
The Secret Price

Lily had no choice but to sign up for a marriage contract for the sake of her mother, who was battling with cancer, but what came after wasn't something she'd ever expect. Her only hope shattered in a blink of an eye! 

AlexdStorySmith · 现代言情
5 Chs

Chapter 2: The Offer

Heading towards them, she felt nervous.

"How may we help you, please?" she asked as she stopped.

The men paused what they were doing and looked at her like she was disturbing them.

"We already made our orders, ma'am." Assistant Ray said, clearing the air.

"Oh OK! I'm so sorry, then. You all will receive it soon." She said, walking away immediately.

Not long after, she came back with a tray of drinks, which she placed on the table and served.

Master Chris, who had been looking down at the documents for a while, then raised his head. 

What met his eyes was Lily's flawless beauty. Stuck, he wondered if such a lady ever existed. 

When it got to his turn, Lily placed his wine at his front. 

It was then that she noticed him. Raising her head, her eyes locked with his. Shocked, she quickly let go of his wine and walked out of the place.

Mesmerized by what he just saw, he turned to his assistant. "I need information about this lady," he whispered in his ear. "Yes Master!" Assistant Ray said as he stood up and left. 

After the meeting, the investors left one after another. Soon, it was just Master Chris.

"Hey!" he said, stopping a waitress.

"I need to see the waitress in a pink gown," he said to her before picking up his wine to sip. 

On mentioning the color of the dress, the waitress could already guess it was the new manager he was referring to. 

"Alright, sir," she answered, and she ran to the manager's office. 

"Ma'am, I think someone wants to see you. He is at the private spot," she said. 

"Oh alright! Thanks!" 

Keeping all she had aside, she walked out to the private area.

On seeing who called her, she froze.

What does he want from me? She asked herself.

"Hello Sir! How may I help you?" she asked.

Raising his head, he smiled. 

Lily became dumbstruck. 

He looked so expensive. He was probably a big shot. She had to be careful. 

So many thoughts ran through her head. 

Her legs then became weak. 

"Please sit down!" he said, looking at her.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I'm on duty," she said respectfully.

"I knew you were on duty before I called," he said, wondering what kind of woman she was. 

"Sir, with all due respect, I can't. It's against the..." 

"Hear him out, dear. It must be really important." Before Lily could finish her statement, Madam Cross had already appeared at her back. 

They were so surprised when they saw her. Lily still tried to come to the terms that Madam Cross would allow her to communicate with him.

"Thanks ma'am!" Master Chris said, smiling. 

He liked Madam Cross. Picking out huge cash from his briefcase, he held Madam Cross' hands and placed it.

Shocked, she stared at him and at Lily.

"Oh, dear son! Thank you so much! Lily, please be nice to him." she said and ran off happily.

Smiling, he turned to Lily.

With no choice, she sat down. 

"What exactly do you want from me?" she asked, trying to look at him. "Marry me!" he said, being so straightforward.

Lily froze. 

Marry him? Where did that come from? 

When she came back to her senses, she didn't know when she started coughing.

Raising her head to look at him once more, she sat down comfortably. He was probably joking with her. 

"Sir, you can now tell me what you need." "I'm serious. I need you as my wife."

"Sir, marriage is not my priority at the moment. My mother's health is my priority," she said on a serious note. 

Her mother's health? He thought about it. 

Looking at her, he could already see how serious she looked. "How about we make a deal?" he asked after a while.

"Marry me for one year in exchange for two billion dollars," he asked, looking into her eyes. 

Lily froze in shock. 

She had never heard this since she was born. 

Marriage in exchange for such an amount of money?

"What do you think about this?" he asked after waiting for a while without response. 

"I think this is crazy, sir," she said as she stood up and walked out. 

Master Chris smiled when she walked out. He knew she hated the idea, but he was ready to do anything to make her his. 

On her way to her new office, Lily walked to her seat, holding her stomach. She then sat down and started sobbing. 

"Oh God, I need your help!" she prayed as she rested her head on her desk. This was too much for her. Her mother had to survive. Two billion?

She refused to accept. He was probably playing pranks on her.

Lily was still bending her head on her desk when her phone rang. 

"Hi Sis! I'm leaving the house soon. Who's going to be with Mom?" Cathy's voice sounded over the phone.

"Please hold on! I will soon be done for the day," she said, cleaning her eyes.

"Sis, is something wrong?" Cathy asked when she noticed something was wrong with her sister's voice. 

"I'm fine. We will talk later," she replied.

"OK Sis. Just be good, okay? And come home earlier." "Sure, I will." Lily responded, hanging up.

After a few hours, Lily closed for the day and rushed home to give her mother her full attention. 

It was a great day for her financially. At least she could make three times more than she could make out of hard labor.

"Evening Sis! Thank goodness you're home. I was already on my way out." Cathy said, applying powder to her face, when Lily walked into the house.

"Hello mom! Okay dear. I'm home anyway." Lily greeted her mother, who was lying on the bed, and replied, Cathy, dropping her purse on the table not too far from the door.

Cathy was about to leave when she remembered something.
