
The specialist and his loyal lovers(bl)

Who am I? What is reality? And why do I feel so empty? Earth to heaven A boy looking for himself Who is he really? Random Comedy, fantasy, Bl and opinionated stuff This is BL ( boy love for those who don’t know) I am writing this story without an outline or idea of what to write I am literally just writing what comes into my head randomly. Vol.1:26 vol.2: It might end up at vol.3 finished.i don’t know yet. I can’t write books very well, so please don’t expect good grammar. I really need to update these chapters... Chapter one updated Chapter two updated Chapter three updated Chapter four updated Chapter five updated Chapter six

Dragonic326 · 奇幻
30 Chs


Going down the stairs the maids and butlers next to the entrance to the landing were looking at me with an astonished expression on their faces.

I then proceeded to go to one of them and ask where we were having breakfast. A maid replied pulling herself back to reality:" down that hall and to the right," and pointing at the place to go.

When I got to the door I reached for the handle and opened it. The people inside were all delicately eating their food and talking about an academy. Guiding me to a chair the butler pulled the cushioned chair out and stood by the side. When I had finally tucked myself in I saw a mixture of surprised and delighted faces looking at me. Lady Hu with a warm smile commented, "The clothes suit you both perfectly~," bashfully I smiled and replied "thank y-, Guuurrrr," abruptly a loud gurgling noise came from the right of me and we all turned to the embarrassment youth who just stopped himself from licking his lips. Laughing we all gorged ourselves on the feast before us.

An hour later I wiped my mouth and the young boy copied me. The food was delicious, the best thing I have ever tasted.

After so long I got real food :) tasssttyyyy although surprisingly my digestive system isn't having any problems…hmmmm

After my scrumptious breakfast I noticed that the people where still there and not only that they were staring at me, it felt even worse than being stared at by the elf girls. Although there are only two of them they seemed to fill the room. If someone who had not seen what they looked like before they would report them.

Alarmed by the boys trembling they both sighed and quickly Lord Hu justified, "sorry for this but we needed to know if you would be affected"

A bit peeved I looked at the boy who was basically a brother to me and then back at them- realising their mistake Lady Hu reached her hand out and a warm light caressed us surprising us.

To which I asked, "why did you need to know?"

Glancing at each other Lord Hu clarified with an awkward smile, " we plan to let the two of you study at our academy of magic- but since you have been in contact with magic already your level of ability was uncertain, in other words you would normally enter the commoners classes but because of your amount of mana you'll have to be part of a separate class…," continuing he said, "but to do this we would have to adopt you."

Confused I asked, " weren't we already?"

"No, we didn't want you both to deal with scorn of overly jealous peers," self-deprecating her high status Lady Hu half-heartedly joked.

Principle Hu suggested, "why don't you explore the city together and consider it?"

The young boy excitedly outburst, " yes, yes let's go brother!"

I then went to a familiar maid and asked her if she and her daughter would come with us and guide us round the city, she joyfully replied, " of course, I'll go get her!," scurrying off she shouted.

I then waited for her to come back, and then I saw a young knight coming towards me and saying, " young masters as a guard of this house I must protect you so I'll be coming with you two"

I replied, "okay, please protect us well, especially this guy," I pat him on his arm- urrrg still to short.

Anyway Catherine returned with Alice and the knight sat at the front to guide the carriage, whilst the rest of us got in the carriage. Lifting from the ground I see particles transfer from the knight to the carriage.

" how does magic work?," I asked as we had settled down.

He then said:" magic comes from our cores and is then transferred into what we want it to be or what it thinks we need, so if you are a baby or a child it will most likely transfer into energy for you to grow and become stronger, I think that is also why young master can already walk, in other words you have enough energy from your core to walk already this shows that your affinity for magic is extremely high."

I then say:" so I am lucky?"

The man:" that's up to you to decide."

I then say:" what is your name?"

The knight replied, " My name is Akane. The only ones to have surnames are nobles, and they take on the name of the previous nobleman of that house hold along with their wives, what would you like to be called young masters?"

The young boy replied, "Riku is my name"

Then I replied, "Call me Xian." And grinning I asked, "Are you coming with us into the city?"

The man knights face brightened as he exclaimed, " of course! After all I need to protect all of you."

Gladdened by this Catherine and the rest of us thanked him and observed the scenery out side the carriage with smilies on our faces.

The knight landed the carriage on the ground, after flying us steadily down a steep Cliff and us smiling in both anticipation and peacefulness we stared out of the window.