
The Rising Tide of Frost

The house of Frost, once a forgotten family lost in the time of obscurity. This time brought up with greater purpose than ever before. See how our young lordling grows and adapts to this world he is thrown into. Into a family that might have more secrets than he even does but is unlikely. See how the mash of personalities merge and a man from our world or possibly beyond comes into play when given the tools to not only succeed but also thrive with his now natural born gifts. Nothing written here belongs to me other than House Frost and the OC, hope you all enjoy.

BBQChickenAlertBB · 电视同人
10 Chs

Histories Altered

Third POV 295 AC: King's Landing

The streets bustled and screamed with life as people mingled and barred along the heavily populated streets. People were heard arguing, laughing, crying and a myriad of emotions. Though what was most noticeable along the roads were the armored contingents of men roaming the streets. Some were posted in small shacks where they would sit and handle paperwork that had to be accomplished, though mainly reserved for the captains and lieutenants. While the majority would announce their presence to the world in their black and silver armor, their maces on their hips while they would carry around a small shield strapped to their arms. They were a small elite contingent within and yet separated from the Gold Cloaks known as the Silver Strata. They were normally silent, unyielding and fiercely loyal to the lord of the city and only the lord or King in this case. At this time, that Lord/King was named Robert Baratheon though many have tried to buy their loyalty to no avail. When Tywin Lannister tried to sack the city, everyone learned why this order was still so famously renowned. 

What was supposed to be an easy grab at renown and infamy was turned into a hard fought fight that led to the death of many men. The streets were flowing with blood and corpses strewn about on the roads. Tywin even tried to order the death of all surviving Silver Strata but was rejected by Lord Jon Arryn and Robert Baratheon. The famous order had been created during the period just before the Dance of Dragons by none other than Lucarys Frost as a young boy's thoughts and voice that led to the creation of the order. Probably brought upon after the loyalty of the gold cloaks being questioned. Also reinforced after its many many reveals of treachery and misconduct. 

This order now numbered roughly a thousand and each one was as good as any five gold cloaks easily after their rigorous training they had to do to become a Silver Strata. The Order of gold cloaks had been growing but was stopped at the point of three thousand gold cloaks. The one thousand strong Strata are easily able to handle the gold cloaks. The current commander of the Gold cloaks was a man named Tytus, born and brought up in the very slums of Kings Landing. While the commander of the Silver Strata was a man named Harold, a merchant's boy who took to a sword better than trading.

The two were probably the best duo in many years bringing about a unified front and keeping order in the city when many lesser men would've tried to take hold of the chaos. They also held much sway around the city as many folks saw them as just and fair but also strong and intimidating. Tytus stood as a tall man able to stand just over the infamous Tywin Lannister when the two had talked on many occasions. Broad shouldered and with a clean shaved face, his light brown hair barely an inch long as his green eyes shined like emeralds. Many a time having to look up to the big 'brutish' Harold who stood out like King's Landing very own Mountain that rides. Instead though, the man had dark black hair around his mouth and amber eyes that saw everything, while not as robust as the mountain, the man showed much skill whenever called upon in a fight or when handling the duties on him.

The two individuals were what weighed upon Petyr Baelish as he walked in his brothel. He had dreams and goals, he thought he could have most of the city in his hands with how long he had planned this but all he had were two brothels and a lump sum of coins to his name. Even when he was supposed to become the master of coin, he barely had enough coin, influence and resources to pull any real leverage within the Red Keep. Sitting down, he took the chalice of wine and swung it back till it was emptied, his nerves were betraying him. He hated this city, he hated the Red Keep, he hated the bitch queen, and he hated all those damn Northern representatives within the city. Everywhere he looked, he would find stalls, taverns, guards, scholars, all wearing Northern sigils and most prominently were the Frost sigil. 

Looking out to the streets below, Petyr relaxed as he felt his pants lower and his recent addition began her work. Looking back down to the red hair, he pictured the woman he longed for. 

'I'll have it all and then I'll have you Catelyn.'

