
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · 漫画同人
282 Chs

180. Raid on Onigashima

Jinbe has come, and he introduce himself as Straw Hat pirate member, surprising other crews. Jinbe then jump out from the sea and land on Sunny. The Straw Hats are excited to see him and get happy that he survived the battle in Totto Land.

"JINBE! You've finally come."-Luffy

"I've promised that i'll come afterall."-Jinbe

"How's the battle?"-Jon

"It was hard, but we make it through. Many have survived, thanks to your pills that we can hold longer & escape."-Jinbe

"That's good."-Jon

"So, what's the situation?"-Jinbe

Jon explain everything to Jinbe shortly, and he understand.

"So we'll fight 2 Emperors at once?"-Jinbe

"Yeah, and we will destroy them at once. That will prove our worth to be above Emperor's crew level. A Pirate King crew is way stronger than an Emperor crew, that we can take 2 of them at once."-Jon grin

"Did you think we are ready now?"-Jinbe

"We need to be ready, because our enemies won't wait for us to get stronger anymore."-Jon

"You're right."-Jinbe

Jon brief Jinbe about their strategy, which is very different from what Kin'emon has planned. Jon make the strategy with Luffy in his equation, so it will be different. Beside, their crew have their own interest in this war, so they need different approach.

Jon see the condition right now, and with the Beasts Pirates gone, Jon think that it's the best time to execute his first plan. Jon order his clone that impose as Kanjuro to kidnap Momo. The clone do as he asked and draw a big eagle on the floor.

"Ninpo: Choju Giga."-Kanjuro (disguised clone)

The eagle drawing come to life, and 'Kanjuro' take Momo before flying with the eagle. Everyone got alerted, and 'Kanjuro' start to rambling about his real identity as Orochi's men. Jon look at the samurais expression and nod to himself, they seem to believe the clone's act.

Jon know it's time to make a move, and he suddenly disappear. Jon appear beside 'Kanjuro', and everyone is surprised. Jon take Momo from Kanjuro's hand and he disappear again with Momo. Jon appear on the Sunny and put Momo on the ship.

"Too bad for you Kanjuro, i've realized that there's a mole inside us. You're very careful in your action, so i can't find it out. That's why i've put marks on every one of us. With these marks, i can immediately move to your locations."-Jon grin

"!? WHA-"-Kanjuro

"!? Isn't that-"-Nami


"Yo-you've put a mark on me?"-Kanjuro

"Didn't you hear me? I put it on every one of us, so you making a move right now make it easier, as we can get rid of you before we reach Onigashima."-Jon

That's right, Jon has finally succeed his Thunder God Flash jutsu. He maximize these last few days to finish his seal mark. He just succeed yesterday and immediately mark all of his friends. He will be able to help them if something happen.

Jon also mark some locations on Wano that might be useful. He also mark his weapons, especially kunais or shurikens. He will be able to use them to mark some places around the battlefield like Minato. Jon still want to have a custom made kunais like Minato though.

Jon suddenly disappear and appear behind Kanjuro. He grab Kanjuro's shoulder and disappear again. He go to a hidden location and ask his clone that disguise as Kanjuro to hit him some time. It's to fool the others about his fight with Kanjuro.

Jon wait for some time and he also turn his clone into a seed. Then he take out Kanjuro's dead body, and cover his hand with Kanjuro's blood. He teleport beside Kin'emon and throw Kanjuro's corpse at the floor.

"Sorry, i guess you want to execute him yourself, but i need to make it fast, and i can't capture him if i want to be fast."-Jon

"....I understand, it's too bad that we can't settle this problem ourselves, but we also want him dead, so it's the same. Thank you for saving Lord Momonosuke & kill that traitor."-Kin'emon is crying out of anger

"Alright, and there's an interesting thing here."-Jon

Jon rip Kanjuro's clothes that cover his back. On Kanjuro's back, there's a big Kozuki tattoo, and the other Scabbards grit their teeth. Jon then wipe the Kozuki tattoo with sea water, and it's gone. It turn into a Kurozumi family tattoo, surprising them.

"He is a Kurozumi, and he use his ability to make the Kozuki tattoo."-Jon

"This is surprising, but also make us relief. At least he is not the real Kozuki's retainer, he didn't deserve that crane mark."-Kiku

Jon let the Scabbards settle this among themselves and he leave. Jon jump to the sea to wash the blood on his body, then he teleport back to Sunny. He tell the others that the problem has been solved, and they continue their sail to Onigashima.

After Kanjuro's problem solved, the alliance leaders have a meeting on Polar Tang. Well, every leader except Luffy & Kid have a meeting. Both of them won't even do the plan & just do what they want. So it's better to just let them and their crew do what they want.

The Straw Hats keep moving toward Onigashima ahead of the others. They find a place with big Tori Gate that have guards. They immediately attack the place and defeat the guards in no time. They find some booze and want to drink it to celebrate Jinbe's arrival.

"Let's celebrate Jinbe's arrival!"-Luffy

"Is this really a good time?"-Jon

"It is, we've find so many booze afterall."-Franky

"I told you i smell alcohol from this place."-Zoro

"What's with that smelling ability?"-Sanji sweatdrop

The Straw Hats want to drink, but the alliance ships have come. They thank the Straw Hats for clearing their first obstacle to Kaido's castle. This make Luffy remember their objective, so he ask the crew to stop & celebrate it after defeating Kaido.

The Kid Pirates suddenly pass by them and go to Onigashima first. Luffy immediately tell Jinbe to catch up to them. The Straw Hats then go to catch up to Kid Pirates toward Onigashima.

