
31. Birthday Gone Wrong

Hazel's Pov

"Hello?... Hello? Are you there miss?" I picked up the phone back Controlling myself

"Is he fine? Where is he?"

"He is in the XYZ hospital and his condition is quite serious it will be good if you come as soon as possible" I cut the call running out

I was in tears I was scared, I just hope its nothing serious I hope he is fine!

Asking the location I ran to the ICU an unknown person was standing there talking with the doctor

"Excuse me doctor I want to know about The patient in the ICU"

"The one who met with an accident?" He asked while I nodded "Who you are?"

"I am his Wife can you please tell me how is he?" I was really scared

"His condition is really critical he got head injury Just hope for the good news not bad" saying so he left

I tried to control my tears but off course I wasn't able to.

"Calm down miss he will be fine surely just pray" the guy standing there said

"Who are you?"