Olenna Tyrell POV 295 AC: Highgarden

Setting down my tea, I suppressed my lips from rising. The tall man's shadow alone was enough to make my mind race but I knew how important it was for him to come to me like this. He never came to anyone, only allowed people to see him. Lucarys Frost, the man who should've burned and yet stood tall still. A fearsome warrior from the North and the stuff of nightmares for many children of the South. I could see my dear Margery's hand quiver ever so slightly but it stopped when I placed my hand atop hers. 

"What can I do for the Lord of the burnt seas, haha."

His face was ever stoic, took no notice of my lip and sat in the chair opposite of me before setting down two documents. Ever so serious when it came to business, if only my son could be the same, hells, if he could even just be half the man Lord Frost was then I could relax finally. I looked at the documents and scowled at the first's contents. A reduction on import and export taxes was a lot to ask for. Taking the second in hand skimming through it, I smiled a little before wiping it from my face. Moving the scrolls over so Margery could see, I couldn't help but smile when her face blushed and smiled lightly. 

"So a decrease in taxes from trade overall for a marriage with your second son. I have to say, it's not a bad offer considering the resources and backing House Frost would give House Tyrell but you didn't think it would be that easy, did you?"

Lord Frost sighed and a weary smile came out finally. 

"Queen of thorns, will you ever stop being a thorn in my arse?"

My smile bloomed like a spring rose.

"Perhaps when you agree to Margery and your first born being betrothed?"

His smile gone and his eyes heated, like the greatest insult upon him was laid bare in front of him. I couldn't help but curse inwardly at the misstep of words.


A heavy sigh again and I began to think he was holding his breath. He rubbed his temple and my mind was curious. 

"Why?... Why is it so easy?"

I couldn't help the question, it was easy, far too much for what our games had been for so long.

"Pardon us?"

His voice was authoritative and I nodded to Margery's look. After she had left us, my focus gleamed towards the words shared. 

"Margery in the few days that I have been here has shown a kindness and responsible attitude not shown by many her age, especially for highborn in status. Perhaps her shrewdness and calculating mind came from your hand, ha"

I couldn't help but chuckle alongside the giant till he continued.

"Dorn has only one and the rumors are unsavory at best, Stormlands hold the crown but I don't like the gold locks of the children, too much Lannister in them. Tully has nothing to offer nor does Arryn. Stark has availability but honestly he should use that for strengthening his ties within the North after his marriage with House Tully. That leaves house Tyrell and a few minor houses that while I could garner some benefit with those houses, what could I gain that would truly be worth it. With House Tyrell, I get lower taxes, A southern alliance, ship lanes, food stock, and an ally that can bring more than just one item to the table in this generation and the next."

I had to say, I was surprised at the Lord's honesty and blunt speech but not unwelcoming of it.

"So this is really finally happening, after so many years, House Tyrell gets to join the ranks of houses that join hands with House Frost? Ha! You make it sound like were your last option and House Tyrell is no last option mind you."

His chuckle and smirk started to unnerve me as he grabbed a piece of cheese from the plate on the table.

"Cheese, such a good topper for sophistication and yet normally far from the reach of the lower class, yet in the lands of my House, every household normally enjoys its sharp taste with one meal or another. Do you know why House Frost has stood tall even after losing its crown to the Stark's, why so many are scared of House Frost, queen of thorns?"

I shuffled and shifted as I disliked his unnerved sense of presence and gloating but curiosity normally bit back so I relented.

"Well what doesn't inspire awe? Your mysterious runes, or perhaps your wonderous Snow Steel, mayhap your scholarly practices and opening of an academy for the people to learn and practice towards the betterment of the land. Oh, maybe it's your blood itself, the kings across the sea the smallfolk call you."

Lucarys laughed, a booming and thunderous laugh that shook my very bones.

"Ah no, none of that, people respect and fear House Frost for one reason and one only. House Frost has never lost after we bowed to the Starks, not when the Dustin's or Ryswell's rebelled, not when the Ironborn raided or rebelled, not when Aegon marched North. Hells, we never lost a battle after being surrounded by the whole might behind house Stark and the Warg king who could summon a sea dragon from the depths of the ocean. That's why people admire house Frost and want to become one of us, because we represent something no one else has even gotten close to doing since that day we kneeled, Invincibility. No matter how much Tywin wishes he could replicate it, no matter how close House Stark is to it, not even with how secretive house Martell is. Hells not even House Targaryan could do it and they were the closest but the fastest rising led to the fastest plummeting too."

