
The Rise Of House Black

What happens when you are betrayed by someone who is supposed to love you unconditionally. Harry is abandoned by James after Voldemort's attack .His twin brother is the BWL .He is adopted by Arcturus Black as his heir and takes on the name' Perseus Aeries ere will be fighting,family,heartbreak and above all ;quest for power.Powerful smart intelligent but lonely harry This story was written by itihas0 but was unfortunately abandoned. I will now take up the mantle and continue this great story. Stay tuned

Hyuga_Tobirama · 电影同人
11 Chs

Chapter 2: Training, Wands, More Training

Author's note-

Ohk here is the next chapter, as promised and just to clear up a few things.

First of all Perseus was born on 20 january 1978.

This chapter will be third person pov too, next chapter will be Perseus's pov.

This chapter will tell us more about the nullifiers and it will also show the powers and capabilities of Perseus till now.

There has been been some speculation that james's parents were charlus potter and dorea black who appear on the black family tree and are said to have had one son. However , with new information revealed on pottermore , this is stated to not be the case, with james's parents named as fleamont and euphemia potter.

But for the sake of this story lets continue with the assumption that james's parents were charlus potter and dorea black.

According to the black family tree Arcturus lived from 1901 – 1991




5 years later

Arcturus black, a tall, thin man, that appeared to be in his 70's judging by his shoulder length silver hair, sat at the edge of what appeared to be a training arena, as he watched the combat training of his charge. His impassive face betrayed no emotion, but on the inside he was anxious as he watched his charge parry the attack of his martial arts mentor.

The rather cold weather was usually a good deterrent for anyone who wanted to spend their sunday mornings outside, but for Arcturus, the temperature didn't matter. What mattered to him was watching his adopted charge give it his all to win the fight. This looked to be shaping up to be one of those 'close ones' that were bad for his heart and health.

Said child was dressed in impeccable black pants and dragon hide leather armour and buckled boots as he fought and countered the coming onslaught with his sword ; a medium length xiphos . The boy was Perseus black, the most brilliant, determined and intelligent young individual he had ever had the pleasure of knowing.

Arcturus had adopted the boy not long before his sixth birthday when he finally found him after a long tireless search.

Neither of them liked to talk about how that came to pass. Arcturus was, after all, the favorite cousin of his grandmother, dorea potter nee black. He thought back to the days when he was searching for the boy.



When it came to his knowledge that the potters were attacked by the dark lord and his dear cousin dorea was killed by him, he was a wreck , and even he was astonished to hear that the young charles potter has defeated the dark lord, but there was no mention of the eldest potter child , the one that dorea was so fond of.

And it was then he found from his sources that the eldest potter child was a squib and was living with his mudblood relatives. He scoffed at the mere idea of him being a squib, especially if dorea's previous suspicion about him being a nullifier were anything to go by; it was more likely that the diagnosing spell didn't work on the boy.

And so he went to the mudblood's house to retrieve the child.

He arrived on privet drive, surrey with an almost silent pop, and made his way towards the house number 4 and knocked on the door, which was answered by skinny women with an extremely long neck.

"Yes, how may I help you?" she asked..

"I am here to meet one harry potter "he replied.

"You, you are one of those freaks" she said with disgust on her face ," you think you can just dump that brat on our doorstep and expect us to raise him, as if I would ever let that freak near us".

"Where is he", I asked as I brought forth my wand and immediately the look of disgust on her face was replaced by one of fear.

"We didn't keep him, we sent him to an orphanage," she said, her voice breaking with fear.

"Name? And where" I asked with barely controlled rage.

"Wool's orphanage, in london" she replied.

I raised my wand at her eye level the memory charm on my lips.

"I told you everything, don't hurt me" she pleaded.

"I am not going to hurt you, but we can't have someone else finding about this meeting of ours, can we now" I said and before she could respond, 'obliviate 'I performed the memory charm and immediately apparated away to the location of the orphanage.

He was a block away from the orphanage when Arcturus saw him cornered by 5 boys in the next alley, but his eyes zeroed on the cornered boy, and he knew he had found the boy he was looking for.

It seemed as if the boys would attack him soon , and Arcturus raised his wand, ready to intervene only to find it unnecessary as the boy looked at the five boys who had cornered him, and raised his hand and opened his fist, immediately all the boys were blasted away and rendered unconscious .

He was surprised to see such controlled magic and that too wandless at such young age, fools, to take this boy as a squib.

-Flashback ends—

Despite the tragic circumstances that lead to Perseus's stay at the orphanage, Arcturus had made it his mission in life to provide the boy with everything he needed, and make sure he was as happy as possible.

It would be a lie if someone were to say that Perseus was a difficult child, because it just wasn't true. The boy may have a twisted, witty and often sarcastic sense of humor that would show itself whenever the boy grew irritated, it was one of the things he grew to love about the boy – one of his unique quirks. It was a unique, amusing and yet humbling experience to have intellectual arguments with a boy he was trying his hardest to raise, but he'd be lying if he didn't say it was a pleasant one.

But there was a time when Arcturus had thought that he had lost Perseus when they had performed the blood adoption ritual


The both stood inside the runic circle . Arcturus slashed his hand with a dagger and Perseus mirrored his action. They then shook hand and Perseus pulled out a vial and emptied it in his mouth . Alistair then started chanting and a soft glow emitted from Arcturus and a thread of magic flew from that glow and wrapped itself around Perseus and he too was engulfed in a soft bluish glow. And after a moment it dissipated .

Both Perseus and Arcturus looked at each other after the blow has dissipated and gave each other a smile .

'The ritual was a success' Arcturus thought 'now no one will be able to find harr-, no Perseus , no matter how hard they tried, because now he wasn't harry potter , he was Perseus aries black'

Just as Perseus was about to say something , his face morphed into one of pain and his eyes rolled back and he fell backwards.

Fortunately he was caught by alistair , who gently laid him on the floor and Arcturus knelt beside him, clearly worried .

"What happened ? Did the ritual fail ?" he asked to no one apparently .

"I don't think so my lord , the ritual was a success for sure , I can now feel myself tied to young master Perseus as I am tied to you and have been tied to the blacks for centuries . He is as much a black as you are." alistair replied .

"Then what went wrong" Arcturus asked in despair , his arms flaying .

"I am not in the position to answer it correctly my lord, but I know someone who does "

"Who" asked Arcturus

"He is a shaman, head of his tribe" alistair answered and that made sense to Arcturus. Shamans are the masters of blood magic and soul magic. Alistair continue to answer Arcturus's unanswered question.

"But he lives across the atlantic ocean , in north america"

"I will arrange a portkey " Arcturus said as he got up

"No need of that my lord, I will apparate us there , beside you won't be able to get a portkey to their location, their tribe lives in seclusion and away from the wizarding world and macusa and for good reason too ." alistair replied .

