
The steward of Rearwood Hall

*Excerpt* “What does that mean?” She fired back. I looked back into her deep black eyes, there were a lot of secret emotions swirling in her eyes but the most was resentment. But I couldn’t help that it was still pulling me in like a deep black cloud or pit. whatever that was. “I'm still trying to make out your character,” I say. “And what have you found out?” She was eager to hear what I would say and was very ready to lash out. “Nothing,” I answered. His mother never stopped talking about him or (her) as he misplaced. and to add that she was so secretive it piqued his curiosity. Mrs. Williams as she was called was a puzzle he wanted to solve and break, break all the barriers. And before he knew the water he was getting into, he was already drowned.

Emrys_Dreamer18 · History
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37 Chs

It struck me

"Where were you last night?" Mother asked the moment I came down that morning.

"Not where was he, where did they run off to last evening leaving us with the guests?" Aunt recalled.

"Yes, that as well" she concurred. "But particularly you Eugene, at least Dennis came back the last night but you were nowhere to be found. Who did you meet?"

She was a bit too curious and expectant. Did they think it was Lily I went to meet? That would be the joke of the year.

I was about to answer when Dennis came down the stairs.

"Even I know not where he went, do not ask me Mother and Aunt" A cunning smile was playing on his lips.



"Where did you wander off to?"

"I went for a walk"

They looked at each other. "With whom?"

I was about to answer when the woman came by from the kitchen.

"Breakfast is served madame"


She turned about leaving but she locked eyes with me. An intentional and vicious glance. Was she stopping me from saying anything?

"Come, follow us to the breakfast room and you will answer our questions" They both moved to the room.

"After you" Dennis gestured with a smile.

With his sly smile, I wondered if he knew who I saw or was is it just for the amusement of the situation.

At the corner of the pillar, I noticed John Bode, the servant peeking at us. And when my eyes turned to him he redirected his gaze. For some reason, I was not comfortable with the vibe I got from both of them, he and Miss Curtis. They had both been acting suspiciously since the first day. I would let it slide as I still had two women to convince.

We walked to the breakfast room.

Settled down on the table the maids and Mrs Williams began to serve us. I was expectant to start eating but two women wouldn't let me.

"You haven't answered our question?"

"Where are Bo and Bell?" I asked Dennis who answered immediately that they were having their meal in the nursery room.

He did not seem to understand my predicament. I was signaling him to divert the questions but he was rather eager to play along with them.

"Answer us Eugene, don't make us wait"

I smiled. "I accompanied someone….."

I stopped when I saw her sending me a glare from her stand.

"I…. I went for a long… long …. Long walk with someone. Just enjoying the breeze, and you know, the beautiful night"

I gave out a charming smile at the end.

The three at the table smiled and exchanged glances. The two women whispered things in each other's ears and gave sneaky smiles.

Who on earth did they think I met? Who takes a walk at night in that cold weather? Although it was kind of lovely.

There was a relief on her face where she stood a few steps away from the table.

I couldn't help the smile that spread on my face. My aunt and Mother thought it wrong it wasn't a person I met but rather the person I caught.

That afternoon, I sought the hand of John to help me with setting up my painting room. I was clearing a new room down the side of the corridor I shared with Mrs Williams. The last room on the corridor. It was a perfect quiet place to concentrate, as now I wanted to give a focused period on the art to see where it goes.

"That would be there, I want it kept there, by the side of the window" I directed him where to keep the canvas for me.

"Do you need any help, sir?" I turned to find Miss Curtis peeping into the room. How did she come to this floor?

"No. I wouldn't be needing it, thank you"

I turned away. "Yes that side"

When I went to pick up the watercolors, I was surprised to find her still standing there.

"What is it, Miss Curtis?"

She smiled with her head bent. "I want to offer my help, sir"

"Don't you have something to do? Go ask Mrs Williams if there's something else you can do. Because now and here, your help is most definitely not needed."

Her face squeezed bearing disgust. She stood there for a few seconds before she left.

John Bode was listening to what we were saying and when I turned he feigned being busy with what he was doing.

After setting it up to my taste, I asked him to excuse me. And he did. Everything was just the way I wanted it to be. (though I would be getting more materials sooner enough.

I walked out of the door and locked it. I needed to fetch something from my room. In the corridor I met her, (you know who) and she pretended not to see me and scurried into her room.

She couldn't possibly avoid me.

I got what I needed nonetheless and went back to the painting room. It would now be my sacred place. A place only I would be relishing in.

Seated and looking at the canvas I thought of what I could paint. The first thing that came to mind was the jewel and as I stared at it. An idea struck me.

I picked up the painting brush and got to work. A smile was on my face the whole time(at least I hadn't realized that until I was done with it). Time sped so fast that I barely noticed I'd spent hours seated there. When I looked at the windows, it was already sunset.

And then back at my canvas, I found a woman dressed in a long black lace, black curly hair spread with the wind, and the heart of darkness glimmering on her neck and chest.

That was when It struck me what I had done.