Once done, he stood and began to walk away after tossing the chalice he had to the ground, not a drop had touched his lips.


The words escaped my lips and I wasn't even sure what I agreed to even at that moment. Lucarys stopped in his tracks and turned his head, his eyes staring at me.

"As a favor, I'll allow Margery to wed my eldest, so get her ready. He will be the scion of my House, a beacon of the North, and a man that many will want on their side rather than against them."

I nodded and knew Margery had to begin new lessons, I had heard women of House Frost were trained to fight. I didn't like the idea but I had to prepare her for its eventuality. Marrying into house Frost while not the Royal house was still a great achievement for not once had House Frost failed to deliver when its allies were in times of need. Food, supplies, soldiers, medicine, no matter what it was, they would have it. 

Kadderon Frost 295 AC: Whitegaard Castle Library

'132 AC

The North join with Rhaenyra and win the war between the Black's and the Green's. The battles were bloody and gruesome, House Stark led the vanguard to break the Green's and House Frost beheaded five Green's that day.

145 AC

Balon Frost and Rhaena Frost are betrothed and soon to be married. Questionably due to origins speculating on Balon's birth.

148 AC

Balon Frost and Rhaena Frost produce a son, Drax Frost, the largest baby recorded in House Frost history. Rhaena Frost dies in childbirth.

150 AC

House Frost develops spiced Whiskey and starts exporting its new varieties. The new influx of income pushed House Frost to new heights of economic prosperity not reached in recorded history other than before the Kneeling of House Frost to House Stark. House Stark begins new renovations of Winterfell after increased taxes from House Frost.

170 AC

Drax Frost marries a daughter of House Magnar from Skagos supposedly only because of how strong she is. They have a son named Alagor Frost. Alagor is recorded to have been even larger than Drax when born.

173 AC

Drax and his wife Ala Frost have a second son named Torren Frost. Torren, while large, was just a little smaller than Alagor.

174 AC

Drax perfects his smithing skills to create a masterful set of armor, a multitude of weapons and shields. His goal being to have his line be prepared to have the best he could offer them. They were then set with runes that took him even longer to complete, taking a total of 10 additional years to finish all of them. A firstborn daughter is born named Baela Frost to Drax and Ala Frost.

175 AC

Drax and Ala Frost have a third son named Kor. House Frost steadily grows and its branch houses hold a gathering of shared prosperity.

177 AC

Drax and Ala Frost have a fourth son named Baelor.

184 AC

Drax finishes the runes for all of his works and puts them into the Vaults of House Frost. Said weapons and armors were never said to have been uncovered other than rarely seen one at a time or possibly two at a time though rarer by the head of the house.

188 AC

House Frost finishes producing its Snow Steel for their soldiers and begins making back stock of the armor and weapons for later use, storing the items in their sub Vault under the Academy. Many thieves and bandits have tried to raid the vault though were never seen again.

189 AC

House Frost begins to truly show the best physical qualities of each great House they tie their blood with. Average height for a Frost is between 6 '10 and 7' 5 for a male while the largest was recorded as Alagor being 8'2 for males. The female line was recorded to be between 6'1 and 6'5. The most dominant eye color is silver though occasionally a color from their bloodline might appear within the eye. Normally their hair will be silver with some rare cases carrying a pure white as snow color. Their canines have always been prominent when carrying the Frost blood within them. Their eyesight and hearing have been noted to be stronger than the average person and a common foul tongued name given to them are knife eared or mutt. Most common folk within their lands average between 6 '1 to 6' 10 with most males leaning to the latter and most females being in the middle to the former height. Signs indicate possible first night tradition in the past or off branches of the family. 

190 AC

House Stark, House Umber, House Manderly, House Glover, House Frost, even House Bolton all arranged marriages between one another as a daughter of House Frost went to House Glover and a Son of House Frost married a daughter of House Umber. Alagor Frost marries Ilene Stark. 

