
Naturally Awakened Mage

Try as he might Roland found no abnormalities within the Magic core. Its as if that assuring pulse was nothing but an illusion of the mind due to the daily dose of stress from work. But looking at it from a different angel he had some idea of what just occurred but that should be impossible. No one in his former life has succeeded in forming a 'Soul core'.

Taking a deep breath Roland tossed this outlandish thought to a dark corner of his mind as the probability of it happening is almost zero.

Aren was startled back to reality by the Systems Sarcastic Voice Notification (SSVN).

[Sarcastic Reminder: The population of Border Town has long exceeded the territories limit. The Host is encouraged to invest some of his precious time in upgrading the territory to Level 2 Town. If the Host is too busy to check the Territory handbook he is encouraged to merge it with Territory Management function.]

Roland was not in a good mood but hearing the system withholding information again made him explode in rage. Completely discarding his image of an Emperor Roland swore every curse that came to his mind at the system. Just as He was about to calm down from his emotional outburst. The System not to be outdone Ask another sarcastic Question.

[The System wishes to inquire if the Host has Kissed his mother with that Foul Mouth or has the host inherited his Foul mouth from his predecessor after transmigrating]

[Scanning…. The Host has not inherited any genetic disorder therefore the problems lies with the host himself.]

Another Round of Swearing and cursing followed from an enraged Roland destroying his image of an emperor if anyone were to see this sight.

From Arnadus perspective Roland was enjoying his tea as he relaxed unaware of the Emperor inner feelings. Rolands ability to keep a straight face really needs to be admired. For no one can maintain such composure especially when infuriated to such a degree.

Having calmed down Roland merged the Territory handbook with the Territory Management system while abstaining from seeking further help from the system.

"System Upgrade the Territory." Aren Ordered

[Upgrading the Territory to Level 2 Town]

Territory: Border Town

Lord: Roland Wimbledon

Title: none

People's Sentiments: 70

Security: 65

Territory population: 4962/6000

Flow rate of immigrants: 60

Territory area: 500 square kilometers

Territorial characteristics: Nil

Infrastructure: Towns Hall, Residential Houses, Public bathrooms, Village granaries

Agricultural Construction: Farmlands

[Host is getting Lazy, System encourages host to explore the Systems Various Functions.]

Ignoring the System comment Roland frowned as he was given no reward for the upgrade. The System was being stingy from withholding his just reward. He could argue with the system all day, but nothing he says will change its decision.

Despite checking every option available not, a single new function or merchandise was introduced rather what has increased has been already been shown above.

The System not only withheld information from him but now it was even holding his rewards as well. Such injustice would not be tolerated by him.

Just as Roland Opened his mouth to give the System a piece of his mind another System Notification popped up.

[Congratulations! A Natural Mage Has Awakened for the First Time among the populace of the Territory. Host is rewarded with Fire Elemental Spirit Art.]

Roland eyes were open wide in shock, Arnadus appeared by his side have sensed a Magical Outburst in the town.

Regaining his composure, he immediately ordered Arnadus into action, "Find out the cause of the Magical Outburst and Take the individual responsible in immediate custody. Remove all evidence from the scene, if necessary remove the memories of the everyone not aware of Magic except for the individual's parents."

"At once your Majesty." Arnadus Replied as he immediately departed from office to carry out his task. As a master of Space Magic, he immediately arrives at the scene within the old residential area which will be demolished during the month of demons. Wasting no time, He secured the area within a space barrier therefore isolating it from the outside world.

Entering the Building he found a girl naked from head to toe while covered in flames. Two individuals burned to death were present at her feet while another man was cowering at a corner while shouting at the girl to stay back.

Not one to be ignored, He released a bit of his aura to make his presence known to them. There heads immediately snapped towards his direction by instincts having felt a Dangerous presence.

The man immediately ran towards Arnadus and took cover behind his back. Completely ignoring the feeling of danger as he was more terrified of the witch girl that was his daughter. As they say ignorance is bliss after all.

"Thank God, please save me. That girl is a witch, she burnt those two alive." The man's pleading to be saved was ignored by them both as they stared at each other.

The Girls eyes were dead as if already aware of her fate. Annoyed at the man constant pleading Arnadus knocked him out with a chop to the neck.

The Girl didn't move as she continued to stare the man not speaking a single word.

Arnadus Eyes twitched, clearly irritated by her behavior, " How long are you going to stare girl."