
The Scent Of You

Having grown up in a severely, underdeveloped, town in South Korea: Choi Ha-Joon Has been given the opportunity of a lifetime! Having been Accepted to one of the top universities in Seoul: Human Health department. He is now presented with the necessary tools to fix the most important thing in his life: himself. Ha-Joon was born an Omega who is unable to smell pheromones. This subnormal fault has lead him to experience a variety of problems in his life. Convinced himself to be "broken": Ha-joon travels to Seoul to fulfill his dream of creating a cure for his condition. However: an encounter with an Alpha: Hyun-Woo: Has his life turned more complicated. Hyun-woo too has secrets of his own. Warning: This story may contain the following- mental Abuse Explicit material Sexual assault Sexual abuse Drug abuse

KazKar · 奇幻
26 Chs

Chapter 8: Su-bin

The next day Ha-joon was sitting in his general studies class. As the professor was performing rollcall he took a look at his phone.

"He hasn't sent me any messages since yesterday. maybe he was just messing with me". He sighed and set it on the table in front of him.

"Choi Ha-joon?" The professor called out.

"Here". raising his hand.

The roll call continued.

"I could just ask Jong-sunbea the next time I see him. He seemed to be friends with that guy Hyun-woo."

He rested his head against his fist. Fiddling with his pencil in the other hand.

"Lee su-bin?"

There was no answer. The professor just scratched his head and sighed: Scribbling somthing on the list in front of him.

"That guy hasn't been here since the start of the class." Ha-joon took note.

Wonder if he dropped the class or somthing.

With that the professor closed the class list and started his lessons.


After class Ha-joon made his way to the lab.

"Oh! Ha-joon, today's a general studies day, you don't have to be here."

"I know Jong-sunbea, I just wanted to ask you somthing if that's alright."

Jong set some papers to the side: He gave the blonde boy his full attention.

"I hope you don't mind me inferring, Are you and and the guy named Hyun close friends?

Jong leaned back in a relaxed position.

"Why so curious?" Jong smiled.

Ha-joon hesitated for a split second. He knew he could trust Jong.

Explaining the situation outside the college building the other day: Jong folded his hands over his stomach.

"Does it make you uncomfortable?"

He thought about it.

"Not so much uncomfortable: more confused.

Jong let out a chuckle.

"As long as I've known Hyun: he hasn't been the sociable type. In fact he actually hung around a bad crowd in high school and his life started to spiral out of control."

Ha-joon was intrigued.

"Do you remember when he was shocked that you couldn't smell his pheromones?"


"You see, Hyun's pheromones produce a hideous odor. Almost like trash...or maybe worse." Jong tapped his finger.

"I don't know if you are aware of this but to an Alpha who can't use Pheromones to attract an omega; let's just say it's a huge hit to their ego. When Hyun learned he couldn't use his pheromones in a normal way he grew to be quite spiteful."

Jong made eye contact with Ha-joon who was listening intently.

"That's about the time I met him. Because I had gotten a full scholarship to the medical engineering department of this collage when I was a junior in high school: I was able to make a strong drug that could block his odor."

"It's not to say our friendship didn't start out rocky, but as I learned more about him I realized he was...how would you put it...lost?"

"My point is Ha-joon, Hyun may come off as a rough and tough guy but I think he just needs friends. And from what you told me I think he wants you to be his friend."

Ha-joon sighed and look to the right.

"I'm not going to force you or anything; but he may just surprise you" Jong stood up and grabbed his lab papers.

"I have to make a run to another department; why not think about it?" Jong winked and waved bye.

Pulling his phone from his pocket Ha-joon pulled up the messaging app.

The same scrambled messages plastered the screen.

He pulled the keyboard up and hovered his thumbs over it.

"Maybe what Jong-Sunbea said was true, although: do I want to get involved with a guy like that?"

Ha-joon thought back to the other two thug looking fellows from the train station.


"I'll just do it!"

He tapped the screen with his thumbs.

"Hello, This is Ha-joon. The guy you gave your contact to".

"okay that seems normal enough." Ha-joon softly sighed.


He was about to put his phone back in his pocket when it vibrated.

"Jeez! that was fast" Ha-joon gaped at the name on the screen.

"Yea I know, you're in my contacts too."

"oh right" He laughed in embarassment.

The phone vibrated again.

"Why didn't you respond the other day?"

Ha-joon halfway scoffed.

"How was I supposed to respond to that mess" He said to himself.

He quickly typed.

"Sorry, was busy."


New message.

"I hate liars".

Ha-joon frowned.

He Gripped his satchel and walked out of the lab.

He felt the phone vibrate in his hand.

"Where are you?"

He froze.

"Is he for real?" However he thought back on what Jong had said to him about wanting a friend.

"I did say I would give this a shot".

He typed back.

"I'm Near Jong's lab".


Ha-joon waited 3 minutes and there was no reply.

"Did I make a mistake?" Ha-joon laughed nervously.

There was a sound of running footsteps echoing off the corridors.

Hyun cleared the corner. He was out of breath and sweating.

Ha-joon could help but give an agasted look.

Seeing Ha-joon standing there; Hyun stormed over to him. He had a scowl on his face.

Swinging his arm up towards Ha-joon.

Ha-joon flinched, he closed his eyes.

There was no impact though. He opened one eye and saw a can in front of his face.

"Just...take it..." Hyun looked away in annoyance.

Ha-joon took the can from Hyun.

"Coffee?" He read the label.

Hyun was still pretty silent.

"He looks embarassed." Ha-joon glanced.

"I uh...just thought you may have been thirsty after studying all day...so..." He trailed off.

Ha-joon was a little impressed. He grasped the drink with both hands: looking at Hyun.

"Thank you" A kind and genuine smile crossed his face.

Hyun didn't so much as smile back. He pursed his lips.

"Uh..yea". With that awkward exchange he left.

"seriously? again?" Ha-joon let out a sigh.

Looking back at the label he laughed: I don't even like coffee.


The next day.

Sitting in his normal seat: he readied himself for another day of general studies. Knowing that it was the last class for the week and that he could get some lab time done the next two days.

He was in bliss.

Finally some hands on work.

Lost in thought he barely noticed someone sitting down next to him.

"Excuse me?" A voice asked.

Ha-joon looked to his right.

There was a really handsome guy sitting there. He was larger than Ha-joon: Had Light brown hair and green eyes. He sported a plain white shirt and black jeans. He wore a dazzling smile: Ha-joon was blinded by his radiance.

"Uhm...are you okay?" The man softly asked.

Ha-joon snapped back to reality.

"oh sorry! yes?" He sat straight in his chair.

"Sorry to ask but I have been out sick since the start of this class; you seem like a well capable guy: could I borrow your notes by chance?"

Ha-joon was slightly swooned by his speech.

"Sure! no problem" His voice almost cracked.

He dug in his bag and handed his notebook over to him.

"Thank you" The man smiled.

"Oh! I'm Choi Ha-joon by the way, a first year student" He extended his hand to be friendly.

The man Obliged.

"Lee Su-bin".