"Are you sure , wont you get tired by traveling this far" Arcturus asked. Alistair was one of the rarity among vampires who possessed some magical talent. One of alistair's gift was that he can teleport .

"Yes and I will have to feed immediately after arriving " alistair said while showing Arcturus a strange looking vial which was filled by some green potion.

Arcturus smiled , the potion was a masterwork of alistair , one vial would be equivalent to the amount of blood that will keep him or any other vampire on full strength for the next 6 moths .

Alistair got hold of Perseus's body and Arcturus put his hand on his shoulder and silently they vanished from the ritual room and appeared hundreds of miles away in a forest

Arcturus levitated Perseus's body and alistair drank the potion and color returned to his face , his eyes glowed with power once more . Arcturus looked around the forest they have appeared in, it was an umber-brown, ancient forest. It reeked of age. Its woody incense was from centuries of snapping branches crashing to the forest's floor and rotting silently. The composting, organic smell rose up in waves like a miasma. Every sprawling tree they passed under reminded him of a watchful guardian, a silent sentinel of the groves.

They decided to venture deeper into the tangled heart of this primeval forest. He hoped that it would reveal its dark secrets to them. The further they went, the more mystical and spellbinding it became. Huge roots spread-eagled the ground, twisting like the great backs of sea dinosaurs. The foliage became thick and lush, forming an arch of fairytale-green above their heads. Arthritic boughs, gnarled with age, dripped their bounty of nuts onto the path. Briars, brambles and berry trees flanked the trail, making it impenetrable on either side. Shuffling noises came from deep in the interior, deadened by the cunningly woven web of leaves. A pack of wolves crossed the winding trail in front of them at one point. They were probably up their night hunt and looked up to see them and were about to pound on them but a deep snarl from alistair was enough to scare them and they got the message:someone way above in the food chain has arrived in the forest.

They kept on walking and within hour of walking alistair stopped and he looked around , he then motion toward two trees which stood some 10 feet apart from each other and alistair beckoned him to follow . The moment they crossed the trees Arcturus knew they have traveled through a gateway similar to the entrance to platform 9 ¾. This side of the forest was even denser, it reminded him of the forbidden forest but Arcturus suddenly felt very unsettled . And his instincts were right as their journey was interrupted by the arrival of three young men who held a spear in their hand.

Alistair said something in a language he didn't understand but whatever alistair has asked for , it must have been declined for the three men shook their head signaling a 'negative'. Alistair then again said something which resulted in the three men to train their spears at them . But alistair acted quickly; it would appear as if the time for pleasantries has passed. Alistair's speed and strength astonished them for within a blink of their eye they found themselves on their back , on the ground and their spears on the ground beside them, broken . Arcturus then bound the three men with ropes and alistair again said something to them to which they complied this time and nodded their head.

They started walking and alistair and Arcturus followed them with Perseus's body floating beside them . Then alistair explained to Arcturus what had transpired.

"I asked them to meet their chief to which they refused, but now they have no choice but to take us to their settlement "

"I wonder alistair , if these shamans are this week that they were this easily defeated , how will they help Perseus " Arcturus asked

"No no, my lord , these men are just novices , they don't have much knowledge of magic let alone any mastery in the art they are known for. Shamans are very powerful otherwise , they can extinguish your soul much like the killing curse and that too with a blink of their eyes. They soon came across a clearing which was inhabited by about a three dozen huts and small bonfires here and there .

Soon the residents seemed to notice that three of their men were bound by two foreigners. They soon started gathering and said something, probably a threat but before the three captives could reply , Arcturus cast a silencing spell on them which enraged them further .

Some 6 people stepped forth, but instead of spears they held staffs of different kind and were about to attack when alistair growled , his eyes glowing unearthly shade of red , and this was enough to give them a pause . And suddenly they heard a loud command from behind the group; what was the command, Arcturus knew not.

Nuw the crowd parted way, making a clear path for an old man, older than perhaps even dumbledore . The said guy walked using his staff like a walking stick, which appeared to be made from complete white wood and had the figurine of a snake ato, it's eyes glowing green.

"Amazing , while I have grown from a boy to an old man , you alistair remain untouched by time " he said .

"Well that is one benefit of my kind" alistair said .

"So what brings you to my abode" the old man asked.

"I need your help jontrabolta " alistair said and then motioned towads Arcturus

"Meet my lordship , lord Arcturus black the third, ruler of oceania and the apprentice of lord aristaeus "

The old mans eyes widned at the last part of his introduction and he said

"A pleasure to meet you , lord black . And I am glad I arrived before my men got into a fight with you, an apprentice of lord Aristaeus would have definitely tore them into pieces "jontrabolta said.

Arcturus was not surprised that his mentor's name was revered even in this corner of the globe , but he replied

"I am not here to fight , on the contrary , I am here seeking your help " here he looked at Perseus's floating body and continued

"My grandson , I am unable to explain what happened to him, we did a blood adoption ritual ,after which he fainted but I have been reliably assured that the ritual was success "

Jontrabolta looked at the floating Perseus and noded his head , he raised his hand slightly and Perseus floated towards him . He put his hands on Perseus's temple and started muttering some chant and closed his eyes.

After a complete minute he opened them and looked at alistair ad Arcturus in fear and said

"I am baffled as to how someone who wasn't a shaman was able to perform such a complex and difficult soul magic and more so how one witch was able to perform such an ancient blood magic"

"I am afraid I don't follow you " Arcturus said

"This boy contains a foreign piece of soul within him. And some witch performed a very ancient blood magic , a sacrificial ritual to ensure his protection and that protection is what was keeping that soul at bay "Jontrabolta informed them

Boh Arcturus and alistair looked at each other and Arcturus said

"Must be voldmort's doing , an aftermath of that attack ."

To which alistair nodded and said

"And the protection, it must have been lady dorea's she did died that night, there is no bigger sacrifice that selflessly giving up on your own life" but here he faltered for a moment and then looked at Jontrabolta and said

"But you said was protecting him, what do you mean by that "

"Well as you said , you performed an adoption ritual , that kind of ritual remaps one's magical core, to say simply, that one's core is changed and to do that it has to restart . And for a moment one is completely devoid of magic . That moment was enough for the forieng soul to bypass the protection." seing the worried looks of Arcturus and alistair he continued

But the boy is fighting that soul , and he is doing a good job too"

"No you don't understand "Arcturus said frantically "that piece of soul is lord voldemort's , the most powerful and evil dark lord europe has seen in ages, another apprentice of master aristaeus and the one master aristaeus had proclaimed was his equal in dueling , how long do you think my grandson would be able to fight him off."

Now this worried the shaman greatly, not that the soul is of the strongest dark lord but that it was of another apprentice of lord Aristaeus

, one that he has declared could only be defeated by himself .

