
Frightened Mob

The girl didn't bother to reply as she continued to stare. The staring contest with the girl lasted for a full five minutes causing Arnadus to sigh in annoyance at her behavior. Within the blink of an eye Arnadus appeared behind the girl then knocked her unconscious before covering her up with a sheet. Hoisting the Father and Daughter Duo upon his shoulders Arnadus disappeared from the scene.

Arnadus ruthlessly criticized the girl within his mind for being an exhibitionist until they reached the lords office.

Lady Luck seemed to have smiled upon Arnadus as Roland was not around to witness such behavior. Otherwise, he would have been beaten to death for taking advantage of an innocent girl who was unfortunately suffering from a mental shock.

Roland gestured for Arnadus to report completely ignoring his subordinates unprofessional and prejudices behavior as he tossed the man on the floor while gently laying the girl on the couch.

"Lord the girl on the couch is our mage who had forcefully formed her magical which resulted in the magical outburst. As per your orders except for those directly involved the memories of everyone else has been erased. Two man have died from the accident while the man tossed on the floor has survived due to my timely arrival. Furthermore, that man is absolutely terrified of the girl despite being the girl's father." Arnadus reported.

"Did you not inquire about their identity." Aren asked.

"Negative, they were not in the right state of mind due to the shock." Arnadus replied.

The idiotic behavior of people who are ignorant of magic was starting to get on Rolands nerve. It seems that he could no longer delay the awareness campaign. "Arnadus restore the memories of everyone involved in this incident. It is about time they are educated about 'True Magic'." Roland commanded.

Coughing awkwardly Arnadus stated as he kneeled, "I didn't bother erasing any of the spectator's memories therefore I have completely disregarded the lord's orders."

However, Roland maintained a complete poker face at Arnadus insubordination. The longer he remained silent the more Arnadus squirmed.

"Do explain your reason that lead to such a decision." Roland ordered with a sharp edge in his tone.

"I thought this would be an excellent opportunity to raise awareness about magic among the people." Said Arnadus his eyes glued to the floor.

"What would you have done had I not changed my decision." Roland inquired.

"Every action has its consequence therefore I would bear full responsibility for my actions." Arnadus asserted.

As the Lords personal guard Arnadus had prepared himself for a harsh penalty for his insubordination. Therefore, it was totally unexpected for the Lord to suddenly break out in laughter at his reply had left him dumbfounded. Even since he had arrived in this world the lord was always occupied handling various affairs due to a sever lack to loyal and talented warriors. He had always hidden his emotions behind that serious face mask that he had carved for himself.

They were far from being called an empire because governing over a single neglected town on the border. The town used to extract minerals from the mines thus it had no economy or even guards to patrol the town. So, an Army was basically nonexistent. Therefore, it was nothing sort of a miracle for the town to have progress so much in such a small timeframe.

"Arnadus." Roland interrupted his thoughts as he regained his bearing.

"Lord." called Arnadus as he too regained his bearing.

"Even though I have you, Fernandus, and Garen at my side. I still lack loyal and talented followers that will help me to establish a powerful Empire, but no kingdom has been built within a day. Therefore, I have no choice but to micromanage every affair of the territory until a proper régime is established. That is why independent action and decision must be minimized unless they were given the authority to do so. Therefore, it was out of your jurisdiction to make such a decision however, I will overlook it this time so make sure it doesn't become a habit." Roland commanded.

"Yes Lord." Arnadus avowed.

"As for these two put them under house arrest in any of the empty rooms within the town hall." Roland ordered.

Meanwhile those who witnessed the witch burn two people alive began spreading the news throughout the town. As the news passed from on mouth to another it had begun to deviate from the original as people started to exaggerate the events. By the end of the day nearly every own was aware that a witch was present among them which started to cause panic among those ignorant of magic and a target of the churches propaganda.

Soon people started to gather and formed a mob as they searched for the witch from one house to another. Every house they visited were turned upside down in search for the witch. In spite of that they were lucky that the ones disturbed were the towns original people that were understanding of there plight.

The search for the witched lasted through out the night but the witch had yet to be found therefore they moved towards the new residential district that was just built. Completely unaware of the fact that there every move was being watched. However, they were stopped by the workers in the area that were under Barov's jurisdiction.

The Mob was not allowed to march forward under Barov's orders therefore it was inevitable that a fight would breakout. Just as the two sides were about to clash a threatening Aura appeared from behind the construction worker as Garen slowly walked towards the Mod as the workers cleared a path for him to pass through.

The heart of every person in the mob started to beat rapidly clearly intimidated by his mere presence. For every step he took forward the mod took a step back in fear as he approached. Just as they were about to run for there lives Garen stopped within a 7m (seven-meter) distance from the mob.

The mob didn't dare to move a single step so as not to bring that men's attention towards themselves. If that overwhelming presence was not a male, they would have mistaken him for a witch.