
Chapter 105 - Princess On The Roadside

Now the Voxprime palace became bustling with the sounds of crying and laughter from Derion. From the baby. Even though there was only one baby, all the maids felt they had an important role to play for Derion.

Ivy's part was just to put him to bed and nurse him and occasionally play with him. The one spending less time with Derion was Theodoric. He didn't even really care about Derion. Because for him, a child, let alone a son, should not be pampered. He had been through it himself with his doting mother, and Theodoric didn't want that to happen to Derion.

The sad feeling when Theodoric didn't really care about Derion, Ivy felt every day. She always asked Theodoric to at least pay attention to Derion, but he only did the basics and then focused on the troops he had formed in preparation for the unexpected.