
Episode 1

My mom calls me down for breakfast. I'm debating whether or not I should tell her what happened last night. Maybe she heard something? Maybe she saw something? I think I should just wait to see if she brings it up. I'm scared to tell her because it's only her and me. What if she sends me away! What if she never speaks to me again! FINE! I won't tell her.

I get dressed, run downstairs, and have a seemingly normal breakfast. No talk of loud bangs or bright lights. Just, waffles. I was wearing the necklace I was given by the mystical being last night.

"So, Honey where'd you get that necklace?" She asked. My heart stopped. I panicked and said

"Oh! I got it from a consignment shop."

"Its very pretty!" She says

"Yeah." I say.

And I'm off. I walk towards school and meet up with my best friend Amarille. We've been best friends since the third grade. We tell each other everything. But, not this. I can't tell her this.

I walk into school and we first have music. When we walk in I get sat next to Daniel Rivers. We got new seating ugh!! I always sit next to Amarille, but I guess this is okay. Daniel seems pretty nice, he loves music. He spends most of his free time in the music room. I notice he's wearing a new bracelet. It seems nice. Has good vibes about it, ya know?

Daniel and I had a mild conversation and went out separate ways when the bell rang.

The school day droned on.

Finally! The dismissal bell!

I say goodbye to Amarille and start heading home when...


The loudest sound I had ever heard!

A man appeared on top of the building next to me.

"I am Dr.Hurricane!!" He says confidently.

"People of England!! You are now mine! He then shot a laser at the street! Through everyone's screaming, all I could think about was the night before. This was my chance.

I take the necklace in my hand and say "TRANSFORM!!" And suddenly I'm in a tight leather light blue suit. I have a mask on! And if that wasn't enough I felt a surge of energy I had never felt before and a new weapon. My hands! Magic started floating about of me! Water, vines, flowers you name it, it was there.

Suddenly, someone else showed up! A tall figure with blonde hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a red suit with the same type of mask. I could only see his eyes and bottom of his face. He seems familiar?

I both look each other up and down and realize we've been put down the same destiny.

Scared of revealing my identity I say "Hi I'm Umm Sapphire, I'm Sapphire!" I say more confidently.

"Hi, I'm Umm Echo!"

"Nice to meet you Echo!"

Then, we both look up and see that Dr. Hurricane was gone.

We look at each other mad quickly realize we're both floating!

"We're flying!" I say!

"I can see that!" He says

A crowd was gathering so we both flew away and all I could think was " who is that and why is he so familiar?!"