
found you at last

after closing hour, Anna went to that same spot to look for her prince again, she did this repeatedly for a week, before she decided to give up after trying her luck for another week, which she did but during that week she noticed someone was watching her, this raise her hopes up, thinking in her mind that it's her prince, maybe he is testing my sincerity, she thought, and kept on with her shameless and silly act.

it is weekend, Anna and rose were studying in the living room while Lilly was preparing lunch, they woke up not too long ago after cleaning their house and went for a short nap, suddenly they heard a knock at their door, the two girls look at the door in confusion, they weren't expecting anyone, ever since they relocate here after their father's death, they barely mingle with people, Lilly is always about work to provide for her kids, Anna who is mostly mocked for her stature has no friends while rose the family fighter never let a small insult pass her by and thanks to Anna she receive a lot of it from newly made friend and end up beating them up, making her friendless for now.

so who could it be, the knock came again, Lilly came out of the kitchen, she understood her daughter's, she then went and answered the door, opening it she saw a familiar short woman with a long black hair wearing a smile, looking beautiful as always with a traveling bag in her hand.

Lilly: mom?

Anna and rose exchanged puzzled look, before walking up to their mother,

found you at last, you think you could hide forever? the woman reply smiling.

Anna and rose walk up to them, Anna, rose, this is your grandmother Esther, mom this are my kids,

Esther: kids? you had two kids ? she ask looking surprised

lilly: why don't you come in first.

They all went in and Lilly excuse herself to finish her cooking, anna followed her, she couldn't stand the awkward situation, Esther keep looking at them like she could swallow them up any minute, and she got the highest stare since they share the same stature , rose on the other hand went back to her books looking unmoved by her stare.

after a while lunch was served and they made their way to the dining table, Anna was having difficulty eating, while rose ate like none of them exist, but Lilly could feel she's trying hard to ignored them.

Lilly: mom can you please stop staring at the kids, you are scaring them, rose cuts in, am not a kid and am not scared of anyone, she said and continue with her food.

Esther scoff and look at rose, before looking back at Lilly, you got yourself a copy of yourself.

and got you one as well, rose replied, she knew she did not resemble her mom concerning look, so it could only mean something else and she believe the woman has no right to judge her.

Lilly: rose you can't talk to your grandmother like that

rose: grandmother? since when? today? she said giving them a mocking look,

while Anna remain silent, she knew rose is not completely in the wrong, for someone to just show up and turn out to be their granny after nineteen years, it's outrageous, but she's not as bold as rose.

Esther: looking amused, let her be, it's okay, I like her gut.

Lilly: let just eat in peace, we will talk after.

after they are through with their food, Lilly instructed her girls to continue with their books while she went inside her room with Esther.

how did you find me? she asked after sitting down,

Esther: I must admit it wasn't easy, I have been looking for you after I heard of your boyfriend demise,

Lilly: husband

Esther: I don't remember marrying you off,

Lilly : whatever

Esther: I couldn't live well knowing my only daughter is struggling alone as a single mother, so have been searching everywhere for you, and here I am after five years of searching

Lilly: am sorry I did not keep in touch with you

Esther: it's okay, I wouldn't want you risking your boyfriend freedom, cause your father only stopped his searching after finding out he's dead.

Lilly: looking sad and avoiding to answer to question regarding her father, thank you mom, I never got to say this then.

Esther: am glad you are good, i can see most of my worry are for naught, I just wish you and your dad will put the past behind and forgive each other.

Lilly face darken immediately, mom don't even go there am never gonna forgive that man, he tried to kill Anna and my husband, we were always looking at our backs everywhere we go, there is no way am gonna forgive him.

Lilly stop making it sound like he attempted murder, he tried forcing you to abort your pregnancy not kill a baby and about your boyfriend, it's just a threat, he just want to scare him away, he's only worried about you Lilly, you were about to enter college, he's scared for your future.

Lilly: if you really felt this way why did you help us escape then?

you are my daughter, and I can see your obsession with the boy, and he seem like a good guy, I believe you two can survive it.

Lilly : let stop talking about him, am sure he will feel at ease now since his enemy is dead, she said with her voice full of disdain. am glad to see you mom , but for now we need to explain this to my girls, they will never accept you unless they know the truth.

Esther: yeah, so Anna is the first born? she asked smiling, which made Lilly rolled her eyes, I guess i have a lot of things to take care of before going back, but first you should talk to them.