

Rosie Tillman was a normal girl living peacefully in England. Until one day...

It was a day like any other, I woke up, ate breakfast, went to school and came home. Until there was a loud "BANG!!" Outside my window. There was a impenetrable light coming from outside. I walked towards it and it sucked me in!

I ended up in a cave. But, with crystals. My curiosity got the best of me so I starting walking into it. I came into a room filled with glowing crystals. It was beautiful. A figure appeared! White as a ghost, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Long blonde hair, glowing white eyes and blue crown and a long flowing golden dress.

"Hello, young one." She said in the deepest most comforting voice. "Welcome to the Cave of Crystals. You have been chosen to be the guardian of Earth and Nature."

"Umm Hi! I'm sorry What?!?" I say

"With your heart and deep care for our planet I bestow upon you the mystical powers of the Sapphire." "You will face great danger and will have to rise above it."

"Wait, so you're telling me that I have to fight dangers with mystical powers of the Sapphire?"

"Correct young one. Take this necklace and may the power protect you. Goodbye. May we meet again."

"Um by..." and before I could even finish saying that sentence I was brought back to the human world! I woke up in my bed relieved. " I must have been dreaming." I say exasperated. Until I notice a Sapphire necklace sitting on my nightstand and realize it wasn't a dream at all....


It was a normal day for me I was just leaving school and decided to stop at my dads hardware store to see how he was doing. Until, the back room started glowing! Almost like a white light had been turned on! I check back there to investigate, when I hear the most beautiful music ever being played. And just like that WOOSH I was swept into darkness!

A figure appeared! A tall dark figure. With an old timey suit and Fedora on. The music was still playing until...

"Welcome, Daniel Rivers to the Center of all sound and music." A deep voice echoed.

"Uum, Hi." I said timidly. "What's happening?!"

"You have been chosen." The figure said.

" You have been chosen to protect the world.

"The world?!?"

"Yes, Daniel the world. Your deep caring for the spread of positivity and music has brought you here. I bestow upon you the mystical power of sound and music. Good luck and use it for good never evil."

" I won't I will use it for only good" I say.

"May the power protect you. Goodbye"


I return back in my fathers shop not fully understanding what just happened. But, I did know one thing. I have to use this power to protect the world.