196 AC

Second son Torren Frost and fourth son Baelor Frost lead the majority of House Frost forces south in the name of Daeron II, putting an end to the Blackfyre Rebellion. For their support, they only receive words of appreciation and remarks of scorn after the news of the marriage alliance between Dorne and the Iron Throne. Ilene Frost passes after her second attempt at child birth.

205 AC

The Westerlands and Frost Trading pact is made and both the Lannister's and the Frost's welcome a boom in trade and prosperity. Alagor remarries Olenna Lannister much to the dissatisfaction of the northern houses.

209 AC

House Frost extends its port cities into fortified ports meant for trade and military naval support. The roads famous in House Frost's lands are now extended to each of the main holds providing more trade and faster mobility for not only the armies of the North but also the transportation of supplies and resources. Kiron Frost is the first born son to Alagor and Olenna Lannister.

220 AC

Gerold Frost, second son, was born to Alagor and Olenna Frost.

222 AC

Titus Frost, third born son was born to Alagor and Olenna Frost. Ollenna Frost passes away in childbirth causing House Frost much distress and heartache. 

235 AC 

Maul Frost, eldest son of Kiron Frost, is born.

238 AC

Alagor Frost gives Kiron Frost the Lordship and takes his vows for the wall after mourning his wife's passing. It was said that while Alagor didn't accomplish much for his house, he was honorable, stoic, loving towards his family and one of the best commanders of the wall ever recorded after remaking the structure of the Night's watch into what they are today.'

Kadderon Frost 295 AC: Whitegaard Castle

The histories of House Frost, as the title stated, was enlightening on basic retelling of my family but offered little into the more detailed recounting I was looking for. House Frost was stronger than ever with my father's help and my new ideas to the drawing board. So much so that everywhere I could look, many people, from lords to merchants to princes across the sea would look to House Frost in reverence. It was an addicting feeling to be sure but one that I knew was only a passing fancy. What truly mattered was what came next. From what the small but efficient network I had slowly built up while warding under House Stark came bits and pieces of knowledge that was far more helpful than all the soldiers I saw every day. 

House Lannister held more lies than many in the realm it seemed and my dreams weren't all for naught as it seemed, since the Royal family was more lion than stag it seemed. Whispers pointed to a shitstorm of Targaryan, possibly Blackfyre descent in Essos and My head was whirling at the implications of how half the southern realms were different from my visions. Like how the Baratheon's were somehow far more imposing and almost otherworldly with how their eyes were not only blue here but apparently flickered light lightning when one would look at them and how they were bigger, stronger and known for their prowess at sea now. No doubt an after effect of my family in some way altering the course of this world but still. It flummoxed me in a way that my head hurt trying to unravel its mysteries. House Martell apparently had far more fertile lands than what my 'dreams' suggested as they had large pockets of oasis on their land and some would say they had sway over water like summoning rains and bringing forth water from the earth deep below, all fairy tales but maybe a hint of truth.

I could only rub my temples at the ripples my family has caused in this world and how this would hurt further down the line. Something to shock me further was how the king and queen had four children, something I don't recall as I remember Joffrey, Tommen, Myrcella but not of the 'second' born son, Argos Baratheon. The only one of the children to look like his father with black hair, bright blue electric eyes, a huge build, and from the rumors, just as gregarious and martial as his father. A little rumor I picked up on was how someone had seen the second prince sparring one day and by the believers eyes, actually saw his Warhammer arc with lightning. A fib I had shoved off to the side but after reading so much and hearing everything else, I wondered if his blood was truly so strong to cause such a thing. Magic was an afterthought in this world.

I shoved the thoughts down and furthered my studies as my mind begged for a break.

240 AC

Kiron Frost builds aqueducts throughout his territory. Building a great bathhouse in the very center of his garden greenhouse; In the very top of his castle with extended towers connected to the mountain. He delivered a sizable fortune of general supplies, weapons, armor, building supplies, non-perishable foods, and gold coins to the Night's watch which had equal to about five million in gold dragons. The largest donation to the order in recorded history to that point. 

250 AC

Kiron Frost the architect builds a grand military academy at the base of the mountain next to his castle to train all in the ways of a Winter Wraith, warriors famous in House Frost. Training in arms, horseback, strategy and tactics, and everything else one might need to know on a battlefield. 

