
Wheel of Chaos

The world turned dark, pitch-black. Not only sight, but even sound disappeared, robbed by the sudden wane of light.

The combination was frightening, menacing, and full of hopelessness... Something the night was obviously known for!

Throughout the globe, people were shocked by the sudden arrival of night.

On normal nights, they could see somewhat, but now, the environment was such that they couldn't even see their own fingers!

Mobile phones, tube lights, bulbs, monitor screens... nothing emitted radiance, and if they did, it didn't seem to make any difference!

The World Councilmen might have ended the meeting, but the drastic change of events appalled them further.

The same went for other powerful organizations like Dharma Chakra, Revolutionaries, and the rest.

More than shock, they were horrified by frightening possibilities.

"There were entities who could do such a thing?! Bring such a dreadful night in the entire world!?"