

As the circular shadow neared the bench, a feminine figure rose up from it. The figure resembled a silhouette, carrying grace and charm. 

Slowly, it transformed into a woman with a fair complexion and an exceedingly gorgeous appearance.

"I have missed you."

Kiba said as he feasted on her stunning figure comprising of brown hair, beautiful eyes radiating innocence, and the sweetest smile possible that signified a charm, naive personality.

She was Evangelina "Eva" Webley.

"I'm pretty sure you say that to every woman you sleep with."

Eva replied as she sat next to him.

"Or want to sleep with."

Despite the innocence her demeanor carried, she was anything but that. It was a different matter that the world wasn't aware of her true personality.

Eva looked at the night sky and the empty streets in front. Kiba did the same, and for the next few minutes, no words were spoken.

"Thank you."