254 AC 

Maul Frost marries a cousin to the current head of House Manderly. As well as producing twins in the same year, Lucarys Frost and Alyssa Frost.

255 AC

Gerold Frost, younger brother of Kiron Frost, accepts to accompany king Aegon V as a knight and advisor. Kiron Frost invests in reinforcing all the walls and structure in his lands, the task would take almost ten years while hiring outside help on the non important structures.

257 AC 

Gerold Frost is offered a kingsguard spot but declines and accepts an advisor position instead as well as being a commander to call on. Kiron Frost, after destroying much of the fleet of the Ninepenny King's, gathers the remnants and many resources to bring back to the North. Kiron embraces his brother but it is said the two spent the first night in the lord's solar talking about all sorts of things. 

258 AC 

Brother of Maul Frost, Titus Frost travels to Old Valyria in hopes of adventure. He wouldn't be seen for a couple years.

260 AC

The Second Son of Maul Frost is born, Lorkan Frost. Titus Frost returns with 1/10 of the fleet he Sailed with. Returning with chests filled with ingots, scraps of metal, gems, gold and three Valyrian swords, one distinctly reminding Kiron of House Lannister. The ingots were said to be melted down and used for armor and weapons as it was valyrian steel. The unique other metal was used for research purposes, the gems and gold were either sold off or used in decorated accessories. 

263 AC

Kiron Draws a new schematic for a ship called a galleon manned with eight scorpions on each side and two in the back with two at the front. Five oil barrels could be stored in the back of the ship to be dumped over and used to set the sea aflame for a short while in need of escape and confusion. Most of the ship would be made out of ironwood and reinforced with a mixture of Snow Steel and runes along the ship to provide extra protection as well as favorable speed in the water. Due to the extreme cost of the ship resources, only fifty could be made and maintained at a time till further income and more resources could be made available. Kiron announces he will be stepping down in lieu of Maul Frost and taking over as a training instructor and advisor after he suffers an attack of his heart that ages him physically almost ten years.

275 AC

Lorkan Frost is married to a Forrester cousin and a trade deal is made with the promise of young Ironwood trees as well. This deal would start a series of small deals all across the North swelling each of their coffers with Frost gold.

278 AC

Lucarys is married to Dacey Mormont while Maul Frost tries to tie his daughter with Brandon Stark. The marriage would begin the " Northern Western Fleet Mobilization front".

279 AC

Maul finally convinces Rickard Stark to have at least Eddard Stark marry his Alyssa under the promise that Moat Cailin would be rebuilt under both houses' efforts. House Frost is propositioned into a possible Betrothal between either Viserys or Rhaegar's first born son. Kiron Frost would pass away before the deal was settled but Maul Frost who would think about it still even without his closest advisor. Titus Frost would win the melee at Harrenhall and Lucarys would win the archery competition. The Joust would be won by Rhaegar after Gerold Frost concedes the match after three tilts. Some say he had let the prince win but many would also argue he lost due to his honor. 

280 AC

First born son to Lucarys and Dacey Frost is born, Kadderon Frost.

Maul Frost organized the funding for new green houses to be built within each of the major and secondary holds gathering new trade agreements and pushing the North into an age of growth due to more food. 

Maul would help Rickard Stark rebuild Winter Town and repair Winterfell while extending it after being promised that the taxes would be lowered for ten years and that Benjen could ward with House Frost. A northern council was held, with each great house involved. 

Lord Stark ordered each house to undergo some form of change or to hear his order on what to be done. Houses Manderly and House Frost were to Increase their port sizes and extend their naval patrol routes as well as increase the volume of trade. House Mormont had to begin the construction of a stone keep and build up its ports with the help of House Frost. House Glover were in charge of sending more patrols into the mountains in search of mining resources while House Umber were in charge of constructing a massive training barracks to funnel new recruits and workers to the wall. House Karstark was in charge of bringing Skagos back into the North with the other Houses' help wherever they could. House Bolton was in charge of escorting southern recruits to the wall as well as expanding their patrol on land. House Reed was to begin the funneling of information and was in charge of keeping the Northern movements and secrets kept.