"I want you to save him , no matter what you have to do , I am calling in every debt you owe me , just help me , no matter the cost" alistair said

Hearing tha gravity of his tone the shaman looked startled and looked at Perseus and then said

"I will do it, right now your grandson and the foreign soul are fighting , now if it were any other wizard the soul would have taken over by now, but your grandson is a nullifier , very rare magical gift, that is greatly helping him in this battle . But we will have to help him soon, and also strengthen the protection that lady dorea has given him but I am uncertain as to how him being a nullifier will affect this ritual"

"It can be done" Arcturus asked

"Yes"he replied

"Just give me some time to prepare for the ritual. And you are in luck too, its shaman night today , we are at our peak, we will harness the power of night and moon to power the ritual."

With that he move towards the rest of his people, and started talking to some other old men and soon they started preparing for the ritual, rune were being engraved on the ground and some sort of oil was used to paint them. It took them nearly three hours to complete the preparation.

The seven old shamans, who the shaman has said were the oldest of his tribe and hence the strongest of all sat around Perseus's body in a circle. Jontrabolta stood inside the circle his hands on Perseus's temple.

Thirteen shamans encircled them in another circle and each one of them stood behind a small bonfire . Rest of the tribals stood faraway , from where they observed the ritual and Alistair and Arcturus too joined them.

The chief looked at the sky for a long time as if looking for a sign and it became evident soon what it was looking for. A comet flew above them, which surprised Arcturus and as he knew how powerful a comet can be in many enchantments knew that this ritual would be very powerful.

They began,the runes flared up in fire, the thirteen shamans threw some powder in the bonfire and it took a purple color and grew ,they went ten feet high easily . Then the seven shamans started muttering their chants and the two chants were in perfect synchronization .

It went on for ten minutes, a naked Perseus was levitated in the air while the chief too stood up and held his staff in both hands and closed his eyes . And then in the bling of an eye the seven shamans took out dagger, which appeared to be crafted from a bone

"Dragon's bone" Alistair supplied to which he nodded.

The shamans then did the unexpected the stabbed themselves in the heart and their bodies went limp.

"What" Arcturus shouted in disbelief but was even more bewildered to note that the rest of the tribe stood as if they expected it , even alistair.

"Why would they do that" Arcturus asked to no one in particular, but and old lady stepped forward and answered his question.

"What better to strengthen a sacrificial protection than another sacrifice and better yet seven ."

Arcturus then again looked at the ritual and soon enough , seven trails of white light emerged from the fallen bodies of shamans and one by one they wrapped around Perseus's naked body like a golden cocoon and after some more moments the bonfire dimmed down, the remaining shamans knelt and started panting , their energies spent.

The chief lowered Perseus's body and he too fell on his knees and used his staff to steady himself

"It was a success my lord" Alistair informed him.

-Flashback ends-

"What is on your mind my lord" came the voice of Alistair behind him which brought him out of his musing . Arcturus turned and looked at the ancient being that stood beside him, his faithful servant , who has roamed this earth for the last 1500 years and has served the black for almost half of that time.

"NothingAlistairr, just recalling the night Perseus became a part of my family "he replied

After that night Perseus has gained consciousness , and somehow he was well aware of how they have gotten here , ever since that day he has developed an insane amount of magical immunity from any kind of magical attack. And what was even more surprising was that the chief of the shamans had Then agreed at Perseus's request of teaching him shaman magic himself. Perseus had then stayed with the chief for the next 8 months along with alistair, and even the chief was surprised that Perseus has learned it all in such a short time.

"Aah yes , he has come quite far" he replied

It was true indeed , at first, when Arcturus had adopted the boy, he was a mess. Having basically being a victim to the dark lord's attack that ruined his life, and then being abandoned by his family. It was quite understandable. The traumatic experience had a lasting effect on the boy. He often spent most of his days back then in his room, sitting at his desk, and staring out the window at the sky for hours. It was extremely hard to get the boy to speak more than a few words to anyone, and when he did, it was a simple greeting before he clammed up again.

Arcturus had briefly considered therapy for the boy before the most amazing thing happened; Perseus started to open up to him when the boy expressed a willingness, nay, a need to learn and acquire knowledge.

As a black, Arcturus had always been one to believe that knowledge was power, and that those without it were doomed to be weak and fail in life. It was a view of the world that Perseus eventually adopted from his guardian and opted the boy to ask for some home schooling, Arcturus was more than happy to oblige, secretly glad the boy opened up to him. It eventually proved to be the basis of their bond, one that Arcturus was more than happy to cultivate.

It was another thing that helped Perseus win over Cassiopeia, his cousin , the brilliant inventor has then went on to train Perseus in the many fields of magic, specially runes, potion and arithamacy . She was a very brilliant witch, holding the record of being the youngest person to get a mastery in spell crafting, at the mere age of 19 and then she even got mastery in potions , runes and charms.

And Perseus was an amazing student , learning everything from her in one go, she has even told him that Perseus is way beyond her in intelligence and power .

And within years Perseus has amazed even her with his wide amount of knowledge that he has gained from spending capacious time in the black library. And even she was amazed by the skills Perseus has displayed .

She had then went on to teach Perseus the secrets of surviving in the political arena as well as in the world. Cassiopeia has over the time accumulated secrets about the other pure-blood families, secrets which if ever came to light were bound to reduce that family to ruins. Something that the blacks have used a lot to get their way.

Perseus was a very gifted wizard; he spent most of his time in the library of the black manor, practicing and learning magic, although he was not allowed to certain obscure and dark books that were in the library. He was not only able to do the basic charms and spells that too wandless and he did it with such ease that still baffled Arcturus sometimes.

As he turned nine, Perseus choose a wand from the family's collection or as ollivander would say the 12 inch yew wand with a unicorn hair that previously belonged to phineas black choose him, not choose him per se but it was the one that suited him the most.

He then desired to learn more about muggle fighting, the martial arts, at first the lord black was skeptical about his charge's desire to learn the art of muggle fighting and that to at such a young age but then he recalled he mastery his mentor had over assortment of weapons and fighting style . Something that he never was able to learn much about from him. It was due to this reason that he arranged the best martial arts tutor in all of Europe , a vampire named slade Wilson, who was converted by his loyal servant some 900 years ago after training him vigorously and was also a master of spies of oceania. He was the leader of the order of shadows . An illegal organization of vampires that carried out the will of Alistair. They were all converted by him. They presently were working as spies for Arcturus as well as tracker and assassins.

Arcturus was amazed by the speed with which Perseus learnt, for just within 2 years of training he was a master at the use of swords ,daggers , staff and even in hand to hand combat but what Perseus excelled at was archery, he could shoot a target with his eyes closed. Even slade was baffled by this as he himself didn't know how to do that.

A sound of clank brought him out of his thoughts as he took in the sight in front of him, the tip of Perseus's blade rested against slade's neck while slade's blade has clattered on the ground.

"Yield" Perseus said .

To which slade responded by raising his arms in show of surrender and Perseus, in a blink of an eye sheathed his blade. As both mentor and student started laughing.

