
The steward of Rearwood Hall

*Excerpt* “What does that mean?” She fired back. I looked back into her deep black eyes, there were a lot of secret emotions swirling in her eyes but the most was resentment. But I couldn’t help that it was still pulling me in like a deep black cloud or pit. whatever that was. “I'm still trying to make out your character,” I say. “And what have you found out?” She was eager to hear what I would say and was very ready to lash out. “Nothing,” I answered. His mother never stopped talking about him or (her) as he misplaced. and to add that she was so secretive it piqued his curiosity. Mrs. Williams as she was called was a puzzle he wanted to solve and break, break all the barriers. And before he knew the water he was getting into, he was already drowned.

Emrys_Dreamer18 · 历史言情
37 Chs

In my mind’s eye

What was I thinking?

I stood up to remove it but a knock came on the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, sir"

"Miss Curtis?"

I opened the door carefully enough so there wouldn't be a chance to sneak at the painting which I was still horrified at.

"Madame requests your presence downstairs for the evening tea"

"Of course, I would be there."

Once she left I locked the doors and turned back to the painting which was staring directly at me.

Her cheeks were rosier, her face softer and more flushed than her normal cold appearance, and her eyes more passionate than it was.

At least that's what she would look like if she was….

I need to stop.

Was this really what she looked like in my mind's eye?

Total nonsense.

I seized it and faced it at the corner of the wall.

I would destroy it later. It was just an experiment. Yes, an experiment. It was just a random idea that came out of nowhere. There was no reason to overthink it.

I left the room after I washed my hands clean.

I took one more peek at the room before I locked it.

I released a breath.

"That was….. Whatever"

I had no words for it.

I need not be told. I thought it was a sort of family tea time, but the moment I stepped down the stairs I knew it was not. She was here.


Her voice was the first thing I heard.


She gave a slight bow with a smile.

I had no time for her cordiality.

I took my seat. "Where is Dennis?"

"He opted out, a message came in for him from the courier and he had been in the library since" Mother answered.

"And how come you're here this evening?" I asked her who beamed. She was pouring my tea.

"Your mother invited me." She answered as she pushed the cup to me. I offered a thanks.

I glanced at Mrs Houston.

She avoided my gaze and went on to take sips from her tea cup.

"Won't Mrs Williams be joining us?"

I asked as I sighted her escaping through the stairs.

She froze.

"Mrs Williams?" Lily asked with a look of disdain.

"I mean she joined and accompanied you (Mother) all this while before we came back, surely it is unfair to leave the poor woman alone because of us" I smiled at her. "I would love her to join us since Dennis is not here, Aunt is busy upstairs, and it is incredibly dull. The more merrier, right?"

She sent a glare from the stairs I knew was more piercing than a bullet. I dared not stare back at her but I returned it with a charming smile.

"Yes, yes" she agreed. "Join us Mrs Williams and pour yourself some tea."

"I don't think that is necessary, Madame, I have something to do upstairs," She said politely coming down the stairs, but I knew it was the opposite inside.

"That can wait, come, the more the merrier. I have just realized we haven't been spending as much time as we used to, sit please."

Her fists were clenched as she took the seat near mother which was just….in my face. Of course, it would be social suicide if she took a seat farther away as it was just the four of us having a sweet tea time.

I took a sip from the searing tea.

Lily's countenance was darkening each moment. I hid my smile with the cup. Two can play. I do not want her here and she was just being stubborn by colliding with my mother who was blind to her faults and lies.

We were childhood friends and that was it. Nothing more, nothing less. I could offer her that.

"Pour some for yourself" Mother offered her with a smile which she found hard to return.

She took the tea pot and with her incredibly fine and delicate fingers she poured the tea excellently.

I didn't know what it was. But above this countenance, character, and job of hers, there was something almost regal about her. The way she carried herself. It all seemed as if…. She was skilled with her housekeeping nonetheless. But I feel she was not accustomed to this kind of life at least from what I observed.

When she found me staring at her, she diverted it instantly and it hardened the more.

I can't possibly be admiring her. She was after all way above my age. Though she looked younger. I must comment on that.

"So, when would you be visiting us?"

"I?" I turned to Lily who was trying hard to keep the smile on her face. Occasionally her eyes drifted to the quiet woman at the table who only took lazy sips from her tea cup.

It was heartless of me to put her in the situation. What could I do? I needed a distraction so as not to suffocate.

"Of course, you, Eugene" Her face darkened. "You appear absent"

"I am not, I was only thinking about a few things. But not to worry" I dropped the cup. "I would visit tomorrow or the next."

"Really?" Her face brightened instantly.


"That is lovely of you son."

I returned the smile.

"But, I would be leaving now." She dropped her cup and stood up. "I'm a bit tired and I have some sewing to complete."

"Why did you call us down for tea then?"

She smiled as she walked up the stairs. "Enjoy."

That was...

"I also have a task to complete" Mrs Williams stood up as well using that as I Que to leave.

How smart they think they were.

Mother had planned it all along to leave me with Lily.

"Shall we go to the garden together?" She batted her eyelashes.