
The Sacred Fruit

"Kentaro has fallen asleep! Everyone can stop acting!" Yamaguchi stood up and looked at Kentaro.

The others immediately stopped what they were doing, the women took the plates and beverages and put them back in their place.

"Tanriyo, Yosua! Bring Kentaro to the prison this instant." the two towering young man's carried the sleeping Kentaro.

They walked outside of the house and entered a little shack. The shack was empty, Tanriyo and Yosua placed Kentaro on the ground.

"Brother Yosua, Open the hidden passage."

Yosua punched the ground and grabbed a chain that was deep inside the ground. He pulled the chain towards him and the ground opened.

Stairs led to the underground, they walked down with the sleeping Kentaro.

There was a cage, they opened it and placed Kentaro inside. There were four chains for his four limbs.

Kentaro was now chained, he was rendred immobile. Tanriyo and Yosua returned back among the family.

"Family head, we have placed Kentaro in the prison."

Yamaguchi was looking at them with his arms crossed, he had a big smile on his face.

"Good! We shall discover his true motives for coming here. People convey our bread, meat and beverages because of how they can change someone."

Yamaguchi asked the others to return to what they were doing. Now, they had to wait for Kentaro to wake up.

Kentaro seemed calm on the surface, but his body hurt him very much. He was feeling as if needless were piercing every spot on his body.

The thing was that he couldn't wake up, he was sleeping while suffering.

The Yuri family had been living like always for the past six days. Yamaguchi sent Tanriyo and Yosua to check on Kentaro every two hours.

On the seventh day, they decided to wake him up by force. Yamaguchi, Tanriyo and Yosua went to the prison.

"Open the cage, Yosua." Yosua executed Yamaguchi's order.

They noticed that Kentaro had grown a massive and bushy beard. Seeing this, Yamaguchi began laughing.

"Hahahahaha! INCREDIBLE! He is not dead, his body has assimilated the food's nutrients. From what our ancestors have written, common people cannot survive after eating the food."

Yamaguchi entered the cage and slapped Kentaro very hard. He was slowly moving his head, the slap was heavy and powerful.

Kentaro opened his eyes, they were red. He looked around in confusion, he tried to stand up but was unable to.

He looked at the men standing in front of him, he recognized who it was.

"Yamaguchi....what is the meaning of this!"

Yamaguchi squatted down and grabbed Kentaro's face, he began squeezing.

"Kentaro, what are your true intentions for coming here!" asked Yamaguchi in all seriousness.

"I didn't even know that your family existed! I have helped your bullied son and He has led me here."

Yamaguchi stayed silent after having heard Kentaro's weak answer. He let go of his face and stood up.

"Yes, I believe you."

Kentaro didn't believe Yamaguchi, how could he believe him this easily.

"There is a prophecy in our family given to us by our ancestors. It is said that a wandering traveler would come in our domain while being in search of power, the traveler would survive the effect of the sacred bread and beverages."

Yamaguchi looked back at Kentaro and looked deep into his eyes.

"Are you in search of power, Kentaro?"

This sounded like madness in the ears of Kentaro, how could those people believe in this.

If he was the traveler of the prophecy, they would surely be nicer to him and let him leave the prison.

"Yes, I am in search of power. It can only be the work of destiny."

"I knew it, I KNEW IT! Our ancestors have always told the truth. Kentaro, you are the Sacred Fruit!"

'The Sacred Fruit!? Wtf is that!?' Kentaro had lots of questions.

Yamaguchi knocked Kentaro down and closed the cage back. The trio returned to the rest of the family to announce the news.

They were all brought in front of the shack for this, Yamaguchi was there and faced all the members.

"Our ancestors prophecy was proven true! Kentaro is the Sacred Fruit! He will be our way back to the epitome of our past strength!"

Yamaguchi was talking like a madman, it seemed like he had lost his mind.

The others were crying from happiness, there was finally hope.

"For him to become the Sacred Fruit, our ancestors have written that we must feed him with our best foods. He must eat them all, even if his stomach is full, he must gulp them down."

The members of the family brought all the bread, meat and beverages in front of the shack.

They began to bring them down to Kentaro under the suppervision of Yamaguchi and other family members.

The poor Kentaro was forced to eat all the food that was brought to him.

When they saw that he really couldn't no more and was at the brink of having his stomach burst, they stopped giving him food and let him rest.

During this awful day, Kentaro had tried to cast jutsus a couple of times without success.

He was full of energy and his chakra was full to the brim. The only thing that he could think about was that the chains unabled him to cast jutsus.

This was only the first day and only God knew how much time they would feed him like that.

Kentaro fell asleep and his body made him even more suffer, he was woken up by a random girl and she immediately began to feed him.

Kentaro kept his mouth shut and did not let her put food in his mouth. From behind the girl came a angry looking man.

He forcefully opened Kentaro's mouth and the girl began feeding him. This was real torture, Kentaro began tearing up a little.

One by one, every family member fed him until he could no more. Kentaro was getting depressed the more he thought about what awaited him the next day.

"Rest well, Sacred Fruit. Tomorrow we shall take care of you."

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