Arcturus stood from his chair with the aid of a cane and clapped softly as the two approached him.

"There is nothing left for me to teach you anymore, Perseus, at this point you can proudly say that you are the best swordsman in the whole of europe, but still practice regularly and one day you will be an opponent to be feared in the battlefield " said slade , with pride evident in his voice, "and the way you shoot arrow with your eyes closed , if you can incorporate that set of skill in use of sword or even wand, you can be an exceptional warrior. "he paused and then said again

"Even in my time , this skill was rare. For you to master such technique without any training, I am amazed Perseus. And let me tell you that there are only 3 wizards who can accomplish the same"

"Who "Perseus asked in excitement.

"My mentor , Aristaeus himself, Busirius and high master of Mahoutokoro , master yoshi." Arcturus replied with pride evident in his voice .

"Thank you slade and thank you for teaching me "said the 11 year old Perseus politely.

For an eleven year old boy Perseus was tall, about 5 feet, give or take and had a built that showed years of hard work, with shoulder length black hair and his emerald green eyes , gave him an overall impressive aura great good looks, befitting a black, although Arcturus thought the blood adoption ritual didn't change the boy's feature that much , he was already more black than potter.

"This was your last lesson , Perseus ,oh and before I leave, you asked me about certain things to find out "he asked, and continued at seeing him nod" well I was able to find most of them with the aid of lord black and Alistair, consider it a birthday present".

From his robes he pulled out a tome, and handed it to Perseus" you wanted to use weapons such as sword, spear or knives as magical foci, well that is what the warlocks of the ancient Greece did so did the vikings and as for the use of a bow as a foci, well I was able to find that in ancient time the wizards of south asia, around the area of Himalaya mountain ranges, they used bows as a magical foci "He said.

I was elated at hearing this information as I took the book from slade, as he waited for him to finish.

"But alas, that knowledge of that particular art of warfare was lost centuries ago "he finished.

"Oh" was the only word I could say, disappointment clear on my face but then I regained my composure and said," nevertheless slade, thanks for the book "and I then looked at the book and groaned, as I recognized that language easily and it was not one I was fond of 'old norse' .

"Oh and for that you will also have to acquire a magical blade as well, preferably a goblin made "said the mentor," and with that, I bid you farewell Perseus , may your path lead to glory ".

"Will we ever meet again slade?" he asked his mentor.

The man shrugged and replied, "I think our paths will cross one day", as he grasped his student's hand in a handshake.

He then moved towards Alistair and shook his hands too and then Arcturus walked him out of the manner , leaving alistair and Perseus alone.

"You have learned a lot , master black" Alistair said as Perseus agreed with this statement and his mind went to the ordeal he has endured after the blood adoption ritual.


He gave his grandfather a smile after the glow has died out but suddenly felt a sharp pain in his forehead, so much pain that he lost consciousness. When he woke up he found himself in a blank room with fog all around.

He then came face to face with another being and he almost screamed in fright . The man was tall, bald, and white but what was most different about him were his eyes, crimson slit like eyes glowed with power.

He then said in a hiss

"So you are my new host"

"What do you mean by that" Perseus said , now a bit afraid .

"My soul will take over your body as soon as I crush your consciousness and then I will return , more powerful than before and for that I thank you harry potter"he said with a smirk.

He knew his name, and that was the last piece of information he needed to concluded who was the being in front of him

Voldemortt " Perseus said

"Aah so you remember me"

"How are you here , I though you were dead"

"Ohh no harry , I can't be killed , that night your grandmother invoked an ancient magic on I was unaware of and she granted you protection, the like of which I have never heard of. And for two years I have been trying to take over your body but that protection always kept me out. But now I will fulfill my dream, your unique ability as a nulifier will be a huge boon " he said and Perseus realised that whatever that protection was, somehow that protection must have faltered due to the blood adoption ritual.

"Now you must die"Voldemortt said as he sent a volley of curse towards Perseus but was surprised to see that his spells vanished even before they eached Perseus. He then looked over at Perseus intently and then said

"I guess I will have to do it the mundane way" he then with lightening speed came towards Perseus and punched him and knocked him back. He then went on to give him the beating of his lifetime. He coughed up . Voldemort then started chocking his throat and Perseus's eyes went blurry. But suddenly he felt Voldemort being pushed backward. He stood up and cleared his eyes only to find him in the company of a very old man who held a staff in his hand.

"Who are you and how did you get here" Voldemort said as he narrowed his eyes.

"I am here to help this boy" the old man replied

"A shaman" Voldemort muttered and then continued to speak.

"So you think you can defeat me, hahahah" and he started laughing

"No, I know I am no match for you , atleast not alone but I am sure this boy will fight too" he said looking at Perseus. Perseus was about to tell him that he was in no state to fight anymoe but suddenly he felt himself surrounded by a golden gloe and power cursed through him . He felt getting stronger and when the glow died out. Perseus stood back , his eyes glowing with power . Both voldermort and the shaman looked at him in surprise. Somehow Perseus could feel that an invisible armour has wrapped around itself.

And then both the shaman and Perseus faught Voldemort and in the end the shaman bound Voldemort and started muttering a chant and Voldemort started screaming . The form of Voldemort turned into dust and the said dust flew towards Perseus and wrapped around Perseus like another layer of skin.

The shaman looked alarmed . Perseus looked at him and asked what happened

"I should have known that your nullifier powers will change the ritual somehow , not only you absorbed the power of nature and night and moon that was channeled through my companions you also absorbed the soul of Voldemort after I had purified it. You may soon develop some of his powers .

"I know Perseus said" the shaman was partly correct, for it wasn't just Voldemorts power that he has absorbed but also his knowledge , he could feel it inside his head , as if he himself has lived for over a 50 years and they were his own memories. He then looked at the shaman and said

"As a matter of fact I know I can absorb you too" and with it the shaman got worried

"Dont do that, I helped you"

"Why not, I want your powers and knowledge, what better way that this. Shamans after all have unparalleled knowledge in soul magic, blood magic, rituals, potions,healing and even divination "

"There is a better way " the shaman said ,"I will teach you not only that but I will have other master shamans to teach you too"

"Hmm"Perseus considered it for a moment and then said

"Alright then, but you will have to swear an oath and also that you will never tell a soul about our deal,"

The shaman felt like making a deal with incarnation of evil but he complied nonetheless .

-flashback ends-

Voldemort's knowledge were a great boon indeed, but it was just knowledge still , he had to practice all that magic to get a hang of then told said ti alistair

"Slade also taught me how to fight vampires, as in the spell that can bring the vampires to its knees"

"He taught you that" alistair asked in astonishment to which Perseus nodded

"Show me"he said

"Are you certain" Perseus asked to which he nodded.

Perseus raised his arms and within moments the spell took effect, there was no flash of light or sound or anything, the only evidence that the spell has worked was that alistair was on his knees and he was clutching his head and shaking with pain. But within seconds alsitair got up , which surprised Perseus for he was sure that the spell was still in effect.

