
Four Months

Yamaguchi was coming out of the house and walked slowly towards the shack. He was accompanied by Ozai.

"Ozai, you will consume the Sacred Fruit when it is formed after the ritual."

"Will I become powerful?" Ozai had little information about the Sacred Fruit.

"Yes my son, the one who consumes it will gain unnimaginable strength. You will be the one who will bring our family out of the shadows."

The two of them opened the wooden door of the shack and opened the hidden passage.

They slowly took the stairs down to the underground, they walked until they were in front of the cage.

Kentaro was unrecognizable, his body had grown in size, his black hair that was already long had become even longer and had greatly increased in volume, his massive beard was covering his face.

He ressembled a savage beast, he was sitting in the cage and looked at Yamaguchi with an agressive gaze.

"You see this, Ozai? Our sacred food produces changes to the human body. It makes you bigger, stronger, faster, it turns you to a machine. That is why we are physically like that, but even though we eat much, we do not eat in excess."

"What happens if we eat in excess?"

"You become like that, Ozai. Look at Kentaro, it has been four months since we feed him every day from the morning until the night. He has turned into a beast, that's why we had to also chain his neck and waist."

Yamaguchi approached close to the cage and touched it. As soon as he touched it, Kentaro tried to break the chains to kill Yamaguchi.

"Hahhahahaha! One more month, and we shall perform the ritual to turn you into the Sacred Fruit."

Like this the two of them left Kentaro alone. In this dark and humid cage, Kentaro had to be mentally strong to not turn insane.

When he looked down on his own body, he saw all the changes. His nails were sharp, his upper body had become hairy and when he felt his teeth with his tongue, he could feel their sharpness.

"What have I become? I need to stay strong for one more month and then....I WILL SLAUGTER THEM ALL!"


Wanda was sitting on his chair, it had been four months since he was the clan leader.

It was tougher than what he had expected, there was so much he had to take care about.

From the management of the Shinobi to the well-being of the elderly and the kids. He had to take everything into account.

"Kentaro, I hope that everything is going alright on your side." Wanda began filling the papers that were on his desk.

Wanda had taken a great decision regarding the Shinobi of the clan. From the age of fifteen, the teens would be seen as man and fit to be deployed on the battlefield.

He was forced to do this because of the manpower they had lost in the war against the Uchiha and the Senju.

But for now, they had not been deployed yet, because the Fujimoto clan had not been hired for any mission.

Inside of Kentaro's house, Yuka had finally come back to her normal self, Hatsu had left two months ago for the land of grass.

Yuka and Fumiko did not expect her to leave them like that, but they could do nothing to change her mind.

She told that she was feeling down since all the changes that had happened within the clan after Tetsuo's death.


"Elder brother, the various clans see us in a different light. How are we going to create peace by rallying them if they see us as backstabbers?"

Tobirama had been scolding Hashirama for the past four months now, the Senju were in a difficult position.

When they wanted to create alliances, the other clans did not completely trust them.

But they were the Senju, many clans had still trsut in them. They thought that were would be a valid reason to justify their attack on the Fujimoto clan.

"You worry too much, Tobirama. The clans will come to us by themselves when we unite with the Uchiha."

"What!?" Tobirama was getting crazier by the day because of Hashirama.

"If I can change Madara's mind, our two clans together, we could change the whole shinobi world to create a world of peace."

Tobirama had no words to explain his feelings, he left the room with conflicted emotions.

He walked far away from the encampment and sat on a cliff, he could see the whole landscape.

The forests of the land of fire were beautiful and many, the high and warming sun made the innombrable leaves shine like a thousand lights.

"Kentaro, since the day I have done one of the greatest mistakes of my life, I have been studying jutsus."

Tobirama looked west were the land of earth was situated while holding his hand above his eyes to protect him from the sunlight.

"I am in search of a jutsu that can bring back the dead. The day I create it, I will come and find you unless you have already come for my life."

Tobirama sat there and thought about everything. Some of the clansmen wanted Hashirama to receive a sort of punishment.

The majority of the clan supported Hashirama, so, it didn't happen. Things were back to what they were, fighting the Uchiha and their allies.

Tobirama stayed there for a couple of hours, contemplating the forests.

He stood back up and returned to the encampment it was time to return and prepare for the next battle.