
The Reimagining of the Bow Hero

Satoshi Sera, a prodigious law student, is summoned to the tumultuous world of Shield Hero. Brace yourself as he establishes democracy in a northern country and introduces modern industrialization and sweeping reforms! With catastrophic waves striking, gargantuan beasts awakening, and dangerous foes emerging, the only way for the small countries to survive is to unite. And who better to lead this new Confederation than the Bow Hero! (The Rising of the Shield Hero Fanfiction, Replacing the Bow Hero)

Alexanderctn · 漫画同人
56 Chs

Chapter 7 - Out and About

The Reimagining of the Bow Hero

Chapter 7 – Out and About

Author's Note: None again!

Naofumi and I crossed the drawbridge connecting the castle to the town. Without doubt, this world and my world were nothing alike.

It looked like a medieval city straight out of a fairy tale, but with some crucial differences. There were cobblestone roads, merchants lining the roads and neatly lined up brick houses, like usual, but there were unusual beast hauling carts around, and people performing magic in booths around the road.

"Naofumi," I said. "I think that we should buy some supplies, maybe get you a set of chainmail, and then go grab a bite."

"Sounds good!" Naofumi replied.

We proceeded to wander through the town, the delicious smell of exotic foods wafting into our noses. After a short while, we saw what appeared to be a blacksmith's shop sitting on the street corner.

"This is a good store." Naofumi' s companion indicated. "We can get some good gear from here."

I took a quick look at the shop through the open door. There were countless weapons of different types hanging from the walls and sets of armor and other supplies for adventurers.

"Welcome to my humble shop," the weapon shop owner said. "How may I serve you today?"

"Hello," I said assertively as to appear more experienced. "I am just here to browse your selection of high-quality equipment."

"Go ahead." The shop owner said.

My party began browsing the shelves, and I went to look at the different sets of armor they had available. One advantage of my legendary bow was that I didn't have to buy any weapons for myself, which saved money.

After conversing to the shop owner, Naofumi and his companion followed the shop owner as he began demonstrating his merchandise.

I stood next to the armor section and periodically shot a glance at what they were doing, while pondering which armor set to pick. If I didn't like any of them, I could always buy a set somewhere else.

Suddenly, I heard a "twang" as an iron sword flew out of Naofumi' s hand and directly into the ground.

Strange, does this confirm that we can only equip one weapon?

Another "twang" ensued as Naofumi tried to pick up the sword lodged in the floor.

Unable to hold back my curiosity, I walked up to them and asked: "Can I also have a try?"

"Sure." The shop owner answered in bewilderment.

An electric shock ran up my arm as I jolted backwards.

An error message appeared within my field of vision.

"Legendary Weapon specification: a weapon besides the Legendary Weapon was held, breaking the rule."

I guess I would be stuck with this bow for the rest of my journey then.

That wasn't too bad, I was never a DPS player anyways. Besides, not being near the front lines meant that I had a smaller chance of getting myself killed.

Naofumi ended up purchasing a set of chainmail armor. I also bought a light breastplate with leather straps for 50 silver. It wasn't of the highest quality, but I was planning to pawn it as soon as I got something stronger. How nice of the shop owner to also throw in some inner-wear along with it as well.

As we walked out of the store, I delivered a proposal to Naofumi.

"Do you want to go buy some rations, hit the pharmacy, and then go test out our new gear!"

"I don't need any more supplies right now, but I'm more than willing to go out grinding for XP! Just let me go back to the castle and rest for a bit. See you out in the fields in two hours!"

After walking around town and hitting up a pharmacy and a general store, I returned to the castle with a wheelbarrow full of items and a lighter wallet. My party members were also huffing and puffing as they hauled the rest of the items behind me.

Immediately after setting our stuff down in our room, I grabbed my group and dragged them out of the castle, through the busy streets and onto the mossy cobblestone paths branching out from the town.

There, I found Naofumi desperately trying to kill a single round monster, but without avail.

"Yo," I whispered to Welst. "What is that thing he's trying to kill?"

"Oh, that?" Welst replied. "That's just an orange balloon, the easiest monster to kill in the world."

I drew my bow, aimed it at one of the balloons, and released.

After killing it, I walked towards its carcass. As soon as I got close enough, my bow began to make a noise. Afterwards, the bow absorbed the dead balloon into itself.

Orange Balloon acquired.

Without further ado, my group and I started systemically eradicating every balloon in sight. Arrow after arrow, the supply practically endless due to my magic.

Level up.

Level up.

Level up.

Level up a few more times.

After a short while, I was already at level 9. Ren and I were eliminating multiple balloons at once, while poor Naofumi had barely managed to kill one.

I walked up to Naofumi.

"Oi, Naofumi, guess you're not having very good luck with these balloons."

"Sadly, yeah. My shield gives me super high defense, but in return my attack is abysmal."

I pulled Naofumi to the side.

"Naofumi, do you want to get up super early tomorrow morning and come out here to grind even more? I'll help you out, so that you won't fall too far behind the other heroes."

"That'd be great!" Naofumi exclaimed. "Thank you so much for your help!"

"No problem." I responded. "Well, better go back to the Castle and get some rest. Come here before the break of dawn, and don't bring anyone with you. It will just be bro bonding time for the two of us."

After that, we all decided to call it a day and began walking back to Castle Town, the nation's capital.

Chapter 8 out tomorrow!