
The Superhero And His Assistant

Jin-hoon is a descendants of superheroes and as such his dream is too become a hero figure like his parents, also known as the Pillars. And finally he comes of age to get his powers. Danger came and he was assigned as his first job. And during that mission he sees a familiar face. And surprising is that, she's the one who proposed to him. And as fate wished she saw his secret and true identity. And as she promised to keep his identity hidden she gave him conditions. And one of them is— 1. Be her boyfriend! This is the story of a young boy climbing up in the hero ranks and his acting girlfriend, keeping their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend. ------------------- First novel. Still a newbie so there might be some mistakes. Also don't really know how to describe. Still trying to learn by writing. Hope readers highlight my problems. -------------------- Cover created by Canva. Not mine

BFG · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 9

We left home on the opposite directions. And like that our date ended.


It almost became night when I arrived home. Mom and Dad were sitting on the dining table, waiting for me to arrive and take dinner.

"Is that you, son?" Dad asked. "I really didn't think that you would cut your hair like forever."

"Me, too." Mom tagged along. "Didn't you tell that you weren't that interested in cutting your hair? So why did you do it?"

"Well... A friend forced me to do it." I couldn't bring myself up to tell them about Jag-eun. I devoted myself to not tell them about her. I sometime have a feeling that if I tell them about her a problem might arise.

Nothing special happened after that. I quickly took my bath and at that time Mom and Dad prepared the food. After a long 10 minutes of shower I came and sat. We gave said our prayings and ate our foods. Mom and Dad questioned me at mid about who was my friend and such. Somehow I managed to fool them. It really isn't easy to fool them. They could easily catch up to my lies. I was really grateful to God to help me here.

And after a late night study I fell asleep. The night went by.


Morning came. I got up and my head felt heavy. Since I didn't get quite get a lot of sleep last night. Yes. I am concerned about my hairstyle. It's been so long since I've cut this short. The time I only had my hair cut short is when I was in elementary school. I started growing my hair from middle school.

Mom and Dad told me that it really looked good on me. But I couldn't believe them. Since long I've been growing my hair I thought everyone were accustomed to see me with a messy hair. But I decided to not give it that much thought.

I couldn't even decide whether I should wear my glasses or the one Jag-eun gave. I liked both of them but I really wanted to go for my old ones. Bit Jag-eun really insisted to wear hers. I was at a pinch to decide the ones I'll wear from now on.

"Both look good on you. It's your choice. But if you are gonna ask for my opinion I would go for the new ones." Mom responded when I asked her about the glasses.

"Same goes for me," Dad replied. "Since you even trimmed your hair and got a new I think you might go with the new ones. And also compared to the old one it looks more expensive and mature which suits your personality. I think you should go for the new ones.

And so after hearing their opinions I went for the new ones.