"How did you do it" Perseus asked , ending the spell.

"Perseus I am a very old vampire , I was the first vampire that was converted by the elders, whatthis spell does is boil the blood in our head, and burn the nerves in our brain, now any other young vampire will be rendered unconscious by this spell , and a wizards brain after continuous exposure might pop up. But it won't work very well on older vampires and I assure you it has never worked on an elder vampire, their healing ability is beyond anything. "

"Tell me about them, the elders, you knew them well right?"

An uneasy expression came over him but he replied none the less

"Yes, my brother aaron was one of the elder vampire, he was an apprentice of a witch named diana . It is said that it was diana that turned them into vampires . I am not certain of the details, but they say diana create them to kill werewolves which were created by another which" he got a faraway look in his eyes and then said

" I remember it , when I got sick , my brother turned me to save me, but we soon had a falling out., I haven't talked to him in a millennia"

Perseus could not ask him what did they fight over but he was curious about diana and as such asked about her .

"At that time she was regarded as the most powerful witch in all of greek, it was even rumored that she was a descendent of hecate , who the muggle regarded as a greek goddess of magic, diana was perhaps the last magical to have mastered ancient magic" he answered

"Ancient magic?" Perseus asked

"Oh yes, that magic practiced by the wizards of old, of the third age of men" he answered

"What's the difference between that magic and magic practiced today?" Perseus asked

"Well most of the ancient magic was practiced without the use of any foci, it was more raw in nature. It involves more rituals & alchemy. After all it was a complex fusion of rituals, blood magic and alchemy that created my kind." he replied

"Without any magical foci" Perseus asked in surprise to which alistair nodded and he asked again

"Tell me alistair , what has been the evolution of magical foci throughout the history "

"Aah well in the ancient time, long before the times of titans or olympians or pharos, devtas or rakshas , the wizards and witches lived in seclusion . There was no society of magical folks or gathering . The magic they employed was very raw. That time they used non-traditional magic, rituals, enchantments . Then came black magic

"Black magic" Perseus asked with curiosity

"Yes black magic, extremely dangerous , but it was not spontaneous magic , a lot of preparation was required for them. Then as muggles developed weapons , wizars too adopted them. At first they started enchanting mundane weapons. Then came the next phase, they started forging weapons of magic from the scratch. These weapons were better stronger: magical swords , spears , shields , armors even. Even magical bow and arrows. But these foci could only channel magic in a limited way I.e give their magic a destructive force"

"Then slowly magical beings started coming together and formed their own states , away from the muggles. Some of these were olympians , atlantis, mount othrys, mount meeru, asgard to name a few. Then came an era of development for wizards , these nations , they developed their magic , their weapons and improved their living conditions . Started making different sorts of magical devices , for instance , chariots , prisons , jwellery etc. But then came the problem.

"What ?"Perseus asked

"You see Perseus , the elves had already attained the same thousands of years ago. When humans lived on scraps, the elves lived lavishly . Afterall there can only be one lion on a mountain. The clash was inevitable."

"Who one?" asked Perseus

"The elves"came the reply

"What?" he asked shockingly.

"Yes Perseus, you see while the elves were outnoumbered by about 1:50 , they possessed better weapons , moreover their magic was refined by years of use. The wizards were destroyed in these wars . But then came a time that only a few settlements of elves remained . The dying elves taught their art of enchanting to dwarfs and goblins." he took a pause here and then continued

"In some years , the wizards rose again, but this time they refrained from fighting the elves. They then turned their weapons against each other. The battle to supremacy began. In the continent that we now call europe , two groups of wizards reached the top: the titans and olympians."

"How did that turn out"Perseus asked knowing well that the titans lost .

"As you know that the olympians lost , but that was not the case in the beginning . You see the goblins were allies of the titans and the olympians found their ally in the dwarfs , but when it came to forging weapons, the goblins had an upper hand. The olympians were on the verge of loosing the war. It was then that olympians turned towards hephaestus for help, for he had studied magic from the elves and—"

"What" Perseus interrupted"why would the elves teach a wizard when in the past the wizards had gone against them"

"Aah yes , there is a story behind that too, I do not know the details Perseus but hephaestus once saved the life of a son of a leader of elves and in return hephaestus asked elves to teach him everything they knew about magic , specially enchanting weapons and forging them. And so hephaestus made weapons for the olympians that even the elves could not.

"Zeus's master bolt, Poseidon's trident, Hades's helm of darkness, the shield of Athena , Aries's mace , the bow of Apollo and Artemis. With these weapons they should have been able to defeat the titans easily but then came a twist " here Alistair gave a sly smile before continuing

"Some of the elves had agreed to help the titans and they crafted such weapons that were extremely lethal: the scythe of kronos, the five pronged leister of ocenious . Fire sword, ice sword and the most lethal of them all , the scepter of erebus, which was last wielded by your grandfather's mentor .. But if that was not enough the elves created a masterpiece . Although some think that it was not their creation , it was something they have gotten far from the end of the land."

"What was it" he asked, interest piqued .

"An armour. The impenetrable armor and gave it helios . That golden armour that shined like a thousand suns, wearing that armor helios entered the battlefield and started mascaring the olympians. No one could land even a single blow on him. At one point , all the strongest warriors of the olympian army ; zeus , athena , hades ,posidon , artemis , aeries , appollo, they all deployed their most powerful weapon on helios . But his armor neutralized all those attacks . With that armor , helios was immune to the aura of hades's helm, aphrodite's siren magic and even athena's shield. The olympians tried to find the weakspot in that armor but there was none. It was then athena employed a different tactic"

Giving Perseus a dim look he said

"Since there was no weakspot in the armor, but the same could not be said for helios. His weakspot was selene : his precious sister. And thus hades, invisible and incorporeal under his helm easily kidnapped selene from mount orthys . And the next day on the battlefield , the titans sent helios alone to fight but on the battlefield the olympians revealed their trump card to him; that they have his sister captive"

"Then what did helios do" Perseus asked in a low tone.

"What else could he have done but surrender . He tore the armor off his body . You see , they say that the armor had become one with his body , like another body part and he sliced the armor off. Helios started bleeding profoundly and they say the olympians took the armor and left helios to die. When the titans arrived on the battlefield , instead of dead olympians they found a weeping selene siting beside a bleeding helios , who then took his last breath"

After a moment Perseus asked him

"What did the olympians do with that armor, I mean who got possession of it then?"

"No one " he replied

"What" asked Perseus

"Yes, after a lot of arguments among themselves, at the end zeus tried that armor on, keyword being tried. The armor did not work at all for him, then the other olympians took turns; hades, poseidon, athena, artemis, apollo, but none succeeded. It was then that athena, hephaestus and hecate studied the armor and concluded that only a very strong paresidium could utilize the armor and none of the olympian was one. It was then hephaestus proclaimed that the armor was not elvish made and that the material of the armour is the one he has never heard of before let alone see it; it had an unnatural glow emitting from it and it was as soft as silk , but sturdier , so much that nothing could pierce it ."

