
The Secrets of Chaos

Chaos, Entropy, the power of causality. The energy that makes every universe slowly decline and finally perish. The Destruction of Taoism, the birthplace of all demons and also the seed that creates universes. A secret everyone knows, but very few carry. Chaos and Causality, two forces that rule the universe itself. A simple goblin, imprinted a dagger and spent millennia chasing after it. Millions of lives and millions of adventures. His fate is one of high importance. One that will decide the fate of the multiverse itself. But who decided his fate? A Goblin with a pitch black dagger, travelling from universe to universe, acquiring strength and wisdom, all for the sake of reversing karma. Reversing the Heavens. Going against fate itself. And who would make such grandiose plans? Why, but the weakest of all creatures... A mere goblin... ---------------------------------------- This novel is bound to be big. I'll be going through a lot of lives, with a lot of different ideas. It's basically going to be all your favourite stories, blended into one protagonist. I haven't written the whole thing yet, so I'm open to ideas. If you guys want to see something specific you can always comment. Have a read, and hope you enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: Cover found on artstation.com

Kyomu_ · 奇幻
67 Chs

Translation of Unknown languages

(Chapter 1) "KROX" = "DAMN", in goblin tongue of the last life.

(Chapter 2) "Akimi mi nohte" = "Not again", in Abyssal(Universal language)

(Chapter 3) "Kar vah ti" = "You name is", in goblin tongue of the last life.

(Chapter 16) "Roht gonash" = "Don't worry", in Chaos scripture (Language of the universe, more on that in later volumes.)

(Chapter 17) "Garto gur gul? " = "What do you want? ", in monster tongue.

(Chapter 35) "Mokare, roht karne tortuga eso" = "You idiot, don't make me work so much", In Chaos scripture.

(Chapter 40) "Gur korte nagh ti? Gur to gor ga kurtoza!" = "Why are you attacking me? We're both monster!", in monster tongue.

(Chapter 48) "Gartude Goblin ortan Green Wolf?" = "Since when did Goblins hunt Green Wolves?", monster tongue

(Chapter 55) "Korno Trivastrami Ardune Moht Fokrama" = "Here lies the legacy of a heretic", Chaos scripture.

(Chapter 59) "Torso Mo Koralle Arvani" = "Sacrifice a drop of blood", Chaos Scripture.

This is the vocabulary for every unknown phrase. I thought of making the novel more vivid, by adding a couple of imaginary languages, and this is the place to find the translation.

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