
The Rise Of Xiaofan

The Quick stomping of feet made her eyes open wide. Xiaofan immediately felt a change in environment, It was less colorful. Red bricks and she couldn't figure out the ridiculous smell all over the room.  "You are awake", The voice seeped through her ear, she flinched and turned her face, his eyes met hers. The last face she saw before finally waking up to see him again standing a few feet from her. "WELCOME TO LILANG ACADEMY",  The airbrushing against her ear resembled a kid's whimper. Xiaofan looked around the room, her eyes met a woman staring at her but she was in a different outfit compared to the man. She wore a sailor outfit.  "Your mother was a part of this academy before...." The man paused as he took a step closer to the girl looking around like a lost puppy, "you are a unique human Xiaofan and that is why you are here... We can help you become who you really are", he added.  The girl shook her head as she tried to get up, " let me out of here... I am no unique whatever you are trying to bluff,  let me.....". Xiaofan's words died right in her throat when the woman growled at her angrily.  "YOU ARE NOT LEAVING!" *************************** "Hi I am Liu Jo", the boy said looking straight into her eyes, one side of his lips curved into a smile. ************************** A girl in anguish Ji Xiaofan's mother passed away when she was 3, as if it was planned her father immediately got married to another woman, who obviously has a different motive for the Ji family, and also getting a little sister who has gotten all the love and attention from her father. "I do not care about your dead mother!" **** What is the fate of Xiaofan, what does life got planned for her?. ****Will she be able to control the supernatural powers she knew nothing about?. ****Does Liu Jo has a different intention for Xiaofan?. Join me in her journey, which she will change in the most unexpected ways after discovering who she is, from escaping death to being part of the LILANG FAMILY.

kimmy5560 · 奇幻言情
20 Chs

The girl in anguish


It became more and more intense than expected, soldiers attacking one another, blood-shedding.

The woman seen in white robe wouldn't stop running as fast as she could, her two sons held firmly in her hands as she ran towards the mountain, the bloodstain of her husband (the king) slaughtered right in front of her still on her dress.

The cry of the youngest son get louder as they kept running while the oldest wouldn't stop looking back to make sure no one was after them.

Though it looks like they were been followed, she made sure her little boys didn't stop running with her.

The wailing from distance, the burning, the screaming.


The woman could swear she knew the voice, her sons still in her grasp, the Queen turned, and yes she was right. It was the King's favorite servant. 

She has never been more delighted to see him.

"Wang!!! You are alive... How did you..."

Before she could finish off her statement, an arrow pierced through Wang's chest out of nowhere.

The Queen gasped as she noticed a few soldiers running towards them from a short distance.


Zhejiang, 8:47 am


The girl opens her eyes, puffing.

"The same dream..." she grumbled, immediately there was a sharp knock on the door and before the girl could decide if she want the person in or not, the man pushed the door open.

"You will be late for school... Your mother and sister have been waiting for you downstairs, come along", he ordered, almost harshly.

She heard his footsteps retreating.

Xiaofan narrowed her eyes in annoyance, "you mean my stepmother and her daughter?" She muttered. 

Finally getting out of bed, she let out a deep sigh.

It is another day to either be annoyed by her stepmother or her child or even her own father who has totally changed towards her ever since he got married to the woman, she had no idea why and had no intention of asking, ever.

The trees were creaking and the birds wouldn't stop chirping.

She immediately felt the morning breeze against her exposed shoulder, her silver robe danced to the rhythm of the breeze.

Morning in Zhejiang is often cool, the girl wasn't so surprised at the weather. 

Her hair was mercury-gold and it tumbled over her shoulders, she is known to have the most beautiful hair out of her colleague in school and all neighborhoods.

After a short moment of getting ready, the girl stared at herself through the mirror. 

Dainty nose, sea nymph ears, and rapture blue eyes, she looked just like her mother. Even though Xiaofan has a little memory of her mother, an old picture of her always reminded the girl of how pretty she was. 


The voice called out her name the second time.

"I am coming, father".

She had a soothing voice, stepping down the stairs. Her eyes caught a stare from afar. 

A young girl that happened to be her stepsister.

"Come on girls, you will be late for school", 

Xiaofan's gaze fell on her stepmother who was seen brushing her daughter's hair gently.

"Is my beautiful angel ready for school', 

Xiaofan watched her dad put the girl's jacket on, she looked at her own jacket in her hands and up at the two giving her step-sister all attention.

A whisper coming from the hallway caught her attention, she turned and saw the maid. 

Xiaofan smiled widely, her first smile that morning. 

"Good morning Meili", 

A lady in an old white gown, almost in her 30s. 

Xiaofan saw the long table in the hallway filled with all kinds of food, she opened her mouth in amazement.

"What in the name of Godzilla is going on? Are we having a feast?" She exclaimed.

Meili looked around sharply, "shhh!... madam requested for it..." the lady said as she took Xiaofan's jacket and helped her put it on, stroking her shoulders gently, "I think few of her friends are coming over for breakfast..." she added.

Xiaofan shook her head as she watched Meili grab a loaf of bread, the girl open her mouth to receive the food.

Meili's Job was to take care of the girls but she was ordered by the stepmother to focus on her own daughter more.



"I have the dream again... I think it is getting strange..." Xiaofan confessed.

Meili gave the girl a mug of mixed ice tea to step down the bread.

"Thank you..." the girl kindly said.

"The story of your father and his mother?", the lady asked.

Xiaofan nodded gently, tasting the sweet ice tea all over her mouth.

"I think it is hunting me... I feel like I am part of it", the girl said.

Meili stared at her for a while.

She stoop and touched the girl's shoulder slightly, "Xiaofan... stop stressing. I am sure it is nothing, how is the story of how your grandfather's kingdom fell apart have to do with a 10-year-old?".


The voice made the lady flinch, she saw the woman approaching them.

She stood upright and bowed gently, "yes... Yes ma'am", no one needs to tell her she was in trouble at that moment.

"What are you doing?" The woman asked, her gaze falling on Xiaofan who pretended to not see her stepmother, "and what did I tell you about using my mug.... Meili" she yelled.

Xiaofan stopped drinking, she looked at the mug and then up at her stepmother.

"Do you mean I can't even use a mug in my house?" Xiaofan muttered.

The woman turned her face to Xiaofan, "did you say something... FAN".

She hated her stepmother calling her that.

The anger in her erupted, she put the mug down aggressively.

There was a short time of silence.

Xiaofan frowned at the woman whose gaze was fixed on her.

"Meili... Leave".

The lady didn't hesitate, she left the scene at once.

Whatever happens, Xiaofan was ready for it.