"Who do you think made it?"Perseus asked

"I am not sure, but what I do know it that it was not from around here." Alistair replied

"So what did the Olympians do with that armor"Perseus asked to which he replied

"They say that years after the war was over , the Olympians got worried that their weapons in the wrong hands could lead to a disaster . And so they hid the weapons in a secret location and had Hecate cast a cloaking ward over it , they then hid the armor in a different location.

"And what about the weapons of the titans"he asked again

"Well some of them , that the Olympians got there hands on were hidden but some were never found"he answered

"Have those weapons ever been recovered?"

"Yes, if one has the keen aye then they can recognize the emergence of some of those weapons over the time, many wizards have tried to look for those weapons in the past, a few succeeded in procuring a weapon from time to time. Those wizards would rise to power and after their fall those weapons would be lost too."Alistair replied

"Have you ever searched for these weapons" Perseus asked and here alistair gave a sly smile and said

"I have never purposely looked for them , but whenever one of those weapon ended up in my hands , I would put them in a secure location"

"What weapons do you have"he asked excitedly

"The leister of ocenious , the spear of Priam, the sword of aether , the bow of Hyperion , the spear of Ra"Alistair said

"Ra?, but I thought only the greeks made such weapons" Perseus inquired

"No Perseus , wizards were spread across the globe, why, there were greeks, egyptians, asgardians, the persians, the devtas of mount meeru as well as the rakshas , even far away in america wizardkind flourished . Wizards of those distant lands were very powerful Perseus , the wizards such as zeus , posidon, hades , erebus, kronos, atlas , seth , ra ,odin,thod, indra, vishnu , surya, shiva, are said to have the knowledge or weapons of mass destruction, much before the muggles did and that too about 3-4 millennium before them. Those wizards were extremely powerful Perseus. Over the years many wizards have risen to power but no one has ever reached the power of those ancient wizards wielded" he replied

"What abput dumbledore and voldemort?" Perseus asked

"The world is much more bigger than just dumbledore and voldemort" he said

"What about Aristaeus and his students ?"he asked

"All the students of Aristaeus , including Voldemort and Dumbledore and your grandfather are almost equal in terms of power , Voldemort and grindelwald a tad more than others . Although all of those wizards have their strengths and x himself being a powerful sorcerer and quite versed in old magic , could be the only one who comes close to anywhere near the level of power of those ancient wizards "Alistair answered

"Can I see those weapons?"Perseus asked.

"Well if you so desire , I will but I would advise against it"he answered


"Patience is a virtue , my lord . There is a reason that lord black has not used any of those weapons. Remember young lord , it is not the weapon that is legendary but the man wielding it."he answered

"I guess , you are right" Perseus said and nodded in understanding

"Although , I would say that after hearing about your archery skill that maybe you are ready to wield a certain bow in my possession" he said with a knowing smile

"An apt birthday present, I guess" came the voice of Arcturus black who was standing a few meters away from them.

"Yes grandfather " Perseus replied

"Shall we go inside the manor Perseus, freshen up then we will go to daigon ally after breakfast, to get you a wand and then in the evening we will celebrate your birthday with your grandmother casseopia " said Arcturus.

"Yes grandfather, my own wand, finally, no offence, but this wand "he said raising his wand, "it feels somehow off" he said cheerily

"I must go to Oceania my lord, I have been away for long time now" Alistair said to which Arcturus nodded and then both men made their way towards the manor from the training arena.

Perseus and Arcturus flooed to the leaky cauldron .although harry would have preferred to apparate straight into the middle of diagon alley, Arcturus would not hear of it. The man was adamant that Perseus was too young to apparate . After Perseus heard that statement, he had to fight hard not to roll his eyes.

The leaky cauldron was just as Perseus had remembered it to be. There were a couple of witches gossiping quietly at a corner. A family of four was seated at a table and was having one of tom's famous shepherd pies for lunch. A group of wizards at another side were playing cards quite boisterously and making a lot of noise in general, there were a few shady individuals seated in the corner of the tavern talking amongst themselves, three hags laughing at what he assumed to be an extremely funny joke.

"Now, here we are", Arcturus said as they entered the dusty courtyard that led to diagon alley. "right, it was three up, two across and here we are, Perseus", Arcturus said as the brinks melted away into air and diagon alley emerged. Perseus grinned and followed Arcturus into the alley all the while his eyes moving.

He also passed some apothecary with a sign saying 'sale on grindylow slime, 17 sickles a pound' with a weirdly dressed – even for a witch – old woman smiling at people walking by her shop with a large toothless smile. She'd probably get more customers if she stayed in her shop instead of scaring people off before they even entered like she did.

Further down the alley, he passed a store that had all sorts of people crowding around it looking at the latest racing brooms and quidditch supplies. Most of the children seemed to be looking on, with stars in their eyes, at the magical photos of quidditch stars performing various aerial tricks and acrobatics on their brooms. The one on display at the moment was albert shearer, the legendary english seeker.

"Where are we going first grandfather?" asked Perseus, trying not to sound like a kid in a candy store, though Arcturus still found his behavior amusing.

"Relax Perseus, we'll get your wand soon," the man assured him with an amused chuckle, "but first, we need to get some gold from the family vault to pay for all your supplies. And also to put back your current wand back in the vault".

Purseus nodded shortly as they entered the white marble halls of gringotts. As they were about to pass through the main entrance of gringotts, harry noticed a plaque with a small message to all who entered the building, an ominous message at that:

Enter, stranger, but take heed

of what awaits the sin of greed

for those who take, but do not earn,

must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

a treasure that was never yours,

thief, you have been warned, beware

of finding more than treasure there.

When looked on from the alley, the bank towered over the other shops in the alley with its snowy white façade and bronze guarded entrance. Gringotts vaults were buried deep below its main hall, accessed only by the bumpy, speedy cart rides through deep underground caverns which could only be worked by a gringotts goblin. There were few safer places in Britain other than gringotts bank.

The two however didn't line up in a queue of any counter, they moved towards towards another counter and upon reaching there the goblin got up from his char and greeted them.

"Good morning lord black" said the goblin.

"Good morning , master goblin

"I have a meeting scheduled with the account manager grimlock" the lord black said in a tone befitting a lord.

"Yes, lord black, please follow me" said the goblin as he lead them in front of another room and knocked on the door.

"Who is it" came a voice from inside.

"Its lord black , account manager grimlock" replied the goblin.

"Let them in ".

The goblin opened the door and lead us inside the office, the goblin sitting behind the table stood up to greet the arrivals as he said" good morning lord black, Mr. Black , please take a seat".

"Thank you grimlock" he said in gobbledegook .

Shock was evident on the aged goblin's face, "you speak gobbledegook, Mr. Black".