"You'll help me with this, you said? It's too late to call this off… "

"House Frost only wants one thing in return my friend and all you've wanted for the North will be."

"How can you be so confident, you act as if you've already won?"

"Because Lord Stark, I won the day you listened to me. But no worries my Lord, House Frost will stay the ever loyal bannerman to House Stark so long as House Stark doesn't revert into fools and imbeciles. We might not hold honor as high as the Arryn's or be as 'chivalrous' as the Reach but we hold our word as we hold our own hearts. Let it not be known how a Frost went back on their word."

281 AC

Garold Frost and Lucarys Frost travel with Brandon to King's Landing. Garold Frost tries to fight free but is impaled by three different spears after killing over a dozen gold cloaks. Lucarys is imprisoned and after Brandon and Rickard's Trial, is sentenced to a trial by combat. After contemplation, Aerys the Mad King decides that Lucarys will fight 14 men, the same number of men that his uncle had killed. Lucarys killed each man and tried to escape only to have wildfire poured on him from the balcony above. Lucarys made it out of the Red Keep flaming and screaming falling into the ocean below as living recounts had told. He would appear in the North two months later disfigured, burned, and with slight bouts of screaming mostly at night it was recorded.

Maul Frost would lead the Western Northern Fleet down south and land near Seaguard with close to 20,000 Northern warriors. Eddard Stark would lead another 30,000 down from Moat Cailin and meet near the Stoney Sept. Maul became enraged when Eddard married Catelyn Tully instead of his Alyssa almost pulling his forces back if not for his family's own deaths by the mad king. Maul was told Alyssa would marry Benjen instead of Eddard and reluctantly agreed even with the age difference. 

Dacey gave birth to twins Alastor and Lina Frost.

The North had successfully merged with Robert Baratheon and Jon Arryn and thus met Rhaegar Targaryan at the Ruby River now called. House Targaryan had far more troops than what was initially reported and it was revealed that while Gerold Frost was advisor in King's Landing, he had improved much of the inner working within their court. Almost tripling income, improving the sewage system to lower the smell almost entirely, increase the efficiency of the soldiers and even created one solidified army under the crown all in hushed whispers and secret. Holding the army at a rebuilt Summerhall and in the king's wood. This army would later be recounted as the Wisp shield Army in accordance with the man who made it. Gerold Frost. The total numbers for House Targaryan were numbered at 95,000 after this army appeared to help Rhaegar on his way to confront the rebels. With the North, the Rebels had roughly 82,000. With the emergence of the Dornish providing an additional 15,000 spears, Rhaegar outnumbered the rebels by almost 28,000. 

Notable Deaths-Jonothor Darry, Rhaegar Targaryan

It was said a multitude of minor lords, knights, and even a few branch family members of the Frost had died in the battle.

The rebels would win by using the environment to their advantage and as many would say, by Lord Maul's stratagems that day. Using powdered pots causing smoke, a hastily built archery wall fortification, pincer movements, and long range bombardment and distraction while the cavalry would be said to be led by the Quiet wolf, Maul had told him to strike when the twelfth pot had shattered and curve his motion to batter the enemies on their side of the rivers shore as they came. Robert led the infantry and would chase and choke the opposing side as they finally crossed and was confronted with the fortification from both sides, hammering the force to the river. Maul had sent a few men upstream to the river and destroy the dam at day break. Everyone at the battle would recount how Lord Frost was cynical and a terrifying force to deal with as when the water came down, The loyalist army was swept off their feet, some partially either drowning, suffering severe injuries, or being swept downstream far enough from the battle that it would take too long to return. After the waters mellowed, the infantry would batter with the remnants and the cavalry would cross the river upstream at a shallow point to cut off retreat. Any remnants to cross would be hammered by catapults and archers for what was probably minutes but soldiers say it felt like hours. After this initial clash, numbers were brought up and revised at 75,000 rebel forces, 42,000 loyalists. The red dyed river would be called the bloody trident from then on. The loyalists forces would retreat and try to fend off the rebels from catching them but would only return to King's Landing with 35,000 troops.

