"You have been saying that for a week now. But you haven't changed a bit."

"Who told you that I didn't? I now didn't say anything bad to my teammates for a week. Don't you call that development?"

She then realized she misjudged. "Now I remember. Sorry."

I again give a sigh.

"And most of all the behaviour I do can't even be called trashtalk or toxic. I just sometimes become mad at the team because of their missteps. That's all."

"Is that so? Hmph."


Suddenly my friends came and surrounded me.

"Now now." The class leader came and raised both of his hands to tell me to stop.

"This isn't the place to fight like that now. This is a school, you know. You can't discuss about that if you are just gonna cause a ruckus."

We both apologized.

After sometime the homeroom teacher came and took our attendance. And then talked about some events that are near and such.

The class leader and the vice-leader explained it more, standing besides the teacher. It's not worth telling.

I didn't give that much attention about all of that. I simply looked at the blue sky and wondered about the clouds.

First one took a form of a pony and the other a toy horse.

I really hated class now. All I wanted was just to go out and kick some villains ass.

"Really. It's hard to adapt with two personalities." I thought.

All of this acting to enjoy class is bothersome.

"And now students as you already know a transfer student will come at our school. And also she is now going to join in our class."

Whispering started in around the class.

"I heard she is really beautiful." A girl student stated.

"Well I heard she is not from this country either."

"A foreigner? Really?"

I really didn't think about what were they taking about. Neither I was interested in this kind of conversation.

Suddenly one of my friends from the club approaches me.

"Hey, did you see the new transfer student?" He asked with a grin on his face. I could tell that he was already fantasizing with her. Somehow I feel bad for her.


"I heard she was a foreigner and was really beautiful, like a model from a famous magazine."


He was saddened a bit.

"Well why don't you even show a bit of interest here? I know you got Jag-eun..."

Not like he'll understand about our relationship.

"...but you should show a little of an interest, you know?"

"And why should I?"

He looked here and there. After confirming that one heard our conversation he whispered at my ear quietly.

"I saw her."

"Who?" I whispered back.

"The transfer student. Man, isn't she a beauty? She's so beautiful that she might be even one of the prettiest around our area."

"Ohh. What did she look like?"

"Well, judging with her heights she might in her first-years. But that height really made her look cute. And with that she had long and beautiful black hair. The way her long hair breezed through the wind she really looked like the royal beauties from the old age. And most of all her eyes. Her eyes were like diamonds. The eyes that she had glittered along with the sunlight."

"And do you know her name?"

"I didn't hear about her name. But even the teachers started talking about her. If I remember quite well I think her name is—"

Before he could finish his sentence the teacher cane and slammed the attendance book on the table. He then leaned on and started shouting m, but it felt more like an announcement.

"Well students, good day."

"Good day to you, sir."

"I think most if you head about the new transfer student that came from aboard, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"I also think that many of you heard about the new transfer student. And well this homeroom classroom will go talking about her. So if anyone do have a question please ask."

"Then sir," a girl raised her hand up.

The teacher nodded and she stood up.

"Which country is she from?"


"Did she came here alone then?"

"No. She migrated with her parents at Korea."

And after that everyone went on asking questions and questions while the teacher answered all, but ignored some that might be going a bit far.

Like that 4 minutes have passed and the students went on asking.

And lastly being this bored I wanted to end this question now.

"Sir shouldn't you let in the new student. I think she had been standing at the door for a while now."

"Oh, I forgot. Thank you, Jin-hoon for making me remember it."


"You can come in."

The door opened. The new transfer slowly walked to the teacher.

Everyone were amazed by her beauty.

If I wasn't one of the fans for a minute she would've seduced me with just her words.

The new transfer student was one of my well-known people. The ones that I can't forget and she was also my childhood friend.

"Now introduce yourself, Karrie."

She approached a step and raised her chest with a proud and diligent pose.

"Hello. My name is Karrie Jones. I am from America and it has been 7 years since I last came to Korea. I might have some flaws here and there but I hope that you all might forgive me for that. Also I hope that we could be friends and last of all, let's get along for these years."

Truly a figure of what you might call cool. She always had that cold and straight face with her. But that's what appealing about her. She was also the perfect height, not too small and not too long. It's what might you say a perfect height for girls. Her black and long hair also added the 'beauty' that is within her. And like that she became one of the most prettiest girls in our school.

"Now let's see where can you sit."

The teacher was looking for a bench that is open for her. She also looked around a little. Lastly she looked straight at me and suddenly started approaching.

She came beside me and sat on the near bench she found.

Everyone were amazed. It almost looked like she wanted to sit with me. Or it's real.

I didn't utter a word. I was just looking straight.

Suddenly she started speaking.

"Hope that we will get along, Jin-hoon."

I looked at her. "Me, too. Let's get along."

And that's how our reunion went.