

"Are you all brothers?" You pointed at the men scattered around the room. They all nodded in their way. Others raised their eyebrows once, others send thumbs-up, and others nodded normally. You put two and two together and sighed out and groggily slumped back down the chair. The pain on your thigh that started to subside had returned in a flash but you gulped down the wince that almost forced it way out of your mouth. The closest people close to you reached out towards you, alarmed with how you sat down. "So, do you guys share the same mate?" You asked weakly. From your travels, you found out that those who have mythical blood running down their veins and are siblings and are the same gender would share one mate. It happens rarely, only to those who have royal blood. When you observed their situation, with their consent, of course, their mate would always turn out to be a human. Might the siblings be sirens or nymphs or vampires, their mate would always turn out to be Namjoon coughed and rubbed his nape. "That's actually the reason why you can't leave," He slowly let the words go. You closed your eyes for a moment. "Well, You should have told me that I'm staying for a chat," You grumbled out. Hoseok brightened up and clapped his hands. "Then we shall drink tea back at the house," He announced. - Being known as Nyx, you never had an easy life. With the expectations of being the world's best-renowned assassin and hunter, protector of your people, and a babysitter of five children, you can't really expect to have time in your hands to relax, the world being run by werewolves, witches, vampires, mermaids and more. But now, another role has been added. After hearing the princes of the biggest empire in the world, the Asian Kingdom, say the word "mate", you're scared for what is about to come. But then again you're Nyx, one of the very few humans that survived and became known, you could take a challenge like that.

wassap_its_hunter · 奇幻言情
12 Chs


"Ma'am, they are tearing our walls down. Fast." A man in armor reported to the woman whose back faced him, holding a child. She laid the baby at the crib when it fell asleep.

"How many have fallen?" She asked the man behind her, still not facing the


"Half our troops." The guard whispered. The woman closed her eyes shut as she felt tears forming and her hold on the crib tightened. She took a deep breath and composed herself.

The sudden bang of the door took both of their attention. There, a man who is in his mid-thirties faced both.

"Isis, where is she?" The man spoke in an uneven breath as he looked around.

Isis moved to the right to show a baby cocooned in blankets, sleeping soundly.

The man visibly relaxed as he jogged towards the crib. He touched the baby's cheek and it squirmed slightly.

"Isis, there's too many of them. We are falling like flies. What are we gonna do?" The man asked Isis, who kept a calm facade, but he can see through her light blue eyes that she is panicking and scared.

"We are gonna hold them off," She answered walking towards the door. The man nodded, followed her.

"Right, we are going to kill them." He repeated. But then Isis turned around to face the man.

"We are going to hold them off. You take her back to the land," Isis pointed to the baby at the crib. The man looked at Isis like she lost her mind.

"Are you crazy? I'm not leaving you. We will do this together!" He argued. Isis looked at him with a neutral look and then faced the guard who stood straight and pointed to the door. The guard bowed and left the room, shutting the door.

Isis looked back at the man with a pained look and eyes filled with tears.

"Lucas, can't you see? We are losing. We don't stand a chance against the under walkers. You said it yourself, we are falling like flies. We already lost when they announced that they will start a war against us. We lost, Lucas. We...lost" she whispered while tears streamed down her cheeks. Her knees buckled and she dropped to the floor crying. Lucas followed her to the ground and held her face gently then wiped the tears, but new ones just kept flowing.

"But I can't lose you again." He whispered as his voice cracked. He pulled her into a hug, the one you can feel all the emotions you can't see.

"And I can't lose you or her, Lucas. My people are dying but I can't let all I have been taken by them. Please." She pleaded as she dug her head deeper at the crook of his neck. They kept silent when a scream was heard and followed by a crash.

Isis stood up, sniffling, and pulled Lucas up. She grabbed the baby and kissed her head softly. A stray tear fell. She wiped it and smiled fondly at the baby who still is fast asleep.

"Go to the side gates and pull the torch at the right of it. Then throw the torch towards the forest and go to the staircase. Don't come back here." She ordered the father of the baby and gave it to him.

"Throw the torch but you'll get-" then it struck him. He finally broke and choked back a sob.

"No, no, no!" He kept saying those words while shaking his head. Isis grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him. He kept silent tears fall down as he felt that this is goodbye. They let go of each other and looked at their eyes.

"I love you, Lucas." She said, smiling sadly. The man followed her and smiled.

"I love you, Isis," then kissed her forehead. Isis gulped the lump in her throat and looked at the baby. She took off the necklace she wore that has a small green ombrè pendant hanging. She placed it inside the blanket cocooned on the baby

"I love you, my child." It was the last words before she pushed a bookcase to the side and opened a vault. Inside was a hallway with only a lightbulb one meter apart from each other. She grabbed his hand and push him inside the vault.

He looked back to see the door closing and wiped his tears. He looked at the baby in his arms who just opened her eyes.

"Let's give mommy's plan a shot," he said to the baby.

And he ran.

i am aware that this is so bad but trust me ill get better (?)

hope you all have a great day!

wassap_its_huntercreators' thoughts