Jonothor Darry would be said to have died at the Bloody Trident while Rhaegar would escape with a blow to the head and a few bruised ribs from the river stratagem. The rebels would accept Tywin into their council of lords and his 30,000 troops bolstering them to 105,000 soldiers. Rhaegar would send the Tyrells for aid by Mace's own judgment and would receive aid. House Tyrell would send 100,000 soldiers to aid the loyalists and would come upon the Rebels but not till they encountered Maul. The Frostback Giant people would hush behind him. His moves at the Bloody Trident had cemented him as a calculating and cold strategist that was very deadly efficient. He would set off for the Kingswood and begin preparations to greet his new guests. While reports vary, one recurring facet of information would be that there were many hidden traps laid throughout the Kingswood not only on the road but in the forest as well around the roads. The Reach army would leave the Kingswood finally but only with half their force while Lord Frost would return to the rebel encampment a day before with his entire force he left with which was only 30,000. The siege would only end with Rhaegar holding a white flag for peace talks, terms were made and while Aerys was made to be executed, He and his family would be exiled to Essos. Robert didn't want those terms and Eddard Stark would want the location of Lyanna. Rhaegar reluctant to give the location would lead to a heated exchange between Robert Baratheon and a few of the loyalists. In the end, peace talks would end and the siege would continue with no progress. Maul would revitalize the effort with one caveat of knowledge, the underground passages under the red keep. Rhaegar would get help and escape the Red Keep with Elia Martell and their two children along with a small number of loyal people to them just days before the fall of the Red Keep. Jamie Lannister would duel with Maul and Eddard Stark before being sent unconscious from a blow from Maul. The mad King Aerys would lead his head secluded from the masses by Maul Frost after he marches up the throne. Eddard Stark would hear of a conspiracy about wildfire and start an investigation on it. The conclusion would be mass amounts of the substance under the city that would be removed shortly afterwards. 

282 AC

Maul travels to Dorne with Eddard and returns one eyed, and severely injured after taking a blow for Eddard and continuing the battle afterwards. Maul is said to have killed Arthur Dayne in single combat but no body or head was presented. House Dayne would receive their family sword from Eddard Stark after he stays there for a day and night before returning North. Lords Frost, Reed, Dustin, and Stark would all return from the trip south.

Alyssa Frost and Benjen Stark Marry.

283 AC

Benjen Stark and Alyssa Frost move to Moat Cailin after its renovation and improvement. Benjen and Alyssa create a cadet branch named Nightstark

Torren Nightstark, first born son of Benjen and Alyssa Nightstark is born.

Lorkan takes the last name Ice to form a branch family still living within Whitegaard Castle becoming stewards and other important roles within the castle. 

Victus Ice is born to Lorkan Ice and Jasmin Ice.

Kadderon Frost 295 AC: Whitegaard Castle

It was a lot to take in, as I had thought, Rhaegar would lose his life at the Ruby Ford or I guess now called the Bloody Trident. Instead he survived and was lost and forgotten after abandoning the Red Keep during the siege though I suppose he could've died sometime afterwards. House Frost had a huge impact on the war and if reading the recounts after the war had any indication, House Frost got a few boons from it. First were the holdings of land within King's Landing, pubs, a merchant house, part of the port, and a few other lackluster spots all of which were turned into gold cogs working towards a system to bring in gold by a large number and further invest it towards the same holdings within King's Landing. These holdings were practically winning over the populace with jobs, food, and a stable resource for income and opportunity.

Our second boon was the size increase we were granted towards our military, the only thing holding us back from increasing our military might by at least two fold with how much we had grown were the limitations placed on vassals. This would help bring a further boom in population to our lands when people had heard the wind of our recruiting efforts and how well our military was trained and equipped. Our last boon was nothing short but was unnecessary as we were given Dragonstone to make a trading fleet as well as bolster our power at sea for the throne. One of our relatives would take the office there and be given the land while the taxes from it would be given to us for the next twenty years, I had guessed we would probably just let the new house keep most of it and focus on building itself up. It mostly for the time being, gave us a way to reward those under us and show that we could give such rewards in the future when needed.

While I've for the most part lost my spark I once had after the hospital and medical crisis I went through, I do still enjoy letting my imagination take hold and dive myself inot the unkown possiibilities that lie before me. I hope each of you do too so we can explore this path together.

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