
32. Who Is She

Henry's pov

"What you said?" She asked


"You remember no?" She asked

I puller her more close kissing her lips for a moment

"How can I forget you? Impossible!" I said

"So you were acting?" She asked making a bit difference

"Well... Yes It was fun seeing you worried for me" I chuckled

"So much no?" She asked standing up while I nodded.

She held the pillow from a side beating me on my arm

"You stupid I was worried for you and you were enjoying, I Can't believe you. I hate you understood" She said and left towards the balcony

I know she is angry but I know how to lighten up her mood. I went near her back hugging her tightly

"I am sorry" I said siding her hairs nuzzling my nose in the crook of her neck

"I don't need your sorry" She said