They arrive on Onigashima's port and there's no one here. They must've celebrating the Fire Festival together and only left the guardians & those guys on the ships. Well, it's good that they gathered in one place, Jon's plan can work better if they're gathered.

The Straw Hats search a place to hide their ship. But then, they see the samurais start to sink their ships. They say that it's to show their determination, that there's no need to return back.

"Then how will they go back to Wano after the raid?"-Jon

"Maybe they want to swim."-Zoro

"Don't let them join our ship if they can't find any ship!"-Usopp

"I won't make any ship for them too."-Franky

The Straw Hats are badmouthing & cursing the samurais. The others can only sweatdrop at this, and let it be since they know it's just how the Straw Hats are.

Kin'emon then ask everyone to put a leaf or stone on their head. They do it, and Jon also do it, it will saved up his chakra. Kin'emon then transform everyone's clothes to that of Beasts Pirates, so they can infiltrate the place easier.

Jon move ahead of everyone, as he's the last person that will be worry of infiltration job. Jon also regenerate his clone seeds and send the clones to spread. His clones will also mark many places with his teleportation seal mark.

Jon arrive inside the dome where the Beasts Pirates are. They celebrate the Fire Festival on their own and call it Golden Kagura. Jon see that there are many pirates here with Apoo playing music, and Queen hosting the event.

'So Apoo is really Kaido's men from the start. Did he told Kaido about his alliance with Hawkins & Kid, then Kaido try to recruit them like Drake? Hmm, Hawkins rely too much on probability, and he didn't like to put his life on the risk, so he surrender. Kid is like Luffy, didn't want to obey anyone, so he fight back.'-Jon

Jon look around and find Kid & Killer that hide among the enemies. He sigh at this, at least Kid know how to use a strategy, unlike his captain. Just when he think of this, Luffy really show up and make trouble. He ask the Beasts Pirates where Kid & Killer are, make Jon massage his temples.

Jon flicker to Luffy and stop him the scold him quietly. Zoro also suddenly come, so Jon scold him too. But then, some Beasts Pirates spill Oshiroko on the floor. They jokes that they'll give these spilled Oshiroko to Okobore Town's people.

""Huh? What'd you say?""-Jon, Luffy & Zoro have an angry faces

""Eh?""-Beast Pirates

The three Straw Hats got very angry at these pirates. They jokes over some spilled Oshirokos, and want to give them to the poor people. The Straw Hats remember Tama & Okobore's citizens's happy expression when they eat many good food & some Oshiroko too.


"I'll beat you up."-Zoro

"I guess the plan didn't need to work. It will be the same if we win."-Jon

The three Straw Hats attack the Beasts Pirates and alert everyone else. Queen & Apoo recognize them and start to give order for Gifters to attack. Jon see many people come & see his chance to use his plan.

Jon dispell the shadow clone that he left to meditate in Sunny. Suddenly red marks appear on Jon's face, and his sharingan turn into yellow. Jon has his clone to gather Nature Chakra, and now he take it. Jon then make some hand seals and tell Luffy & Zoro to move back.

"Senpo! Mokuton Secret Technique: Deep Forest Emergence!"-Jon

A lot of big trees start to grow from the ground. The trees grow very fast & bind the Beasts Pirates. Jon didn't have to think about capturing his allies, because they haven't come inside except Luffy, Zoro, Kid & Killer.

"WHAT'S THIS?"-Gifter A

"Ahahaha, we are being captured, damn, hahaha."-Pleasure A

"I'm not done yet. Clones, give them the Dangos!"-Jon

Jon's clones suddenly appear from many places. They bring a small bag each and they're filled with Tama's Kibi Dangos. Even Speed & some jailers that have been tamed by Tama help the clones to give the Kibi Dangos.

"That's as far as you go. Check it out~!"-Apoo

"You can avoid it? As i thought from one of the Worst Generation."-Jon

Apoo suddenly appear, the guy can avoid the tree binding. Then Apoo start to press his teeths and create a music. He hit his chest and it create a loud sound. Jon suddenly feel his body being hit from the inside & got flung behind.

"GAH!"-Jon spat some blood


"It's your turn, Straw Hat, and you too Pirate Hunter~."-Apoo

Apoo do the same thing he did earlier and the same thing also happen to Luffy & Zoro. Apoo want to attack again, but suddenly Kid appear and hit Apoo. Killer approach the Straw Hats & give them some ear buds to block the voice.

"His devil fruit is a sound based power, so you'll get hit if you hear his attack."-Killer

"So that's what happen earlier."-Luffy

"That mean haki can't block his attack, what a troublesome ability."-Jon

They put the ear buds, & Jon heal them from the damage. The Straw Hats leave Apoo to Kid and they go to attack the Beasts Pirates. There are a lot more enemies that come to fight them.

Jon have caught a lot of Pleasures, Gifters, & weaker headliners. Now he just need to wait his clones to finish their task. If Tama's kibi Dango work, they'll get many SMILE users as allies.

Jon look up and see Orochi & Kaido are staying on their room above. There's also King, Jack, & some of their mens. He even see the Flying Six that stay in different room from Kaido.

The Flying Six suddenly dispersed, and Jon didn't care about them. His target in this war is the one & only Kaido. So Jon throw a kunai at Kaido's direction, but King suddenly appear & want to stop his kunai.

Jon also suddenly appear on his kunai's location, surprising King. Jon swing both his ninjato swords, and King swing his big katana. Jon need to get past King first if he want to reach Kaido.