"Not fluently but yes" he replied in gobbledegook.

"Most interesting" he said in english while looking at Arcturus.

"My heir is well versed in many languages, gobbledegook being one of them, " Arcturus answered to the goblin's unasked question.

"Hmmm so lord black, the papers you asked me to draw, to name Mr. Black as the heir of the most noble and ancient house of black and to set up a trust vault under his name with the principal amount of 10,000 galleons with the transfer of 1000 galleons every month from the family vault "said grimlock handing Arcturus a stack of parchments.

"What, what's going on, grandfather, what heir?"asked harry, witnessing this unexpected event.

"You are already the heir of house of black, this is just to make it official, also I thought it would be a suitable birthday gift "he said as he signed at the bottom of the parchment in red ink and beckoned me to do the same.

Perseus took the quill and was about to sign when he felt something in his palm, and suddenly he realized what I was holding in my hand.

"Blood quill "Perseus asked looking accusingly at the goblin.

"Gringrotts's policy, Mr. Black, " he said, "so that no one can claim fraud latter on and contest your position "he finished.

Satisfied, Perseus signed with his own blood, quite literally . The account manager then offered me a golden key and a ring.

"Key to vault 777, and the signet ring for the heir of the most noble and ancient house of black" he explained.

Perseus took the ring and put it on his ring finger of his left hand and took the key from grimlock.

"Thank you grandfather " Perseus said ,"this means a lot to me"he finished with unshed tears in his eyes, tears of mirth .

"No need to thank me , my boy" he said as he handed him a small pouch," it's a moleskin pouch, with and extension charm, go to your vault and get some gold, we have to do some shopping after all" he finished with a warm smile on his face.

Once finished with their task they emerged from the bank. "I'd suggest we get something to eat seeing that it's already lunch time. . ." Arcturus suggested casually, grinning as Perseus glared – hard – at him, "but I guess we can get your wand so you can stop glaring at me like a spoilt five year old child," he finished with a chuckle.

Perseus was already scurrying off towards ollivander's leaving an irritated lord black in his wake who was forced to follow his charge's trail.

As soon as Perseus entered the shop, there was a tinkle of a bell from above indicating to whoever owned the store that they had a customer. Not surprisingly though, the small dusty shop was empty currently, considering it was still January, as most children got their wand after getting there hogwarts letter. Oh well, he wasn't going to complain, it just meant he could get his wand sooner.

"Who are you boy, I do not recognize you" a voice said from behind him, startling him somewhat. Spinning on his heel, he turned to see what he thought to be the wizarding version of Albert Einstein peering at him through his spectacles with interest, "if I were to hazard a guess, I would put my money on you being a black".

"And you would be correct in your assumption sir" replied Perseus.

" Aah a black who is polite and respectful, "said the aged wizard ," a rare combination indeed, here to get your wand eh?".

Perseus looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "what , a wand, no, I just like to spend my time in the company of weird old people" he replied .

"Ohh so much for being polite "said the wand-maker in fake remorse.

"Lets fix u a wand then shall we, which is your wand arm then?" asked the wand maker, pulling a tape measure out of his pocket and allowing it to float mid air as it took the most obscure, and in his opinion, pointless measurements imaginable. Perseus just wanted his wand as quickly as possible, so he went with it, not caring either way.

"I'm ambidextrous," he answered, but he got the feeling that ollivander wasn't listening as he had just dismissed the answer and went out back to bring out a few boxes, of what he correctly assumed, held wands.

"Try this first, 13 inches, unicorn hair from a rather arrogant male unicorn, robust and good for defense charms," he said, handing him a brown wand which immediately, however, it almost burnt his hand right off as soon as he touched it "nope, not that one either, it seems the unicorn passed off its arrogance to his hairs as well. . .".

"Nope, not that one," ollivander said, snatching the wand right out of his hand and returning it to its box, "try this one, 11 ¼ inches, dragon heartstring core from a, good for finesse and skilled spell casting," he explained, handing the wand to Perseus, which upon having contact with it, gave him goosebumps.

Fishing out another wand from the back, ollivander had a smile on his face as he handed it to the boy "This one should do it, 12 inches, dragon heartstring core from a particularly fierce Hungarian horntail, excellent for battle magic and charms" this one sounded interesting to Perseus, so, taking it in his hand and hoping for the best, he prepared to swish it only for a large number of shelves to burst open and release their contents around him in a wild display of chaotic magic.

Ollivander frowned as he took the wand back and went to get some more boxes; it was also at that moment that lord black decided to enter the store.

"Aah hello Arcturus , its good to see you after such a long time,how have you been, you have gotten old" he said all at once

"Hello Garrick, , it's good to see you too and I am not the only one to be touched by old age "replied Arcturus." now how about we get to business where you fix young Perseus a wand".

"I've already tried three, but none of them are right apparently. . ." Perseus trailed off as ollivander came out with an armful of wand boxes. Arcturus got the idea that they would be here for a while.

Perseus couldn't believe this, he had to have tried at least every wand in the damn shop, the last one ollivander was sure would have worked for him – some holly and phoenix feather wand, but it was not to be, that one too left him feeling empty.

"How can this be garrick, how come no wand was matched for Perseus" asked acturus.

"Hmm I can't think of any reason as …" he stopped speaking suddenly and looked at harry with extreme concentration," aaha, no wonder these wands didn't choose you Mr. Black, for no normal wand will be able to bond with a nullifier".

This shocked Perseus as well as Arcturus ,' how did he know that Perseus is a nullifier'. And his mind went back to the conversation he had with his cousin dorea a long time ago.


"How are you dorea , and I hear congratulations are in order , grandmother" said Arcturus as he he released dorea from embrace.

"I am doing great, Arcturus, and thank you, harry is a very beautiful baby boy " she replied," although you will be pleased to know that most of his features are that of a black, except his eyes, they are exact replica of lily's, "she finished.

"Good ,then what ails you cousin" asked Arcturus, obviously able to see her worries despite her trying to mask it.

"Harry " she replied.

This confused Arcturus,"what about your grandson, dorea" he asked.

"What do you know about 'nullifiers" she asked.

Now this confused him, "why are you asking about it" he asked but she gave him a pleading look so he continued, " I doubt I would know anymore about this topic than you already do, nullifiers , basically they have the power to absorb magic ,but there are two types of nullifiers, siphoners , they can absorm magic from anything, be it a spell, magical object or even a witch or wizard, but that is temporarily and siphoners don't have a magical core of their own "he finished.

"Then there are the 'praesidium' basically they have a invisible magical armour around their body to protect them from attacks, when a praesidium is angry or if the degree of the attack if high, their armour can become visible, giving a very bright aura to them, their invisible armour can be compared to the sun, anything that goes near it, it burns out of existence even before it reaches sun. And they have a magical core of their own, from what I have read they are immune to mental attacks as the probe of any legilimens will just burn out before it even reaches the mind. Same is true for most of the spells. Achilles, the hero of trojan war was a praesidium, a very strong one at that even physical attacks could not hurt him although like siphoners they cannot absorb magic from anything. "he finished.

