
60 | The Unification of the Earps and the Sinclairs

"I swear to God, Kim! If you burn off my ears with that straightener..." Trini warned, shoulders tensing whenever Kim went anywhere near her precious ears — she needed them to listen to her death metal. It relaxes her.

"T, calm down. Everything," Kim paused as she carefully sectioned another part so she could straighten it, "is under control." The Pink Ranger beamed at her in the mirror but Trini still seemed slightly pale.

"BOO!" A loud shout came from the door causing both girls to jump and scream.

"Shit! Zack!" Trini exclaimed, her heart pounding.

"What the fuck Zack?!" Kim yelled, brandishing the pair of straighteners as a weapon at the grinning 5 foot 8 man-child idiot-baby.

Trini could probably think of a better insult if she wasn't so concerned about her ears being burnt off and her hands immediately flew to the side of her head — just to make sure.

"Oh! You're checking if you still have your ears!" Zack commented as he realised the frantic state his best friend was in, whereas himself — completely unbothered.

going to have no ears if you ever pull that shit again, Zackary Lee Taylor!" Kim threatened, clacking the straighteners like the jaws of a crocodile.

He simply put up his hands in the air in mock defense and shrugged. "Even if you did burn Trini's ears off, I'm sure they'd grow back? Like Deadpool!"

The girl in question's face contorted into an incredibly weirded out expression. Zack shrugged again and clapped his hands together, a grin still permanently plastered on his face as Kim carefully placed the straighteners down.

Trini just realised that the aforementioned man-child idiot-baby was decked out in a nice black suit and tie. "Are you ready to wreak havoc upon the City of Angels?" he excitedly shouted that last bit for dramatic effect. Trini gave him a smile and an eye roll while Kim chuckled lightly.

"I think you've wreaked enough havoc when you got us banned from that shrimp restaurant last night," Trini muttered and saw Kim stifle a laugh.

"Kara said the we've got to be there by twelve so chop chop people!" Zack clapped his hands with puppy-ish glee, either not hearing her or choosing to ignore the utter chaos unleashed last night.

Trini stared at her half-straightened hair in the mirror, frowning as Zack ruffled it, messing it up. "Zack!" She exclaimed and tried to frantically pat down the wild hairs while Kim watched in amusement.

"There, now you don't have to straighten the rest. Put some clothes on and let's go!" He finally left the room, shouting something about meeting downstairs and his 'unbeatable hair logic'.

"Well fuck me."

"Not until we're married," Kim quipped, lips quirked up amusedly as she looked for something in her suitcase.

She definitely would have done a spit-take if she had a drink.


Trini felt her ears burning as the blush spread all over her face.

It was suddenly very hot? Why was it so hot?

"Uh..." Trini trailed off not really knowing what to say, voice shaking slightly, and trying to will her redness away before Kim returned to the mirror.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?" Trini pointed dramatically at the bird's nest sitting atop her head, having found the words to change the subject (but only after a not-so-subtle throat-clearing). She watched Kim approach her in the mirror, reaching out to smooth down Trini's hair, holding a bauble.

"I think it's cute," she smiled and Trini had to fight the blush from creeping back up her neck. Kim was standing very close now, skilfully braiding her hair into her classic half-pulled back braid. She could smell her familiar flowery perfume and Trini could see Kim in the mirror and Kim was so pretty with her bright smile, eyes crinkled at the corners, and her brown eyes and the way the sunlight danced around on her tan skin—

"T?" Kim waved in front of her face and Trini was brought back into reality. This time she couldn't fight the red which seemed to have been permanently glued onto her face. She thanked Kim and hastily grabbed her dress, before stumbling into the bathroom like a headless chicken, leaving the other girl — unbeknownst to Trini — with a very amused smile on her lips.


"Pick up your jaw Lena. You might catch a fly."

Lena blinked at Veronica's teasing voice, snapping out of whatever funk she was in. Her best friend was wearing a long flowing white wedding dress making her look as beautiful as ever. Her makeup was rather simple, yet the rosy gold eyeshadow and black eyeliner made Veronica's brown eyes pop.

"Regretting not dating me back in high school?" Veronica winked.

Lena roiled her eyes, an amused smile on her face. "You're getting married in an hour, Veronica. It's just that I never thought I'd ever see you get married."

"But she looks fucking amazing!" Sam squealed as she walked through the door at the sight of her, immediately wrapping the woman up in a tight hug and beckoning Lena to join her, like a giant hugging sandwich.

"Not too tight now, It'd be a shame if I exploded before I even reached the aisle," Veronica said and the other two pulled away, helping her smooth the dress back down.

"Gorgeous dress to die in though," Lena remarked and Sam agreed with a vigorous nod.

"And perfect heels to go skydiving in!" The bride whooped and suddenly dropped into the splits, causing a chorus of expletives from the other two women.

"I got ordained online ten minutes ago," Sam said and Veronica whooped again.

"Let's get this show on the road!"


"Holy shit, is that a hickey?!" Waverley exclaimed as she saw a purple-ish bruise peaking out the edge of Wynonna's dress' neckline.

"Yeah," the sister scratched the back of her neck sheepishly, "we got a bit carried away last night. Fuck, should I cover it up with something?"

Waverly wrinkled her nose and let out a 'gross!'

Wynonna threw her hands in the air manically, in defence. "You and Nicole always do it with me in the house!" she retorted, and the younger of the siblings felt her face heat up. "The walls are very thin Waverly!" she added. "Very. Thin. They're fucking thin, Waverly!"

Waverly avoided eye contact and pretended to take a very deep interest in the very... beige wall, yes beige, such a... vibrant colour. The door clicked open and a familiar face popped in.

"Speak of the devil," she heard Wynonna mutter. "Hey Haught Stuff!" she exclaimed and pulled Nicole into a hug.

"Are you ready?" the redhead asked, tilting her head in the direction of the door. Her eyes travelled down to her neck. "—And is that a hickey?" she added in confusion.