Dorea just sat there listening to his explanation trying to comprehend everything he was saying.

"So which description fits your grandson" he asked.

"I do not know, all I know is that no spell has any effect on him, every diagnostic spell came back without a result".

"We will just have to wait and watch then".

-flashback ends—

"What do you know about a nullifier , Garrick" asked Arcturus.

"Well first of all if one is a siphoner , a wand, or any magical foci , will never work for them, as for a praesidium, as is in the case of young Mr. Black, no wand will work for him until he bonds with it "replied the wand maker, "it's a magical ability just like metamorpmagus or an elemental ".

"So how will I acquire a wand "asked Perseus.

"Well to be honest Mr. Black, you will have to get a wand crafted for you, and it has to be bonded to your blood, but alas the ministry does not permit personalized wands and I -".

"Oh shush, don't worry about ministry's restriction, I will handle them, and if you wish for it I will even get you a permit to do it once" said the black lord.

"That is not the only problem, Arcturus, for I do not have that much knowledge or experience to create such a wand, we will have to seek someone else".

"You are the best wand maker in Europe Garrick, who could know more about wands then you" asked Arcturus.

"Well who else, but my grandfather "he replied, as if it should be an obvious fact.

"What, your grandfather, he still kickin" Perseus asked.

"Perseus"Arcturus scolds him, "behave, Mr. Silas ollivander is a very old and respected wizard, the wand you were using till now, was also one of his ".

"Sorry, grandfather, sorry Mr. Ollivander , I didn't mean it like that, I was just surprised "Perseus apologized .

"Ohh no need to apologize Mr. Black, and he is still as you just said it, kickin' it, he is just retired, he spends his time in his house along the cardigan bay, in wales, but I am sure he will come out of retirement for just this once, we can go now if you wish to."

"If it's not too much trouble, Garrick " said Arcturus.

"Oh no trouble at all" he said as he motioned us to exit the shop and followed us outside, "it's not every day you see a curious case like this one." he said as he waved his wand and the shop was shut closed.

"Very well then, hold onto my arms" ollivander said and they complied and instantly after what felt like being squeezed through a tube and finally after a second everything stopped spinning and it took Perseus a minute regain my composure , then his senses were greeted by salty air coming from the bay behind them.

A few meters in front of them was a moderate sized cottage surrounded by the mountains on one side and facing the cardigan bay, a few meters away from the cottage was what appeared to be a furnace of sort.

The trio approached the cottage and Mr. Ollivender knocked on the door and a few seconds later we were greeted by a wizard.

Now if one was to consider Mr. Ollivander an old man , then according to Perseus there was only one way to describe his grandfather; ancient,prehistoric . He was a tall ,slender, his silver hair and beard were so long it could have been used to play tug-o- war .the antediluvian man greeted his grandson with a hug and lord black with a warm smile and handshake as he invited them in.

As they were seated in a comfortable living room , Mr olivander senior, much much senior, asked the reason for this abrupt visit and it was then Mr. Ollivander recalled the entire story.

He then looked at me, his blue ancient eyes looked at me with excitement and curiosity perhaps and then he said," I would have loved to craft a wand for you , child I have both the knowledge as well as the materials to do so".

"I sense a 'but' coming ahead , sir", Perseus said. Trying to hide his disappointment and failing miserably at the task.

"yes, but I cannot ", before Perseus could respond, he continued ," it's not because I don't want to, on the contrary I want more than anything to create a masterpiece like that but for the bond to be forged between a praesidium and his wand, the praesidium has to craft the wand himself,. Only then will the wand accept you and only then will your magic accept the wand".

Despite listening to him and understanding the logic behind his refusal, it didn't lessen the disappointment. But then something clicked inside him ,' I have searched through Voldemort's entire knowledge and experience, which was extensive and could fill an entire library the size of black mansion, there was hardly any snippets about wand crafting', and Perseus knew what he have to request of the ancient wand maker in front of him.

"Teach me", the words were out of my mouth before he knew it.

"What" both Mr. Garrick ollivander and Arcturus asked in unison.

The ancient wand maker looked at me with sorrow in his eyes, "I am afraid I cannot do that either".

Now Perseus was getting irritated, but he maintained his composure, "I will be a good student, I will do anything you would ask of me, I can do it , I can learn the art of wand crafting "he said in a rush.

"Oh I know you can, you are the most powerful wizard in this room, but it is not about your ability to learn which I am sure is quite capacious "he replied calmly.

"Then what, what is it, why can't you teach me" Perseus asked.

"Because I follow the old rules, traditions if you must, for me to teach you I will have to take you as an apprentice, and as a mentor it would be my duty to teach you everything I know".

"Then what's the problem, I will learn everything" he countered.

"What grandfather is trying to say Mr. Black , is that he is not just a master wand maker but also a master of weapon forging , he was the only one in the entire history who learnt the art of forging magical weapons from the goblins back in his days".

Ohhh realization dawned upon him, for a minute nobody spoke, everyone looked at Perseus, he looked at the ancient wizard in front of him and said, '"then I must definitely learn from you, please take me as your apprentice and teach me , I promise you, one day you will be proud to call me your student".

"Very well then if your guardian would allow it" he said , giving a pointed look at Arcturus.

"Perseus , what about Hogwarts? , the term starts in 7 months" he asked looking at me.

"I can't go to Hogwarts without a wand, can I ?"Perseus said.

"very well then, but you do realize you will not be able to see me till your apprenticeship is over" he said .

Ohh this was new to him, he looked at the oldest wizard in the room.

"Yes, lord black is indeed correct" he answered Perseus's unasked question.

"But I think you should do it, Perseus, it will aid you greatly" the lord said.

"Thank you grandfather, " Perseus said as he reached over to him and engulfed him in a hug.

He then looked at his new mentor and asked" so when do we start, tomorrow?"

"Why tomorrow, we start now" he said.

Thank Merlin; this has turned out to be his best birthday ever.

On the other side of the country, lily potter was having the worst birthday ever, ever since she woke up from her coma and was told about her eldest son and how later everyone believed him to be dead, a part of her had died. She loved both her children but she guess she had a special bond with harry , not only because he was her first born but maybe also because they both shared the same birth dates , she wept looking at the barely visible sun, thinking about her long lost son . Then James stepped out on the balcony and tried to comfort his wife.

"I am so sorry lily, but it's been so long and everything points to one thing only" he said looking at his wife he continued," as much as it hurts me to admit it, our harry is gone, he is d- ".

"Don't you dare say it, my harry is alive "she said her sadness now accompanied by rage as she spoke," he is alive I know it, I can feel it, a mother can always feel it James and one day I will find him" a four month pregnant lily potter said as she put her hands on her swollen belly" a mother always knows".